NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB is a little more than a variant of last month's GTX 1060 with half the memory. The SKU is positioned to compete with the Radeon RX 480 4 GB, at a price-point close to $200, and is expected to feature fewer CUDA cores. NVIDIA could even have a crack at $199. While the 6 GB variant launched last month features 1,280 CUDA cores spread across 10 streaming multiprocessors (SM), the 3 GB variant will feature 1,152 CUDA cores across 9 SM. This could also lower the TMU count from 80 to 72. The clock speeds appear to be unchanged, with the GPU core being clocked at 1506 MHz, with 1709 MHz GPU Boost, and 8 GHz (GDDR5-effective) memory, churning up 192 GB/s of memory bandwidth.
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