Friday, November 17th 2017

Next Major AMD Driver Release, ReLive Redux, to Include Performance OSD
Every year, AMD regales its users with a new major version of their driver suite, with added features and, usually, increased performance. In 2015, AMD introduced the Radeon Crimson driver release, which included a hefty performance package for some major titles, the new Radeon Settings design interface, and increased stability over the previous mega-release, Catalyst Omega. Last year, we were treated to the introduction of the ReLive, LiquidVR, and Radeon Chill features. AMD is keeping up with its annual overhauls, even after former RTG head, Raja Koduri, left the company for bluer pastures.
Twitter user Blaze #BlazeK_AMDRT shared some screenshots over Twitter which show that the new driver release will, among other things, include an OSD for performance metrics - not unlike what NVIDIA is offering with its GeForce Experience suite. However, AMD will likely keep ringing the "no registration necessary" bell to increase attractiveness of its software suite over NVIDIA's. From the screenshots, however, it seems that AMD's suite will offer more registers than NVIDIA, to polls like VRAM, CPU usage, among others. AMD's track record with software and drivers has been much improved since Raja Koduri took the helms of RTG, with a much steadier driver release schedule, and pre-emptive releases introducing support for the latest and greatest games. It's at least comforting to see that there's no sign of that reverting after he left the company.
Twitter user Blaze #BlazeK_AMDRT shared some screenshots over Twitter which show that the new driver release will, among other things, include an OSD for performance metrics - not unlike what NVIDIA is offering with its GeForce Experience suite. However, AMD will likely keep ringing the "no registration necessary" bell to increase attractiveness of its software suite over NVIDIA's. From the screenshots, however, it seems that AMD's suite will offer more registers than NVIDIA, to polls like VRAM, CPU usage, among others. AMD's track record with software and drivers has been much improved since Raja Koduri took the helms of RTG, with a much steadier driver release schedule, and pre-emptive releases introducing support for the latest and greatest games. It's at least comforting to see that there's no sign of that reverting after he left the company.
20 Comments on Next Major AMD Driver Release, ReLive Redux, to Include Performance OSD
Hopefully it doesn't get flagged like these other overlays, getting gamers banned from games.
Also ReLive has worked from day one with destiny 2 as has Shadow play and OBS (just not in fullscreen).
AMD don't forget your last high end gpu.
Nvidia, take the hint pls
If I want to overclock the card or run overlays there's better optional/aftermarket apps for it.
Based on AMD's track record supporting older cards I feel Fiji will, but I hope it's soon too. Unless there is some technical reason it can't.
Benchmarks are starting to show some weird numbers between Hawaii, Fiji and Vega that don't correlate to their performance.
I also look forward to OSD capabilities with Crimson and I will replace Riva tuner because that's all I use it for. Less monitoring, the better because I always keep my eye on FPS so I can adjust game settings if I need to when I play new games.
Try it for yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about.
And it does work below 8gb as well ;)