Wednesday, November 4th 2015

NVIDIA Coming Around to Vulkan Support
NVIDIA is preparing to add support for Vulkan, the upcoming 3D graphics API by Khronos, and successor to OpenGL, to its feature-set. The company's upcoming GeForce 358.66 series driver will introduce support for Vulkan. What makes matters particularly interesting is the API itself. Vulkan is heavily based on AMD's Mantle API, which the company gracefully retired in favor of DirectX 12, and committed its code to Khronos. The 358 series drivers also reportedly feature function declarations in their CUDA code for upcoming NVIDIA GPU architectures, such as Pascal and Volta.
41 Comments on NVIDIA Coming Around to Vulkan Support
and here at 25 June 2015
And Finaly the AMD SITE
- Take advantage of full support for DirectX® 12, Vulkan™, OpenGL® 4.5 and Mantle.6,7,8
So yes @Ubersonic They ARE just coming around to itDon't Have a R9 or any program or game that requires any of the above but i'm sure other members can chime in and confirm this is So
I'm sure AMD will release drivers for Vulkan to run on all cards that support Mantle when it is closer to finalized. Vulkan is supposedly going to run on cards all the way back to OpenGL 3.# but I doubt it will have the Mantle-esque performance boost on non-Mantle cards.
And why am I harping about a Vulkan-ready WHQL Catalyst? Simply because without a driver you cannot do anything with a hardware capability like Vulkan. Of course even if you have a capable hardware + a capable driver, you will still need some games, so ...... :)
Vulcan support driver has been available only in Closed beta for linux OS - but than again, as you said there is no application that supports Vulkan api right now, hence there is no need of rush. Plus since there is no application, whats with the race anyway ? I would rather have them concentrate on performance increase and bug fix for games that are available.
Btw - the first crimson based driver will be WHQL.
I hate these sort of green vs red battles and the whole drama surrounding it gets boring very quickly.
Looking forward to Arctic Island and Pascal reviews. Only then I will judge what side to take (for the duration of that gpu generation).
"AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition Driver "
Simple yes/no, if, and, or logic dictates.
Is application available to test support with? (NO) Logic end..... no further discussion necessary.
So really, its like a car company saying their car supports Road 2.0, but there are no 2.0 roads, so they can talk out their ass all they want for PR.
Much like Nvidia tooted their horn about supporting a higher standard of DX12 features, yet oops, one of the larger improvements for DX12 and they have to simulate hardware in software.... their supposed WHQL support means jack shit until we have applications to use with it. Don't get me wrong, AMD is in a world of hurt and has a track record still on the edge of unbelievable for their vaporware or payware third party shit. But this whole thing is nothing more than the standard PR spin that advertising assholes get paid to come up with at either camp.
If you visit this mini-site, you'll find out that NVIDIA, Valve, PowerVR, and other companies already has "something" that includes Vulkan.
Valve even showed that they already have a working Linux driver that run Dota 2 on Vulkan with Intel GPU.
But I don't know, maybe because AMD already know Mantle really well they don't need to develop something new for Vulkan. Let's wait until Vulkan become more mature and experiencing higher adoption and implementation rate.