Tuesday, March 21st 2017

MSI Also Unveils the B350 Tomahawk Arctic and B350M Mortar Arctic Motherboards
In addition to the X370 Krait Gaming, MSI announced two other white-themed socket AM4 motherboards, with the B350 Tomahawk Arctic, and the B350M Mortar Arctic. As their names suggest, the two MSI Arsenal Gaming series motherboards are nearly identical to the original B350 Tomahawk and B350M Mortar, respectively, except for the white PCBs, silvery white VRM/chipset heatsinks, and white PCI-Express and DDR4 DIMM slots. The two are also studded with white LEDs that put up a bright colored light-show, and which can be controlled with the MSI Mystic Light application (brightness, lighting programs, etc.). The two could hence be sold at tiny ($15-20) premiums over the originals.
15 Comments on MSI Also Unveils the B350 Tomahawk Arctic and B350M Mortar Arctic Motherboards
Is the only technical difference between this and the X370 the fewer lanes? I personally have no interest in SLI/XFire, so B370 is fine I presume, as it still retains OC support?
Edit: Actually i just found out 1151 b250m mortar arctic has the shield
And yes I know it's an aesthetic, just odd that the Z270 versions had it, but this doesn't, as it looked really good on those, nice finishing touch even though I know it serves no practical purpose. It's a nice looking board that looks even better with its inclusion.
Dear MSI, what the hell is wrong with you?! Why the B350 chipset? Why didn't you manufacture the Arctic series under the X370 chipset as well? From an enthusiast stand point, obviously anyone that is going to color match an all white build, will pay a premium for all white components regardless if they want to or not, because white is a premium choice when color matching a build, so why did you make this specifically for the lower class series, with zero bells and whistles?! No, I/O cover plate that goes down the board, no true LED Debug read out, no built in Wi-Fi, No 8 X 8 PCI-E 3.0 lanes compatibility for SLI/ Crossfire. What the hell is up with the legacy PCI slots? Are we going forward or backwards with technology?
The white PCB is epic and if it were on the higher X370 chipset with all the bells and whistles and every PCI-E slot white, basically if this was very similar to your GAMING TITANIUM line, I would be a buyer instantly for this board and I'm pretty sure meany others would be as well. What a complete waste of a beautiful board!