Monday, May 2nd 2016

AMD Radeon R9 480 (non-X) Performs Close to R9 390X
In all the 16 nm NVIDIA "Pascal" GPU fervor, it would be foolish to ignore AMD's first "Polaris" GPUs, built on the more advanced 14 nm process. Hot on the heels of reports that a fully-equipped "Ellesmere" GPU based Radeon R9 490 performs close to NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980 Ti (and AMD's own R9 Fury X), with nearly half its power-draw, new numbers from an early GFXBench run suggests that its cut-down R9 480 (non-X) sibling performs close to the Radeon R9 390X. The R9 480 succeeds the currently-$200 R9 380, and its prospect of offering performance rivaling the $400 R9 390X at half its power-draw appears to meet AMD's "generational leap" claims for the "Polaris" architecture. Similarly, the R9 490, based on a better-endowed "Ellesmere" chip, offering performance rivaling current $600 GPUs at a $350-ish price-point (succeeding the R9 390), appears to meet expectations of a generation leap.
31 Comments on AMD Radeon R9 480 (non-X) Performs Close to R9 390X
EDIT: Change that to semi-busted. I tried it a dozen or so times before it finally worked.
R9-490 rivalling 600$ GPU? wait, it could rivale my 980? :laugh: I know i know he talk about 980Ti and Fury X (which are above 700chf/740$ for me ) well were i am a 980 is 620chf/655$ :laugh: (only counting "in stock" model )
gotta love pricing depending on the country ... mind you ... not all Swiss are working in a bank and crawl into a pool of 1000chf note :D
Would also question how look at gtx 980 and 980 ti, both cards run about indentical numbers so would tell me the tests they used are worthless since if 980 push's same fps as a 980ti when there should be least 20-30% gap. 980ti does 60fps but a titan X which is SAME gpu does 209fps. yea there is something wrong with that.
The only reason someone would run this benchmark against a desktop graphics card is to get artificial performance numbers to generate hype, which is something that's never happened with AMD cards before.
tl;dr Don't even take these numbers with a pinch of salt - ignore them completely. They're BS.
R9 480 as its claimed to be vs gtx980ti
Not much better vs gtx 980
That is looking at Offscreen numbers but as you someone said these benchmarks are worthless since graphic's look like ~2000-2004 graphic's.
if you ignore Vsync - it is not close, at all.
if you want a fair comperison in GFX, take the R9 380.
2. How do you know cut down Polaris 10 (67DF) is going to be named 480? Source?
3. "R9 480 (non-X) sibling performs close to the Radeon R9 390X." Have you looked at the benchmark numbers?! 67DF has 60% performance of the 390X. Real power is shown at off-screen scores, not locked to 60 fps.
4. "GPUs at a $350-ish price-point". Do you have a source for this? If not, please state it's just your own speculation. :)
5. Please stick to proper journalism (based on facts and source checking and speculation disclaimer when it takes place) and don't turn into a 3rd class technology site where speculation is presented as facts.
"WCCF is skyrocketing its user base. Let's do what they do!!!!"
Unless of course the new cards run OpenGL way better and that scenario listed is the only scenario showing its might. If that is the case, then we really need to wait it out and see for ourselves.
I'd really like to see how my 280X scores for comparison. But I've been screwed before. So unless someone can tell me it's seemingly harmless based on personal user experience...I'm not going any further with it.
EDIT: DERP! Already been done. You guys do know you can compare it to Nvidia cards right? Not that I'd give a shit. Because I don't buy their overpriced crap anyways.
And yes, 280X actually scores higher in some tests. LMFAO!!!
This days the only thing i read half power this lower power that, etc. I think that's good and all but i've been waiting like almost 3 years to replace my $250 R9 280X and even with this new polaris i won't see a huge jump in perf......i expected at least fury x performance for 300 bucks like it normally was when the new generation midrange performed equally or better than previous gen highend.