Wednesday, May 23rd 2018

Battlefield V Revealed: 1942 Reimagined

EA-DICE released the first reveal trailer of "Battlefield V." The reveal shows a slice of what appears to be actual in-game footage. The game re-imagines events of WWII, after the series' excursion with WWI. It portrays a pitched battle somewhere in Europe with British troops fighting Nazis. There's also the depiction of female soldiers, hinting at the possibility of strong female characters, or even a female protagonist (as opposed to second-fiddle female NPCs in the likes of Battlefield 4 campaign). There are no technical details of the game, but it appears to leverage DirectX 12 API with even more features than Battlefield 1. Battlefield V is slated for release on October 19, 2018. It's open to pre-orders on Origin.
The official trailer follows after the break

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89 Comments on Battlefield V Revealed: 1942 Reimagined

Big Member
Tatty_OneThat's the point, you don't have to be tough if you carry a gun :) I would rather take on a wimp who can't shoot than a tough guy who is good with blades, especially if he has stealth, research the Gurkhas, it's said in jungle warfare they can sneak up to you and tie your bootlaces together and the first time you realise they are around is when you fall over :D
LOL I am well aware of the Gurkhas. I carry a Kukri in my car and when I go camping. Yeah that guy has a beer gut and noodle arms. You look at a Gurkhas and you know thats a little bottle of hate you dont want to play with.

That picture I posted with the SAS in northern Africa. Without knowing the context of the picture you can just tell those guys are not to be messed with.
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If they want to add cultural concept to it to diversify the game or whatever you want to call it, why not add in the tribals from Burma that were trained to fight the Japanese during the second world war? Would be fun to play as a tribal with war paint, carrying a rifle, and have human ears around a belt.
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That's how it looks, in reality, actual game haw fewer frames than video record.
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TheMailMan78SJWfield: 5

A handicap woman on the front lines fighting along side a black man with Scottish war paint on and some jerk off doing ninja moves with a God damn katana on his back during operation market garden? Let me guess the white guys is a sniveling cuck. WTF did I just watch? This is what happens when you let women vote.

I agree, I am getting very sick of this SJW push in games that are representing historical points in history. Not to mention this seems very shoved in your face instead of just a customization option (Which I would be ok with in multiplayer, heck if they just didn't shove it in my face it probably would not bother me as much). I think the war paint stuff is mostly about the customizations system they are pushing in the game which is ok in my book, if people want to make themselves look weird in multiplayer more power to them. I agree, if this was 2143 or similar I would not have any problem with this but a WWII shooter its a little off. The prosthetic really hurts the immersion even more to me because I find that hard to believe that using that allows for a person to be like they are being represented in the trailer.

Maybe I will change my mind when I see more but at the moment some things about this game are making me cringe in that trailer.

Did I miss the Katana because I re-watched it and don't see it.
MindweaverWhy does the white guy look like he could be Krato's 3rd cousin?
Maybe its Atreus grown up?
Posted on Reply
RH92Oh please cut this anti-feminist BS already !!! .... FFS there is so much BS in this game on so many levels that women on the frontline would be on the bottom of my priority list !
Curious, what are the Top 5 on that list? I could also settle for a top 3. Otherwise it's as what Mailman said, and even I don't agree with him that often.
GhostRyderDid I miss the Katana because I re-watched it and don't see it.
Clear shot of it when the guy wearing it dives out of the window,
Posted on Reply
All I am gonna say is, WTF?
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TotallyClear shot of it when the guy wearing it dives out of the window,
Ohhhh, I see it now. I thought by the way it was being said he used it to kill someone so I was rewatching the action shots expecting someone to get sliced.
TotallyCurious, what are the Top 5 on that list? I could also settle for a top 3. Otherwise it's as what Mailman said, and even I don't agree with him that often.
I can see a few things I don't like in that trailer other than what I mentioned. But most of it will probably be resolved when we see more of the game.
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TheMailMan78…. this is a SJW free for all rewriting history for a social agenda.
Clearly you have little imagination if you can't stray from facts, where in the title "1942 reimagined" does it imply historical correctness?
As far as i'm concerned they can add or do anything they like in a made up storyline, including cowboys and Indians fighting aliens …. oh wait, that's been done.
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Reading so many negative comments....and here I was thinking WOW I am sooo looking forward to this game. First of all the trailer was made funky on purpose to include as many possible new features and gameplay so as to show people what you can do in the game. Like the V1 rocket you can call in the fortifications you can build the technicals you can call in the level of destruction you can cause the teamwork(drag an injured teammate to safety) the grenade you can shoot mid air. I don't remember anyone saying this game will be as "historically accurate as possible" i do remember hearing they will give us their take on a WW2 shooter. Also for the people complaining about realism(in a game) if you want real go enlist in the army, battlefield was never realistic at all. You think being able to jump out of a jet, snipe a heli pilot and fall back into the jet is realistic? come on guys dont be so toxic how do you hate a game you have not even played yet, that's bloody mental. In a week or so we will see actual multiplayer gameplay, if people hate it after that then i can understand
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silapakornFinally, a WW2 game that isn't a clone of Saving Private Ryan film.
Yet most of the players really hate this. Actually, BF V has more dislikes than BO4.
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The frustrating part is they didn't need to do anything to be inclusive... just feature the night witches ffs... It's a cool part of the soviet war effort that not many know about. There is absolutely no need to try and change history to appease people... or they will never learn from history...
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Caring1where does it imply historical correctness?
Well, the franchise itself implies historical correctness ... or should I say, it used to imply
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TheMailMan78SJWfield: 5

A handicap woman on the front lines fighting along side a black man with Scottish war paint on and some jerk off doing ninja moves with a God damn katana on his back during operation market garden? Let me guess the white guys is a sniveling cuck. WTF did I just watch? This is what happens when you let women vote.

I almost thew up when I saw that in the demo.
it's a shame where things have gone to.
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Gone Fishing
teheheWoman on the frontlines of ww2? bwahahahahahaha literally crying from laughter
if you look into history you would likely cry yourself to death then, there were women on the frontlines during WW2, maybe not in many Armies but for example the Russians deployed thousands of them, also in Infantry and Sniper roles.

On a separate note, so not aimed at Tehehe, quite frankly I agree that the portrayal here in this game appears to be somewhat historically unrealistic (if only because I don't think the advancement of the shown prosthetic appears realistic) but in context it's a game, anyone who knew the real me would not call me "politically correct" however I do have respect and some of the comment here is bordering on bigotry (or appears to be whether intentional or not), we have female members here, soldiers (current and retired) who have fought alongside women on the battlefield as well had close friends who lose limbs and volunteer to come back to combat roles whilst having a prosthetic, so can I ask that we tone down comment that might suggest some sections of society may not be worthy to serve their countries for whatever reason because it's happening today, by all means focus on historical references if you must.
Posted on Reply
TotallyCurious, what are the Top 5 on that list? I could also settle for a top 3
WTF uniforms , British soldier with katana in the midle of Europe , handicapped soldier on the forntline ( regardless of the sex ) , soldiers running like headless chickens into heavy mg fire , BF109 that crashes at relatively high speed and bounces like a basketball , the 109 pilot that somehow survives this crash , that guy who takes a f**** plane of his head and flys like he was made out of rubber , oh and the best of all , those guys at the end who survive a 850kg explosion at 50m distance on an open field .................... do i need to say more ?
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RH92WTF uniforms , British soldier with katana in the midle of Europe , handicapped soldier on the forntline ( regardless of the sex ) , soldiers running like headless chickens into heavy mg fire , BF109 that crashes at relatively high speed and bounces like a basketball , the 109 pilot that somehow survives this crash , that guy who takes a f**** plane of his head and flys like he was made out of rubber , oh and the best of all , those guys at the end who survive a 850kg explosion at 50m distance on an open field .................... do i need to say more ?
Half of those ARE things already ranting about as for the other half even though you're speaking in hypebole...and it's game, after experiencing BF1's horses and juggernaut perk, how does that surprise you? and iirc BF109s were originally built like flying tanks that's one of the things they were famous for, so I wouldn't question a pilot walking away from a crash landing.
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A bit late to the party, but couldn't help it:

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TotallyHalf of those ARE things already ranting about as for the other half even though you're speaking in hypebole...and it's game, after experiencing BF1's horses and juggernaut perk, how does that surprise you? and iirc BF109s were originally built like flying tanks that's one of the things they were famous for, so I wouldn't question a pilot walking away from a crash landing.
You probably confusing 109's with IL2's but still this 109 crash is far from being a forced landind . Look at the speed and angle it hits the ground ! If you think that this pilot should had survived the crash then i would advise you to go look some real life plane crashes and you will understand how wrong you are. But i digress .

My point still stands . Women on the frontile is far from being an unhistorical event and seeing so many peoples ( don't know if they deserve this word ) primarely complaining about this instead of many other REAL issues is shocking to say the least .
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Pathetic to release the trailer near Memorial day. The whole vibe itself could work for a more modern type of shooter though. Or maybe some revival of the Bad Company series.
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Lomskijcouldn't help it
Quick , send it to EA, I think they forgot to put a zebra penis in their video :roll:
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BiggieShadyQuick , send it to EA, I think they forgot to put a zebra penis in their video :roll:
Damn, I didn't even notice that at first.
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@btarunr here is some news, everyone including new reports are calling Battlefield V Battlefield 5 which is incorrect the V stands for Victory which related to WW2, if the game was Battlefield 5 it would need to be based after BF4 which its not, EA also doesn't use Roman Numerals .
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Live OR Die@btarunr here is some news, everyone including new reports are calling Battlefield V Battlefield 5 which is incorrect the V stands for Victory which related to WW2, if the game was Battlefield 5 it would need to be based after BF4 which its not, EA also doesn't use Roman Numeral .
Victory? You're going to make Hitler cry more.

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No loot boxes and women game characters! This game is up to date! Well done, Dice! All other peculiarities are just that.
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erixxNo loot boxes and women game characters! This game is up to date! Well done, Dice! All other peculiarities are just that.
I like women characters too. Possibly more often. There's nothing special about that though. It's just a cheap way for developers to get a pat on the back these days. This whole idea that women have been deprived is odd. Just like Kathleen Kennedy marketing Star Wars as suddenly revolutionary for female action characters. As if Ripley and Sarah Connor, every Tarantino movie, the whole history of comics, and thousands of others never existed. It's either stupid or arrogant. And disrespectful to what came before. Same with games. So many iconic females from Samus to Tomb Raider to every fighting game ever made.

In any case, I'll put women aside for a sec. The whole marketing squad looks out of place. It's one thing to take a singular moment (D-Day, where some AMERICAN soldiers got mohawks and put on warpaint as a homage to American Indians), but it's strange to make that the image of WW2... as if that's the sum of things now. It has never been so. If they wanted some artistic flexibility like this, they should've just made a modern war game. People actually have fairly drab expectations of WW2, and it's not a "peculiarity". It comprises just about everything they care about, when they think of that era.

Better yet, just play Hellblade and support a worthwhile game studio... if you want chicks with warpaint. Pick up Heavenly Sword while you're at it. They made two badass chick games.
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