Thursday, July 6th 2017

AMD RX Vega Reportedly Beats GTX 1080; 5% Performance Improvement per Month
New benchmarks of an RX Vega engineering sample video card have surfaced. There have been quite a few benchmarks for this card already, which manifests with the 687F:C1 identifier. The new, GTX 1080 beating benchmark (Gaming X version, so a factory overclocked one) comes courtesy of 3D Mark 11, with the 687F:C1 RX Vega delivering 31,873 points in its latest appearance (versus 27,890 in its first). Since the clock speed of the 687F:C1 RX Vega has remained the same throughout this benchmark history, I think it's fair to say these improvements have come out purely at the behest of driver and/or firmware level performance improvements.The folks at Videocardz have put together an interesting chart detailing the 687F:C1 RX Vega's score history since benchmarks of it first started appearing, around three months ago. This chart shows an impressive performance improvement over time, with AMD's high-performance GPU contender showing an improvement of roughly 15% since it was first benchmarked. That averages out at around a 5% improvement per month, which bodes well for the graphics card... At least in the long term. We have to keep in mind that this video card brings with it some pretty extensive differences from existing GPU architectures in the market, with the implementation of HBC (High Bandwidth Cache) and HBCC (High Bandwidth Cache Controller). These architectural differences naturally require large amounts of additional driver work to enable them to function to their full potential - full potential that we aren't guaranteed RX Vega GPUs will be able to deliver come launch time.
Videocardz, 3D Mark's latest 687F:C1, 3D Mark's first 687F:C1
141 Comments on AMD RX Vega Reportedly Beats GTX 1080; 5% Performance Improvement per Month
Some people are consistent in their support toward a company, regardless of what they do.
Don't use Intel in this thread and Ryzen. It's pointless. Just a suggestion. I see nothing confusing with what RejZoR said. Maybe you just can't see his point of view or you simply don't understand. We learn all the time so don't be alarmed you'll catch up. Consistent? What makes you think Rej... is not consistent in what he says? Because he says good stuff about one company but also about the other if he sees it is worth to mention? It's an opinion and everybody can have one. and stop pointing that out it's just stupid.
People can always change their mind cause they saw something they haven't seen earlier and that made them change the decision or point of view or approach.
Do business? I think you know nothing about it. You think you know but that's different. That's my opinion and you can always disagree.
Looking at the chart i think says it remained the same clock but why does it say 1630mhz+? What does the + at the end mean? I would bet that isn't same clocks from first test to last.
So a 1080Ti is what 50% faster?
We never know how much a product will improve after release, but usually it's in the range of 5-15% for new architectures. But considering that RX Vega is a little delayed, we can expect the drivers to be pretty mature on release.
And what do you mean by "do business"? It sounds like owning a sex shop. That's the American way. You are from US, aren't you? :-)
You say I can disagree, but you've just criticized me for not agreeing with someone else. What's happening here? :-)
In my opinion, the #7, #8, #9 result are stock result, and the rest is overclocked results.
P30 752 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti(1x) and Intel Core i7-5820K Processor
Graphics Score 44 550
Physics Score 16 351
Combined Score 15 364
I mean, we've seen TBR doesn't work on Vega FE, it's not a secret. By not being focused on gaming and with immature drivers it was still reaching GTX 1070/1080 speeds. People really don't seem to realize how much of a difference fully functional drivers with all new features enabled and actually working TBR rasterizer makes. In terms of power and performance. I mean, am I the only one who remembers Kyro II from what, decade and a half ago which was the first TBR powered desktop card ever that really worked? It looked totally unimpressive spec wise and yet it was taking on GeForce 2 GTS/Ultra (which was on paper superior in every aspect), sometimes literally humiliating it entirely and taking even on GeForce 3?
Fast forward to 2017 and you have a chip that is on paper a brute as it is in terms of clock, shader count and memory bandwidth/latency. And then you enable TBR on it properly to render games. What do you people expect? 5-10fps boost only? C'mon, get real. Maxwell 2 wasn't just magically faster, it was because of TBR along with few other similar power/performance technologies (like framebuffer compression).
That's about as insane as whining over Lamborghini Aventador not being all that great and harvesting wheat. But Lamborghini also makes tractors! It should perform great at that too!
I disagree with attacking others cause they don't vouch for one company but point goodness in each one and technology improvements. That's what it is with technology mostly, improvements.
AMD does the same? Well if you compare excavator the last one released before Ryzen then you will understand. So I disagree here. Even though it took them long time for the new CPU's.
Consistent. This again. You keep saying that over why? From my perspective you are not consistent you just to see other stuff.
Well nevermind. are you sure it's a CPU bottleneck? Do we know what was the OC of the 1080TI on the slide? Anyway wonder if this is true about Vega. If it is then that's a great news :)Maybe the benchmark was made in a different resolution than 1080p? 2k or 4k maybe? Would that make the scores right? Where did you hear that rumor? if Vega can hit 1730Mhz that's what the graph shows that's great. Hope that is true.
On paper AMD releases cards that can destroy and in compute heavy tasks they do exactly that. There is a reason the RX480 is so popular in mining that is a task they happily compete with the 1070 (and 1080 for that matter) in. The Vega cards (fury 2) once they have drivers and miners that take advantage will do exactly the same. It is a quite wide GPU with tons of potential. Yet again however the disappointing driver writers at AMD disappoint, not to mention the gaming models STILL AREN'T OUT. I mean seriously is this some kind of mean joke? It is July, the competition has been out so long that they have released cards with better memory just because.
I hope and pray this card does what I hypothesized in December when I wanted to buy one of them. Trade blows in DX12/Vulkan with the 1080Ti and then trade blows with the 1080 in DX11/OGL. I would happily buy into that as the multi-GPU support on AMD is better as of late and I hate myself enough to always run multi-GPU setups.
I think 25% over its lifetime is a very optimistic expectation and even that doesn't make it faster than 1080Ti.
Nobody here is telling how much faster Vega will be over 1080 TI. Because nobody knows how fast it is now since it's not here yet. People here just share thoughts and suggest something what they have noticed or came up with. Please go to NV threads.