Thursday, May 12th 2016

NVIDIA to Focus on 2-way SLI with GeForce "Pascal"
At its GeForce GTX 1080 launch event, NVIDIA is said to have told the press that with its GeForce "Pascal" series, the company will focus on 2-way SLI "for maximum performance," implying an uncertain future for 3-way and 4-way SLI. The company's new SLI HB bridge introduced with the GTX 1080, enables higher bandwidth between two graphics cards in SLI, letting them more reliably render games at high resolutions. On the downside, this new bridge occupies both SLI contact points on each card, in 2-way SLI.
It might still be possible to do 3-way and 4-way SLI using a classic 3-way or 4-way bridge included with your motherboard. You'd be at the mercy of applications somehow being able to take advantage of 3-4 GPUs, NVIDIA on its part, will likely only optimize its drivers for 2-way SLI. The knight in shining armour here is DirectX 12 native multi-GPU, which doesn't care how many GPUs you're using, or if they're even the same kind (as long as the GPUs and the app support Direct3D 12).
TechofTomorrow (YouTube)
It might still be possible to do 3-way and 4-way SLI using a classic 3-way or 4-way bridge included with your motherboard. You'd be at the mercy of applications somehow being able to take advantage of 3-4 GPUs, NVIDIA on its part, will likely only optimize its drivers for 2-way SLI. The knight in shining armour here is DirectX 12 native multi-GPU, which doesn't care how many GPUs you're using, or if they're even the same kind (as long as the GPUs and the app support Direct3D 12).
63 Comments on NVIDIA to Focus on 2-way SLI with GeForce "Pascal"
Notable mention:
All they've done here is slightly improve the current architecture with bigger bandwidth.
@btarunr If you're able to find that article that would be really helpful.
i dont know exactly why but i guess at some kind cross chatter between the two cables.. but ether way it didnt work that well.. he he
way back in the day the idea with multiple cards was a simple one.. start off with one and then as need or finance permits add more cards.. a very good idea that in practise didnt work out as intended.. :)
-removed support for 3 and 4 gpu sli configurations to improve compatibility between supported operating systems.
Yes, i'm making fun of nvidia which removed in one of linux drivers support for more than 3 displays.
I'd be nice if nVidia would just send you one for free, or extremely cheap like $5, if you provide proof of buying two 1080/1070 cards.
"Radeon No Longer Supports C-F above 2-Way for Polaris; Kaput and Abandoned, Suspect sustaining on Previous Cards"
But here for Nvidia it's spun as a positive! Almost advertisement for a probably $50 widget, that RGT figured out how to do away with.
I suspect, however, the future of SLI is in each card producing an image for an eye on VR setups.