Thursday, July 6th 2017

AMD RX Vega Reportedly Beats GTX 1080; 5% Performance Improvement per Month

New benchmarks of an RX Vega engineering sample video card have surfaced. There have been quite a few benchmarks for this card already, which manifests with the 687F:C1 identifier. The new, GTX 1080 beating benchmark (Gaming X version, so a factory overclocked one) comes courtesy of 3D Mark 11, with the 687F:C1 RX Vega delivering 31,873 points in its latest appearance (versus 27,890 in its first). Since the clock speed of the 687F:C1 RX Vega has remained the same throughout this benchmark history, I think it's fair to say these improvements have come out purely at the behest of driver and/or firmware level performance improvements.
The folks at Videocardz have put together an interesting chart detailing the 687F:C1 RX Vega's score history since benchmarks of it first started appearing, around three months ago. This chart shows an impressive performance improvement over time, with AMD's high-performance GPU contender showing an improvement of roughly 15% since it was first benchmarked. That averages out at around a 5% improvement per month, which bodes well for the graphics card... At least in the long term. We have to keep in mind that this video card brings with it some pretty extensive differences from existing GPU architectures in the market, with the implementation of HBC (High Bandwidth Cache) and HBCC (High Bandwidth Cache Controller). These architectural differences naturally require large amounts of additional driver work to enable them to function to their full potential - full potential that we aren't guaranteed RX Vega GPUs will be able to deliver come launch time.
Sources: Videocardz, 3D Mark's latest 687F:C1, 3D Mark's first 687F:C1
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141 Comments on AMD RX Vega Reportedly Beats GTX 1080; 5% Performance Improvement per Month

So, it's safe to conclude: Vega is a flop. (580/570 on the opposite, are quite good)
I blame lack of financial resources on R&D and Raja (just because he was hyped for no good reason).

Hopefully Ryzen will be successful enough, as GPU buyers seem to have less clue about the fruck they are buying.
Filip GeorgievskiAt this point im just thinking is this the best VEGA they have?
Given its TDP, it is already pushing limits at 1630Mhz. (and what a laughable bump over FE)
cdawalla year old gpu.
Oh, please...
RejZoRconsidering a 300MHz difference in core..
What about 1.5 times difference in die size? (not that core frequency difference had any meaning across 2 different architectures even if chip size was the same)
Dj-ElectriCThere's nothing else really redeemable about this product.
Not having to pay hefty premium (up to $200) for adaptive sync.
RejZoRWhy would AMD be mocking Volta back in January if they knew they aren't even reaching GTX 1080 performance which was already out at that time?
Left hand not knowing what right hand is... erm... doing.
Or right hand being too optimistic.

I still remember how Raja said that there are only 2 GPU companies "because it is so hard to write drivers". jeez.
Posted on Reply
If it holds up not looking bad if they hold-up. But in the past so many of AMD's cards have had "leaked" pre-release benchmarks that were much higher than release numbers. These supposed leaks seem more like marketing than real leaks and have also often been either massaged or cherry-picked. It's happened so consistently that I'll wait for third-party retail sample benchmarks before making any conclusions on real-world performance. We've been down this road before of whoever is leaking (cough AMD) finding 1 app or game that benches unusually high on their new card and that's what gets conveniently leaked.
Posted on Reply
EarthDogi see more speculation and support by you here than anyone else... lol!
Speculation i wouldn't say so i just want to understand this particular game why. Support i sure hope so that's what forums are for.
I dint say vega is faster. But considering this one game for the frontier edition not gaming maybe it is capable of performance closer to 1080TI. is that instead a lucky shot for vega? Not in this industry though. That's unlikely. Just looking at the results of the benchmark trying to get something out of it. Don't wanna judge to fast either.
Posted on Reply
Second response to that post? LOL! Thanks the same day and a response 3 days later! :p
Posted on Reply
EarthDogSecond response to that post? LOL! Thanks the same day and a response 3 days later! :p
Well maybe i was busy lately didnt have time to go through all :) Same idea different version for better understanding :) I hope.
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Found this over

When one Vega is not enough, we have two. When two Vega is not enough, we built 4

And we crossfire 4 of these babes together.


Posted on Reply
Apart from the length and providing enough juice, that's not at all beyond the realm of doable ....

2 might be a more reasonable starting point though. :)

I'd like to see a motherboard with an IF direct port where you can clip a vega or two to the MB and clamp a big liquid block on the top like those monoblock CPU coolers. :)

There's another photo-chop project for someone.

Or is that real and it's an MI100? ;)
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
xkm1948Found this over

When one Vega is not enough, we have two. When two Vega is not enough, we built 4

And we crossfire 4 of these babes together.


Now I just need a working mining BIOS and I would be golden. 6 of those per system
Posted on Reply
xkm1948Found this over

When one Vega is not enough, we have two. When two Vega is not enough, we built 4

And we crossfire 4 of these babes together.


Yeah unlimited power. Probably unlimited power to run this monster and LN2 cooling solution cause I don't think even water block would suffice. :)
Posted on Reply
nemesis.ieApart from the length and providing enough juice, that's not at all beyond the realm of doable ....
Well, PCIE spec maxes at 375W, which they hit with a single card already.

Interesting to note is that quad Fury X beat quad Titan Maxwell even at 1080p (and more so at higher res)

There were actually "leet" desktops sold out with quad Titan, so it's kinda not completely useless info.
Posted on Reply
RejZoROh my god, this is why I get rage episodes. We know Vega FE drivers are totally immature, we also know Tile-based Rendering doesn't work. AMD released Vega FE with drivers in such state because it was naturally assumed it would be used in productivity tools, not benched in freaking games. And yet, here we are with people making gaming performance assumptions on a card with totally immature drivers which was meant for productivity first and gaming second. AMD was simpy hoping to release Vega FE as is and fix the gaming stuff later since it's not exactly meant for that. And people are going batshit crazy over it. I watched PCPer stream and I otherwise respect the guys, they generally know their shit, but most of the stream and also their later recap, I was like, guys, what the hell are you doing... It's like they threw all logic, common sense and entire existing knowledge about graphic cards, drivers and gfx card releases out the window the moment they got Vega FE in their hands.

That's about as insane as whining over Lamborghini Aventador not being all that great and harvesting wheat. But Lamborghini also makes tractors! It should perform great at that too!
We also know that a board that takes 275W today, isn't going to release with a 180W TDP tag on it.

What are you smoking, I want some. You're just creating your own new big disappointment to rage against, exactly like pretty much every video card release ever. Relax and call Vega what it is, a dud. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised sometime then instead?

30-40% from drivers isn't going to happen ever, even if AMD cards age better than anything else on the planet. Neither in performance nor power efficiency.

Also explain to me the logic of pushing out gaming benchmarks on non-gaming designed cards, without explaining what market these cards really are for - and above all, explaining how you have found that market that nobody ever knew really existed, you know that grey area between Pro-Semi-Pro-Casual-Pro or something, and still some light gaming - that is at 4K, I guess.. or not. Like... what? There is this thing called product positioning, and then there is Vega FE that really didn't get that at all.

Pile all this AMD PR together and the only image you can distill from it is total panic because this GPU just won't deliver, just like Fury X was never cost effective nor a good seller, it really isn't ready because it should never come to market because the end result is that it only costs AMD money. They are trying to elevate a Fury X rebrand into something more than it really is. Face it.
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You people keep applying optimization gains on top of FINISHED drivers. Vega FE drivers imo aren't anywhere near finished. Which means all your gains theories and dismissals are totally pointless if there is no actual base/baseline to begin with.
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RejZoRYou people keep applying optimization gains on top of FINISHED drivers. Vega FE drivers imo aren't anywhere near finished. Which means all your gains theories and dismissals are totally pointless if there is no actual base/baseline to begin with.
So how is your theory based on anything then, if they're apparently using drivers that contain almost nothing? And also, this is still GCN, lets not act like AMD has to reinvent the wheel here. Even though they make it seem like they do.

If it isn't drivers, its the future drivers, or if it isn't the API, its the future API that will fix all of AMD's problems. And if thát isn't true, then surely the totally revamped architecture is the culprit and we'll see it come to fruition in the near future. Meanwhile, we're revolutionizing gaming. Oh yeah, but that benchmark you saw, that wasn't on the final drivers, so don't worry.

Sorry I can't take this shit seriously anymore man
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dozenfuryBut in the past so many of AMD's cards have had "leaked" pre-release benchmarks that were much higher than release numbers
Oh, really? Care to mention them, shouldn't be that hard as there have been "so many"...
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Vayra86So how is your theory based on anything then, if they're apparently using drivers that contain almost nothing? And also, this is still GCN, lets not act like AMD has to reinvent the wheel here. Even though they make it seem like they do.

If it isn't drivers, its the future drivers, or if it isn't the API, its the future API that will fix all of AMD's problems. And if thát isn't true, then surely the totally revamped architecture is the culprit and we'll see it come to fruition in the near future. Meanwhile, we're revolutionizing gaming. Oh yeah, but that benchmark you saw, that wasn't on the final drivers, so don't worry.

Sorry I can't take this shit seriously anymore man
And people still be like "it's just GCN" like GCN is some sort of thing that defines anything. They call it NCU, but sure, in everyone's books it's still GCN no matter what AMD calls it. And I'm not making any excuses how something will someday make incredible boost. But if AMD really had anything actually properly finished, don't you think they'd release that by now? They didn't have to do that for Vega FE because it's a god damn fucking compute card. And it's pretty good at that. And yes, it can run games. Being able to run something and running that superbly, that's another thing. And they just didn't bother with Vega FE because there was no need. It would eventually get the actual drivers. But everyone treated it like a fucking gaming card and now everyone is making wild assumptions based on pretty much nothing. How people still don't get it is just beyond baffling. Everyone's an expert and yet I haven't seen a single person think even remotely in such direction as I'm explaining just now. Yeah, I can't take this shit seriously anymore either...

This isn't Fury X release anymore, that was just a big Tonga to be honest. Vega has thoroughly redesigned pretty much everything, so expecting AMD to pull perfect drivers out of the bat is just crazy. They've always have shortages on driver fronts and now everyone is behaving like this is some new fucking shocking thing.

I'm not cluelessly defending AMD just because I'd be a fanboy even though some would like that, I'm defending it because everyone is pissing at them and not being realistic that drivers might actually be holding it back. We're not talking unoptimized drivers but just straight not fully functional. That's a bit of a difference when it's a thing between few percent gains and actually working features that could give it larger gains than just few percent.
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Looking at the chart i think says it remained the same clock but why does it say 1630mhz+? What does the + at the end mean? I would bet that isn't same clocks from first test to last.
There seems to be diminishing returns after that, this is an interesting video from buildzoid on the FE card, there are some scary power consumption figures going on, worth a watch:

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"I go fast!1!11!1!"
There's really only two reasons why Frontier Edition should exist: volume (AMD can't make enough chips) or problem (errata was discovered that made the first batch not reflective of what is to come). Volume is pretty much a given but is there also an announced problem? They could also be related: the problem is resulting in low yields which translates to low volume. The big question is whether or not the problem is performance related. If it is, is it a software, hardware, or both problem? I think we can reasonably believe it is a hardware problem because software problems haven't really stopped AMD in the past (fix it in drivers).

TL;DR: I'm not holding my breath but I'm still hopeful that Frontier Edition doesn't really reflect the final product.
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