Monday, December 19th 2016

Tom Clancy's "The Division" Gets DirectX 12 Update, RX 480 Beats GTX 1060 by 16%
Over the weekend, gamers began testing the new DirectX 12 renderer of Tom Clancy's "The Division," released through a game patch. Testing by GameGPU (Russian media site) shows that AMD Radeon RX 480 is about 16 percent faster than NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, with the game running in the new DirectX 12 mode. "The Division" was tested with its new DirectX 12 renderer, on an ASUS Radeon RX 480 STRIX graphics card driven by Crimson ReLive 16.12.1 drivers, and compared with an ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB STRIX, driven by GeForce 376.19 drivers. Independent testing by German tech-site supports these findings.
GameGPU,, Expreview
142 Comments on Tom Clancy's "The Division" Gets DirectX 12 Update, RX 480 Beats GTX 1060 by 16%
However all in all this is good news, competition always drives development and makes them Work for their money. Can't wait to see Nvidia's reaction after release of Vega.
RX480 is GTX1060 territory.;)
"A binned and OC'd RX480"
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Even when the bsods stopped, the game still didn't work (crashed). Not sure if the game was faulty, dodgy NVIDIA drivers or a Windows fault. Never mind, I haven't bought the game and the trial period has expired, so the point is moot. It's very likely to work the next time I try it in several months time.
It worked in DX11, but even there it sometimes crashed.
I've said it from the beginning, but few were listening: by the time DX12/Vulkan become relevant, both Polaris and Pascal will be obsolete. Futureproofing is nice (says the guy that has held on to his 660Ti for four years), but what you're playing today takes precedence.
And before someone burns me to the stake: I know that a 480 offers pretty much the same gaming experience as a 1060. I only went with Nvidia for the Linux support.
Not bad for the last gen card.