Tuesday, August 30th 2016

NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 372.70 Game Ready Drivers

NVIDIA today released the GeForce 372.70 WHQL "Game Ready" drivers. These drivers feature day-one optimization for "Battlefield 1" Open Beta, "World of Warcraft: Legion," and "Quantum Break" Steam release (Win32 variant, supports multi-GPU). The drivers also include a DPC fix for multi-GPU machines, building on the fix NVIDIA released for single-GPU machines in the previous release. The drivers also enable NVIDIA Fast Sync for GeForce 900 series "Maxwell" GPUs. Grab the drivers from the links below.
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 372.70 WHQL for Windows 10 64-bit | Windows 10 32-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit
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47 Comments on NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 372.70 Game Ready Drivers

Freshwater Moderator
EarthDogAdaptive Vsync has less than 'regular' (non NVIDIA) vsync.

I had no idea AMD had its own vsync???????????
not sure if you misread something, mistyped something or you're not talking to me.

everyone has vsync? intel, via, SIS, AMD, nvidia?
Posted on Reply
No... I was talking to you, didn't mistype, or misread. :)

NVIDIA has their own vsync with multiple types. I don't think each of those have 'their own' vsync. Just regular old vsync... well maybe AMD has something different than the old 'missionary' vsync? We know NVIDIA does with Adaptive, Fast, etc... I had no idea Intel or SiS did...

If I am mistaking, can you please link me something up to read so I may learn?

Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
right, i get what you meant now.

Nvidias plain old vsync just seems to have more input lag than AMD's plain old vsync.
i was shocked to see 60 FPS drop to 30 when i moved back to Nv, as i'd never seen that happen in years over on the AMD side - yet that is normal for 80% of nvidias Vsync modes.
Posted on Reply
For NVIDIA, just use adaptive. It shuts off below 60 FPS, like AMD's "dynmic vsync'. Otherwise, vsync is vsync if it isn't one of their 'special' ones. I am sure there are some differences in implementation which causes a difference in input lag. When I need it (rare, I just adjust quality settings to get me around 60 FPS so no tearing) I always used adaptive from NVIDIA as there is less (but still some) input lag than the 'regular' vsync.
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Freshwater Moderator
EarthDogFor NVIDIA, just use adaptive. It shuts off below 60 FPS, like AMD's "dynmic vsync'. Otherwise, vsync is vsync if it isn't one of their 'special' ones. I am sure there are some differences in implementation which causes a difference in input lag. When I need it (rare, I just adjust quality settings to get me around 60 FPS so no tearing) I always used adaptive from NVIDIA as there is less (but still some) input lag than the 'regular' vsync.
i dont want above 60 FPS, i dont want tearing. For now i'm running Vsync off with a cap to 58FPS which works fine, it was just a eureka moment to see how Vsync varies between the brands - now i finally get the hatred for vsync and its input lag.
Posted on Reply
Yep, I don't get it either... at least noticeably with my, 'no cap, no vsync' method. I use combinations of the in game settings and resolution scale (for example in BF4/Battlefront) to keep a solid average FPS of around 60. I'm sure there may be a tear here or there, but I don't notice it in FPS games. :)

Anyway, I digress about vsync. :)

Installed these drivers last night and had no issues in BF1!
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Freshwater Moderator
visual anomaly in killing floor 2 server browser - mousing over the text causes some very obvious flicker.

no problems in game, so i consider it minor.
Posted on Reply
I don't game much, but I tried Fast Sync on my 980Ti playing Diablo3 and it really fixed all my issues when going above 144fps. I am using it with a G-sync monitor XB271HU.
Posted on Reply
Or just be nice and give the dude a link WITHOUT the snarky comment since, in all fairness, that driver did come in nearly two days later than NVIDIA's (and subsequently 2 days after a, albeit beta, AAA release). :D
Posted on Reply
P4-630[Fallout 4] Driver regression breaks PitBoy if Ambient Occlusion used. [1800807]
Driver regression ... wow, what a term ... are they saying they have bazillion checks for different fallback methods and one of them happened when it shouldn't? ... If that's the case, that code base must be a hell to read :shadedshu:
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
BiggieShadyDriver regression ... wow, what a term ... are they saying they have bazillion checks for different fallback methods and one of them happened when it shouldn't? ... If that's the case, that code base must be a hell to read :shadedshu:
? it means they reverted the Fo4 profile to one from the last working driver.
Posted on Reply
Mussels? it means they reverted the Fo4 profile to one from the last working driver.
Thanks for the explanation ... I suppose these constant per game driver tweaks through default game profiles for new games are bound to backfire sometimes and mess a profile for prior games ...

I feel I owe an apology to nvidia ... Sorry nvidia, your driver code base is not messy but your game optimization process is probably brute force automated by cycling all driver flags and finding the combination with best frame rate ... the trouble is that when you map your complex driver flag set to simpler profile game settings bitmask, you fuck up and inadvertently switch some driver flag for prior profile game bitmask.
Posted on Reply
Musselswell i just learned one thing with a clean driver install.

nvidias vsync on has more mouse lag than AMD's. Always wondered why people were so opposed to Vsync, now i know why.

Killing floor 2 is my high speed FPS game, played it AMD with vsync on, then Nv with fast vsync - now SLI with vsync on/off... and wow it felt super slow with vsync on, like my mouse movements took twice as long to appear on screen.
MusselsNvidias plain old vsync just seems to have more input lag than AMD's plain old vsync.
i was shocked to see 60 FPS drop to 30 when i moved back to Nv, as i'd never seen that happen in years over on the AMD side - yet that is normal for 80% of nvidias Vsync modes.
things to note...
  • if there is no triple buffering, it will drop to 30, so use d3doverrider if the game lacks the setting (i noticed the amount of unreal3 games that lacked TB increased over the years, yes i'm aware TB is supposed to mean one more frame of lag, yes it definitely affects radeons, i believe the TB setting in nvcp or ccc is only for opengl but it wouldnt hurt enable it there)
  • unreal engine has a frame-thread-lag tweak, maybe that's of interest (very few games expose it outside of the .ini files, dirty bomb has it in its options)
  • nvidia lets you change the direct3d prerendered frames amount, try changing that in your nvcp or use a game engine that lets you (bad company 2?)
  • i dont see an input lag difference between 4870x2 & 570m or 660 (however, vsync before mid 2009 on the x2 was extremely laggy & completely unusable)
  • in my experiments, the engine needs to internally cap itself to the refresh, i have something you need to try, open a source engine game with vsync enabled, compare fps_max 59 to 60 to any large amount like 300 (i cannot vouch for other game engines having an accurate fps cap, i can tell you older dx9 cod & guild wars do NOT, you set it to 59 & it goes to 62, etc)
  • on that note, many people (including pcper or techreport? there are frametime graphs) swear by using RTSS's framerate cap together with vsync as the solution to both input lag AND minimized stutters (i have vague memories of radeonpro users doing the same thing, some of its features work on nvidia)
  • what do you feel when using adaptive vsync? particularly on those demanding titles you have dropping below 60
  • i do not know the effect of different display controllers & standards, i'm always using DVI, so that's one variable i havent felt if it matters
  • i also cant say if SLI adds another frame or more of lag, but you'd think the crossfire i had would have (then again, what if multi gpu on a stick has less lag than multiple cards? not sure anyone's scientifically tested this), are you confirming single gpu nvidia is the same lag?
  • i kind of want to ask how much lag your monitor has, but that's irrelevant if it hasnt changed
  • by the way, when suddenly seeing the 16 or 32ms delay for the first time, of course people will be opposed, that's why it needs to be attempted for a long period... sometimes i feel vsync off is 'too fast' depending on the game, i get this illusion that the screen is moving before my hand
EarthDogOr just be nice and give the dude a link WITHOUT the snarky comment since, in all fairness, that driver did come in nearly two days later than NVIDIA's (and subsequently 2 days after a, albeit beta, AAA release). :D
but saying 'amd always delayed' IS snarky, there have been some AAA or beta game releases where amd had the first driver (or even rarer, first multi gpu)
Posted on Reply
kn00tcnbut saying 'amd always delayed' IS snarky,
So what you're saying is?
He was snarky, therefore I must be snarky.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BSo what you're saying is?
what's the problem?

also that's not what i'm saying, i'm saying its lame to tell someone to not be snarky while ignoring the original snark fanboy comment that started it, plus the second one is stating an actual fact that the first one is crying like a brat

you do not want to know how spyre would respond if he was active on this forum
Posted on Reply
I admittedly didn't read the whole discussion. I'm allergic to snarky.
Posted on Reply
kn00tcnyou do not want to know how spyre would respond if he was active on this forum
Spyre, you snarky bastard, I know it's you, quit pretending! :roll:
Posted on Reply
BiggieShadySpyre, you snarky bastard, I know it's you, quit pretending! :roll:
high five

but seriously, he's from england(?), you can spot him & i in the same thread on some rage3d forum threads years ago, plus he appears to follow radeon NDAs while i'm the one poking at the driver dll files & listing game profiles (therefore i am a different person... unless someone cloned me :eek:)
Posted on Reply
kn00tcnhigh five
:toast: btw this is how high fiving works on forums:

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