Tuesday, March 29th 2016

AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2
AMD made its second release of Radeon Software Crimson Edition for March 2016, with version 16.3.2. The new drivers come with official support for the two popular VR headsets, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. It also adds support for the recently announced Radeon Pro Duo dual-GPU graphics card. The drivers improve CrossFire performance for "Hitman (2016)" in DirectX 11 mode, and "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture." It also fixes critical bugs related to the Radeon R9 Fury, which saw display corruption on system idle mode; and XCOM 2 stuttering.DOWNLOAD: AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2 for Windows 10 64-bit | Windows 10 32-bit | Windows 8.1 64-bit | Windows 8.1 32-bit | Windows 7 64-bit | Windows 7 32-bit
23 Comments on AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2
- The Division may experience flickering in AMD Crossfire mode.
Really AMD...STILL!?!Come on now people, gawd.
But yeah for a high profile game like this I find it highly unprofessional of AMD to not have fixed this especially when releasing a new version driver.
Its really treating its best customers (those that buy 2 of their cards) as second rate citizens.
On the note of this driver: It fixed a minor problem I was having with 16.3.1...crossfire in NFS16 was completely botched in that release, and then disabling led to the discovery that it also broke Freesync in the title. This driver release fixed the Freesync issue, but Crossfire is still a complete stuttering disaster, though a single card is smooth as butter.
With this in mind, I am not holding my breath and just enjoying today's experience without paying premiums to get just a taste of what it will be like. This is how technology has always worked since I have started following it and being a consumer whore just as much as the next guy.
990FX (CHV Formula).
Anyone who knows what's going on?
There's only so much they can do to to fix issues for (probably) the smallest percentage of users, if the software is not cooperating.
The best customers are not the ones running dual GPUs, it's the ones who buy a new one every six months :-)
At amd community site marked as whql
It implies they are aware of a flaw they are working on fixing, if it was not on their end then there would be no need to mention it as their drivers would be perfect.
And what about the customers that buy 2 GPU's every six months? ;)
I tried to install them manually but I can't.