Tuesday, May 30th 2017
Sapphire Radeon RX 550 with DVI-I Connector Pictured
Sapphire showed off a Radeon RX 550 graphics card with an off-spec DVI-I connector. This is significant, as it has analog (D-Sub) wiring, and an included DVI to D-Sub dongle lets you plug in ye olde analog displays. AMD stripped analog display support off its Radeon "Polaris" family, limiting them to modern digital standards such as DVI-D, HDMI 2.0, and DisplayPort 1.4. Sapphire got around this by deploying a custom DAC chip on the card, so you can have DVI-D (D-Sub via dongle), without needing an active adapter that's half the price of the card itself.
7 Comments on Sapphire Radeon RX 550 with DVI-I Connector Pictured
BTW, why the hell does it need a PWM controlled fan that small? I thought 3pin or hell, even 2pin would be adequate on a card this sized.
Like this www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125972&cm_re=GT_1030-_-14-125-972-_-Product