Friday, December 9th 2016

AMD BIOS Signature Check re-enabled with ReLive, Locks out Polaris BIOS Modders
If you are using a modded BIOS on your AMD Polaris card, and try to install AMD's excellent Crimson ReLive drivers, you might be in for a surprise. This is because AMD re-enabled their BIOS signature enforcement with these latest drivers. Basically, if you modded your card's BIOS in search of higher overclocking, more voltage or customized fan settings, the hash in your BIOS is no longer recognized by AMD the driver, since it differs from the factory values.
On detecting such a modded BIOS with an invalid checksum, the Crimson ReLive driver won't load, meaning that the system will run with the VGA fallback driver only, without 3D acceleration and Radeon Settings will not start. However, you can force your modded BIOS to load on Crimson ReLive if you're willing to jump through some user asder00 posted a pretty nifty guide that enables the user to install a modded version of Crimson ReLive's 16.12.1 drivers, with a modified kernel that doesn't include the BIOS hash check. His work, based on lordkag's own, makes use of the mentioned modified kernel driver and Pixel Clock Patcher, enabling you to access Crimson ReLive's features even with a modded BIOS:
asder00's workaround:
Source: Forums
On detecting such a modded BIOS with an invalid checksum, the Crimson ReLive driver won't load, meaning that the system will run with the VGA fallback driver only, without 3D acceleration and Radeon Settings will not start. However, you can force your modded BIOS to load on Crimson ReLive if you're willing to jump through some user asder00 posted a pretty nifty guide that enables the user to install a modded version of Crimson ReLive's 16.12.1 drivers, with a modified kernel that doesn't include the BIOS hash check. His work, based on lordkag's own, makes use of the mentioned modified kernel driver and Pixel Clock Patcher, enabling you to access Crimson ReLive's features even with a modded BIOS:
asder00's workaround:
- Download the modified kernel driver here
- Download the Pixel Clock Patcher here (needed for the windows driver signature workaround)
- Navigate to the AMD driver extraction directory, usually "C:\AMD" then go into" Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-16.12.1-Dec7\Packages\Drivers\Display\WT6A_INF\B309333"
- Extract the modified kernel driver in the "\B309333" directory overwriting the file
- Uninstall current AMD drivers normally and DO NOT REBOOT when asked
- Reboot with advanced options like so:
- Press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard and click the Restart button.
- Choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings and click the Restart button.
- When your computer restarts you'll see a list of options, press F7 on your keyboard to select "Disable driver signature enforcement".
- This is needed only ONE TIME to successfully install the modified kernel, in the next reboot the driver signature enforcement will return to normal.
- Install the driver normally with setup.exe in C:\AMD\Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-16.12.1-Dec7
- When the installation is finished run the atikmdag-patcher.exe (this will take care of driver signature for windows so we no longer need to disable the enforcement with F7)
- Press yes to patch the file
- When finishes reboot the PC and enjoy your modified bios
70 Comments on AMD BIOS Signature Check re-enabled with ReLive, Locks out Polaris BIOS Modders
for few.
What is your source of saying this TPU editor?
Whilst a product (ie GPU) is considered "halo", driver will cross ref bios signature to see if ROM is unmodified.
For example you'll see W1zzard asking the author of VBE7 in this post how he circumvented bios signature check.
Then Hawaii had it for a period, then it was removed, see this thread from about post 32 the discussion occurs in a way. In that thread was where Hawaii bios mod occurred, prior to that you had only The Stilt's mining ROMs and Shammy's PT ROMs, both people that had access to getting ROMs signed.
By the time Fiji bios mod was done bios signature enforcement was not there.
Polaris did have it initially, then in driver Crimson v16.9.1 it was dropped, it has resurfaced now and will probably disappear again. Initially Lordkag of Fernado's WinRaid forum came up with a software patch for Polaris for drivers prior to v16.9.1 (I asked him and got some OCN members to test it), asder00 AFAIK knows how this mod was done, so he was able to sort it ASAP for Crimson ReLive :D (he has posted AMD drivers prior to release/modded ones on Guru3D ;) ).
Lordkag has also created a UEFI/GOP module which works on modified AMD ROM when motherboard is in "pure UEFI mode" (ie CSM=Off). With some minor test results from me he created the custom UEFI/GOP. You just can't have Secure boot enabled as the UEFI/GOP signature has not been resigned to account for modification.
I'll just wait for AMD to drop the BIOS checks again since ReLive doesn't seem to be whole lot faster in 3Dmark and that's pretty much the only thing I care about.
Probably due to Radeon Chill.
Why the ROM also has a signature is down to UEFI implementation of secure boot.
AMD ROMs are hybrid ROMs, there is Legacy section which sets up cards for clocks/voltage, etc, then you have the UEFI/GOP module which the motherboard bios will look for when CSM is disabled so a pure UEFI environment is setup. Now the UEFI/GOP must authenticate the Legacy section, if it does not:- Quote from page 19 of this PDF.
You will note that PDF is from July 2011, prior to HD 7000 series release, which then had bios signature.
or are you Still Stuffed up the proverbal Rectum