Wednesday, August 24th 2016

NVIDIA Ansel Post-FX Based on Stolen MasterEffect ReShade.fx Code?
Game modder Marty McFly Modding accused NVIDIA of stealing their post-processing shaders for Ansel without authorization or credit. Ansel, NVIDIA's pioneering "in-game photography" tech, which lets you take artistic stills (2D and VR) of your games, gives you additional post-processing tools, to let you enhance your shot. Some of these post-processing shaders, Marty McFly Modding alleges, was copied verbatim by the people behind NVIDIA Ansel, without even a third-party credit.
Marty McFly Modding stated on their Facebook page that "Its (Ansel's) custom.fx contains almost 1:1 the colormod pass with my original descriptions. Same for the other files, where many variable names, code, comments and defines match MasterEffect code, also my 1D gausian blur solution, 1:1, just DX11 ported. There may be even more Framework code in it, I just recognized my own code, there might be SweetFX/other code in it as well. While it's an honour to be apprechiated by such a big company, they could at least drop some credits like we do."Some of the followers of Marty McFly Modding, commenting on the post, urged them to sue NVIDIA for IP violation, as the developer stated that the code has the corresponding headers clearing defining it as property of Marty McFly Modding. "Like another ReShade Framework contributor said, 'if we would do the same their legal army would crush down on us immediately.'"
MartyMcFly Modding (Facebook)
Marty McFly Modding stated on their Facebook page that "Its (Ansel's) custom.fx contains almost 1:1 the colormod pass with my original descriptions. Same for the other files, where many variable names, code, comments and defines match MasterEffect code, also my 1D gausian blur solution, 1:1, just DX11 ported. There may be even more Framework code in it, I just recognized my own code, there might be SweetFX/other code in it as well. While it's an honour to be apprechiated by such a big company, they could at least drop some credits like we do."Some of the followers of Marty McFly Modding, commenting on the post, urged them to sue NVIDIA for IP violation, as the developer stated that the code has the corresponding headers clearing defining it as property of Marty McFly Modding. "Like another ReShade Framework contributor said, 'if we would do the same their legal army would crush down on us immediately.'"
62 Comments on NVIDIA Ansel Post-FX Based on Stolen MasterEffect ReShade.fx Code?
I know, that's not how you supose to act on the internet. Sue me.
Nvidia with deep pockets will bury any attempt at litigation with lots of dollars and a legal team comprised of hundreds of Corporate Lawyers.
The Eventual Costs of Legal Action which nvidia will also claim will bankrupt the Developer Marty McFly Modding
As a reshade/sweetfx user this news bothers me a lot.
Never going to happen ( and i ain't a fanboy of either camp)
used Nvidia software
Unless Marty McFly Modding can Prove he had Permission to use Nvidia Software
Nvidia would probably Counter Sue and as said before they got the Lawyers and the mega bucks to win ( in the USA )
The history of news is full of individuals who make wild claims about corporations or accuse someone famous of a crime against them, and then we find out the truth was the little person just wanted fame/notoreity and money.
because I bought 2 pairs of 970s for 1600p gaming only to get nailed by the framebuffer issue.
Had a geforce 6100 that was vista ready back in the day... that didn't get drivers past beta2 ...bidaily bsods. HD2600 fixed that issue.
Got into folding and got 8800gt and 9800gx2 for crunching, but never paid but 1/3rd retail on used cards.
Got a GTX275 used as it was a good 15% faster than my 4870 for gaming... only to see IQ go to shit. Sold it a week later... They eventually fixed the IQ issue losing the performance lead on the 4000 series.
Everytime I give them a chance they fuck it up somehow.
this software rely's on a nvidia Driver to be loaded for card to Work and then for his Software to work
That in Its Self is Enough for American Courts to be Biased in Favour of the Bigger And Deeper Walleted Nvidia in a Counter Sue'ing Situation.
Me personally I would have started this off with a cease and desist letter from a lawyer until they fixed the credit issue as per his EULA.