Friday, January 26th 2007

More K8L specs leaked

Some new details on AMD's next generation of desktop processing have been released, with three different models to go alongside AMD's Barcelona (the processor for servers). The desktop equivalent of Barcelona, with the codename Agena, will feature four cores and should have clock speeds of 2.4GHz to 2.6GHz, with a 2MB L2 cache and 2MB L3 cache per CPU - it's scheduled for the third quarter of this year. The mainstream processor is called Kuma and should launch with clock speeds of 2.0GHz to 2.9GHz using a dual core architecture, with 1MB L2 cache and 2MB shared L3 cache. Rana, the replacement for the Sempron family, will have clock frequencies of 2.1GHz to 2.3GHz, feature dual core and 1MB of L2 cache, but no L3 cache. The Rana is expected for the forth quarter of this year.
Source: DailyTech
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31 Comments on More K8L specs leaked

dual core semprons lol :rockout:
Posted on Reply
thatll be really good for budget users
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Indeed, I love the dual core sempron! Hopefully this will force intel to release dua core Celerons, which I have been wanting for a long time.
Posted on Reply
im looking forward to the pricing of these new cpu's, i have to say the specs sound impressive.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Indeed, I love the dual core sempron! Hopefully this will force intel to release dua core Celerons, which I have been wanting for a long time.
i dont want anything with celeron in its name :ohwell:
Posted on Reply
isnt the E4 series core duo's being used as the Celerons?
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Indeed, I love the dual core sempron! Hopefully this will force intel to release dua core Celerons, which I have been wanting for a long time.
celeron D any one. yes thats right there is already a dual core celeron. my mothers HP machine came with one

the E4 series is the updated version
Posted on Reply
cjoyce1980celeron D any one. yes thats right there is already a dual core celeron. my mothers HP machine came with one

the E4 series is the updated version
Celeron D is not dual-core.

No one is going to make dual-core Sempron/Celerons because dual-cores suck, and they wouldnt want to spend extra on them.

Heck, if it wasnt for the second core doing physics in DX10 games, i would never have wanted an E4400 with more than a single core.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
TrackNo one is going to make dual-core Sempron/Celerons because dual-cores suck, and they wouldnt want to spend extra on them.

Heck, if it wasnt for the second core doing physics in DX10 games, i would never have wanted an E4400 with more than a single core.
What?!?! I wouldn't trade my dual core for the world. I love it, I would never go back to a single core in my main machine, EVER. Heck, even my secondary machine has a dual core in it.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
TrackCeleron D is not dual-core.

No one is going to make dual-core Sempron/Celerons because dual-cores suck, and they wouldnt want to spend extra on them.

Heck, if it wasnt for the second core doing physics in DX10 games, i would never have wanted an E4400 with more than a single core.
the world is bigger than games you know?
Posted on Reply
Track, I only gave you a three day ban earlier this week because I thought you'd improve and fix your ways, don't make me regret that.
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by track-
No one is going to make dual-core Sempron/Celerons because dual-cores suck, and they wouldnt want to spend extra on them.
same here,single core sucks big time,i will NEVER go back to single is MUCH more responsive with a duel core.and soon games will all require duel core.
Posted on Edit | Reply
multicore ftw

will single core processors ever disappear off the market? i sure hope so.
Posted on Reply
im happy with my singel core at 3gz, but then again i can wait for dual core i want kuma!!!!
AMD's native quad-core design picks up more steam

In a series of memos forwarded to DailyTech industry insiders discussed the upcoming launch frequencies regarding AMD's next-generation architecture, previously dubbed K8L by AMD's Executive Vice President Henri Richard. Since then, AMD has generally referred to the next-generation chips as the Barcelona family, although Barcelona specifically denotes the high-performance quad-core server processor codename.

Some details of next-generation AMD desktop processors, the Stars family, were revealed late last year.

The desktop equivalent of Barcelona, codenamed Agena, is the 65nm flagship of AMD's next-generation desktop processors. Launch frequencies were quoted at "2.4 - 2.6GHz." Previous roadmaps had indicated Agena would debut at 2.7 to 2.9 GHz. Agena will have a 2MB L2 and 2MB L3 cache per CPU. AMD's internal guidance denotes this as a 125W TDP processor. As the flagship, Agena will be the first next-generation desktop launch and is scheduled for Q3'07.

Kuma, the dual-core mainstream next-generation desktop processor was quoted as having launch frequencies of "2.0 - 2.9GHz." Unlike the quad-core Agena processors, Kuma will feature 1MB of L2 and 2MB of shared L3 cache. Kuma will launch with both 89W and 65W TDP variants, but Energy Efficient models scheduled for 35W TDP will follow shortly after.

Rana, the next-generation Sempron successor codename, will launch with frequencies in the 2.1 to 2.3 GHz range. The dual-core CPUs will feature 1MB of total L2 cache, but no L3 cache. Rana's TDP is rated at 65W. Rana will not launch with the Agena flagship; AMD roadmaps have the processor launching at the same time as the Energy Efficient Kuma processors, or approximately Q4'07 if the launch schedule holds together.

As previously reported on DailyTech, Stars processors will use AM2+ motherboards. These processors can plug into existing AM2 motherboards today given the proper BIOS updates, but without the AM2+ sockets Stars processors will drop down to the HyperTransport 1.0 bus speeds.

AMD's Agena FX codename also appears to still exist on the roadmap. The only difference at this point between Agena and Agena FX is that Agena FX will use the Socket 1207+ interface.

and ht1 is plenty for desktop users, ht3 is really being made for server side where multi-multi core cpu's will need the bandwith.

same reasion we have ht1 at its current specs on 939/am2 because its clearly not needed even with dual core, and tyan makes boards(939) that can host 8+ dual core cpu's all under ht1.

this is mainly a move to support multi quadcore cpu's :) sall good tho im SURE my board will accept a kuma :D
Posted on Reply
breakfromyoumulticore ftw

will single core processors ever disappear off the market? i sure hope so.
not totaly, your still going to see them for jobs where more then 1 core arent needed.

via c7 are a good example, they could multi core/chip the systems but its not needed, 1 is more then enought for a media pc or imbeded device :)

dual core kuma=i want now!!!!

hell i would even take a rana :P
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
I just j**zed in my pants over this news ::faint::

This is just excellent, seems Ill go this route towards next year :)
Posted on Reply
AshenSugarnot totaly, your still going to see them for jobs where more then 1 core arent needed.

via c7 are a good example, they could multi core/chip the systems but its not needed, 1 is more then enought for a media pc or imbeded device :)

dual core kuma=i want now!!!!

hell i would even take a rana :P
actually multicore would be very effective in such applications; nobody said dual-cores had to have identical cores. Many of MP3 players and PMPs have multi-core SoCs or CPUs at their hearts; all ipods (except the shuffle) are based on a dual-core ARM CPU; many Zen players are based on a dual core ARM7/TMS320 DSP chip; the god of handhelds, the gp2x, has a dual core ARM920/940.

Also, lol they named the sempr0n "frog" in latin! :D:D

can't freakin' wait for agena :)
Posted on Reply
quadcore to me is silly, nothing but video editing/encoding software is likely to take much advantege of it for quite some time to come :/

and sempy's arent bad, nor where durons, compared to what intel put out they where and are a better value.

seen my buddys 128k sempy64(palramo) do 3gz board limmited(754 board couldnt do higher htt) 334 was its max(nforce3) its kickin his 3.4gz p4 around the room tho, corse he stuck extream low latancy ddr in it(2-2-2-11@up to 566mhz according to the maker) so that helps makeup for the lack of cache :) the ONLY thing the p4 is better at is encoding, where it shines, and thats all its now used for, its got 2 hdtv tuners (each can do 2 chanils at once) in it and records/endcodes to h264 very well :) (home made tivo)

i personaly prefer the iaudio handheld units the jetaudio h6(think thats the number) is VERY powerfull, can play any format you throw at it, and has 60gb space(can acctualy get 120gb hdds for it now from what i hear/read)
Posted on Reply
AshenSugarquadcore to me is silly, nothing but video editing/encoding software is likely to take much advantege of it for quite some time to come :/
I could see having the extra cores being @ least POTENTIALLY useful to folks that REALLY "push the envelope" multitasking many apps @ once, & also if they run a LOT of background services &/or trayicon type applications, regardless of whether they are multithreaded (which helps) OR not...

Even @ the "Home End-User Level"... especially for folks that don't try to 'optimize the last drop of performance' outta their rigs by doing services tunings, minimizing how many apps run in the background, etc.

Posted on Reply
dual core is plenty for that, most apps dont need more then 1 core to run, if you move all the excess bs to another core then your main core is free to run whatever, even mutithreded apps like games rarely use both cores 100%, and i multi task like a mad man on singel core at 3gz, never have slowdowns, well other then when i messed up and installed anydvd without unmounting a dvd image from daemontools, but that was an "oops" and took the system about 15min to work out(and let me unmount and remount the image)
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zekrahminatorTrack, I only gave you a three day ban earlier this week because I thought you'd improve and fix your ways, don't make me regret that.
Ben, stfu. You're starting to get on my nerves. Kids..

What i meant about dual-cores was that they offer no superior performance in games.
The only time when u can see an advantage over single cores is in multi-tasking.
Now dual-core CPUs dont cost more than single-cores, wich is why they are a fair buy, but for instense quad-core CPUs are a waste of money.

And i dont care if u think that dual-core is faster, thats ur opinion and its not a good argument against what i said.
Posted on Reply
TrackBen, stfu. You're starting to get on my nerves. Kids..

What i meant about dual-cores was that they offer no superior performance in games.
The only time when u can see an advantage over single cores is in multi-tasking.
Now dual-core CPUs dont cost more than single-cores, wich is why they are a fair buy, but for instense quad-core CPUs are a waste of money.

And i dont care if u think that dual-core is faster, thats ur opinion and its not a good argument against what i said.
first ur lucky i dont have a banstick, it would be broken over ur head for that!!!!

and dual core enabled games do get a boost from dual core cpu's, but the number of mainstream current games that are dual/multi core enabled isnt a large as it should be.

but crysis,ut2k7 and the like are going to be taking far better advantege of multicore's

i agree tho that quadcore for gaming and home use is silly.

cya when ur ban gets lifted, have fun :)
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not a suicide-bomber
TrackBen, stfu. You're starting to get on my nerves. Kids..
I believe insulting a mod is equal to a ban, you can kiss your ass goodbye :nutkick:
Posted on Reply
Knows what makes you tick
AshenSugarfirst ur lucky i dont have a banstick, it would be broken over ur head for that!!!!

and dual core enabled games do get a boost from dual core cpu's, but the number of mainstream current games that are dual/multi core enabled isnt a large as it should be.

but crysis,ut2k7 and the like are going to be taking far better advantege of multicore's

i agree tho that quadcore for gaming and home use is silly.

cya when ur ban gets lifted, have fun :)
Yeah, me too :nutkick: .

I agree that dual core is fixing to be a major factor, thats why I am jumping the single core ship. Probably in the next 1-2 years, single cores will be obsolete.
Posted on Reply
but for current games my 3gz k8 is PLENTY :)

i will go dual core with kuma :)
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