Monday, March 28th 2016

NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 364.72 WHQL Game Ready Driver
NVIDIA released its latest "Game Ready" driver in wake of the latest AAA game launches. Version 364.72 WHQL comes "game ready" for Dark Souls III, Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, and Paragon. It also comes with optimizations for VR headsets such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive; for some of the earliest big VR-ready titles, such as EVE: Valkyrie, Elite Dangerous, and Chronos.DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 364.72 WHQL for Windows 10 64-bit | Windows 10 32-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit
33 Comments on NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 364.72 WHQL Game Ready Driver
Just kidding! Your rants on new drivers always make me laugh.
First time I've ever had cause for concern about upgrading NV drivers. :(
Another annoying thing about the Nvidia driver i found out yesterday is that it stores 5.5GB worth of older drivers in
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2 and in several C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_neutral_xxxx folders. Maybe one of them is the current one but 5GB+ on a SSD is a little to much. I'll try a clean install to free up that space and suffer the horror of rearranging 130 icons.
I still don't like how long it takes before the "Manage 3D Settings" drop down boxes become active so one can actually start to modify settings. >.>
Nothing helps. :*(
In the meanwhile I might check out what their control panel is parsing at that point using disk monitoring tools. I'm curious how a multi-billion company can't be bothered to fix something as basic as control panel that is the very foundation to even properly utilize their hardware.
This is the arbiter in KI.
Works fine on my system, no reported errors or problems with install.
About that delay in the control panel. Are you referring to the delay when choosing the "Manage 3D settings" panel? With a SSD that takes 4 seconds with all games installed on a separate mechanical drive.
So is 364.72 okay, or are we in need of a hot fix follow-up?