Tuesday, February 21st 2017
Want to Review Headphones and Headsets for TechPowerUp?
Lend us your ears! TechPowerUp is looking for audiophiles and enthusiasts who can review consumer headphones and gaming headsets for us. Reviewing listening devices such as headphones aren't heavy on measurements and data analysis; we will however, be counting on your literary and photography skills, besides your ability to spot subtle differences in the way different headphones reproduce test sounds. The position is part-time, remote, and we pay, besides arranging samples. Interested? Send us your CVs, optionally along with samples of your work. We're cool with first-time reviewers, too.Image Credit: PC Games News
21 Comments on Want to Review Headphones and Headsets for TechPowerUp?
(to give you a point of reference, I actually prefer them to my open Sennheisers and never mind what the price difference would make one think)
Anyway, am not indirectly vying for the aforementioned offering, just mentioning the time coincidence. Hope you fill the spot soon :)
What I can do, is helluva passionate reviews on embedded systems and mini-PCs :toast:
If you mean "audiophiles" favoring gaming headsets, we can laugh together, lol.. but otherwise, plenty of decent PC-inclusive options for audiophiles. Decent mind. Ultimately, nothing beats a proper system (or costs like one..).
I'll tell you what a REAL 'audiophile' told me once: 'Shut up, save your money. Just buy music.'
Would only add two things though!
i) there is a certain limit beyond which it's true, one is better off purchasing his vinyl/CDs. Below said quality threshold however and we're in a different story. And gaming headsets do by necessity fall well below said limit. Emulation :)
ii) precisely because after said threshold the quality comes in increments most ears cannot grasp (we're left with the placebo effect), we have shifted to 'enhancements' (as a way to both satisfy us and convince ourselves the purchase is worthy). Most of which enhancements people are so used to by now, i sincerely doubt they even know what for instance a contrabass actually sounds like. Like when you're next to it. So whatever one's distance to said threshold, one needs also strive for equipment whose purpose is to lose as little as possible, but add nothing. Adding is interpreting, interpreting is coloring. That's for your ear to decide and the actual instrument player to achieve, not the manufacturer. Not for emulating it, not for 'enhancing' it.
Miles ahead from "gaming headsets" for sure though. And definitely in the right direction.
If I wasn't playing games (yes, I do, lol, still) I'd have discarded my "gaming" sound card as well*, stick to external amp + DAC. No space in my mini-dungeon for a proper sound system you see.
*positioning.. lacking the damn software, in some games sound is aaalmost O.K., others you think the mob is to your right, except it's actually behind you, lol