Friday, June 1st 2018

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Teased, Next Installment in the Long-Running Series

Assassin's Creed has been one of the staples in gaming ever since the original's debut way back in 2007. Since then, there's been a steady stream of new main entry Assassin's Creed games every year, except in the year leading up to 2018's Origins: the first time the series took a hiatus for some much needed time to reinvent itself. Whether or not it succeeded, though, is another matter entirely.

That said, a new entry in the series was always to be expected, and a 5-second teaser has already been released, leading up to an almost certain full E3 reveal. The games' title, Odyssey, alongside the iconography of a Spartan helmet, likely places the game in the 6th to 4th century BCE, in Greece. A parallelism has been made - and really must be - between the games' title and Homer's titular "The Odyssey", an epic recounting the events following king Odysseus' return to Ithaca following the fall of Troy.
dyssey has been described by insiders as straying even further from the series' tried, true, and somewhat tiring (as of now) formula, and that the game should be coming out during Ubisoft's 2019 fiscal year - which ends on March 31st, 2019. this likely means that should no delays occur, the game will see the light of Greece's sun somewhat around the usual Fall release for the series.
Sources: Kotaku, Variety, Engadget
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15 Comments on Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Teased, Next Installment in the Long-Running Series

PC Gaming Enthusiast
RaevenlordWhether or not it succeeded, though, is another matter entirely.
Actually most reviewers and players agree that the extra time off was worth it, with Origins probably being the best of the series.
Posted on Reply
I don't understand why this series could become so popular. It takes just about half a brain cell to play.

Posted on Reply
PowerPCI don't understand why this series could become so popular. It takes just about half a brain cell to play.

hahaha, well I really don't like the missions and story, but damn they are good to choose interesting times and context for the game (open world/Pirate, Egypt and now GREEK!). But anyway, I hate missions where you need to follow someone and you don't even know why.
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I still havent even played the latest one due to the anti piracy crap. Nor have I played the previous 2 before that due to bugs and bad system performance.
Posted on Reply
I played the first 5, skipped Black Flag (don't care for the ship battles) - decent enough games and a point. I don't enjoy the sea battles, they feel cheap - you're nearly indestructible and can take on a small fleet on your own (at least in the AC: Rogue game).

It took me almost 6 months to play through AC:Rogue. I'd play for an hour or two, come back a week or two later and play an hour or two. The story wasn't compelling enough to keep me wanting more and the gameplay wasn't anything different over the last couple of releases. I think the series has really lost that uniqueness that it once had simply due to the fact that so many different games have been churned out for the series.

I'm kind of surprised they're still milking this series and that it still sells well enough to warrant more.
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Tech, Games, and TPU!
Mmmmm Spartans. Will we see Kratos in it?
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
CrAsHnBuRnXpNor have I played the previous 2 before that due to bugs and bad system performance.
Syndicate was very well optimized. Very few bugs. As to Unity, your system specs would allow you to play the game just fine. The bad performance affects lower specs with that game.
neatfeatguyskipped Black Flag (don't care for the ship battles) - decent enough games and a point. I don't enjoy the sea battles, they feel cheap - you're nearly indestructible and can take on a small fleet on your own (at least in the AC: Rogue game).
Black Flag was pretty fair on the sea battles. The only times I felt assured of victory is with a schooner, sloop or gunboat. Anything larger and you could get your ass handed to you pretty quick. The sailing and sea battles in Black Flag were really the only reason to play that one, I feel. The Assassin parts were rather forgettable.
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Tech, Games, and TPU!
rtwjunkieSyndicate was very well optimized. Very few bugs. As to Unity, your system specs would allow you to play the game just fine. The bad performance affects lower specs with that game.

Black Flag was pretty fair on the sea battles. The only times I felt assured of victory is with a schooner, sloop or gunboat. Anything larger and you could get your ass handed to you pretty quick. The sailing and sea battles in Black Flag were really the only reason to play that one, I feel. The Assassin parts were rather forgettable.
Before I lost all my saves I was taking on man o' wars pretty easily to the point of boarding the ship was the hard part. I'll never forget how many days I lost on taking down the dual-man o' war boss in the corner of the map.
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Nice i could endup buying this one .
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieSyndicate was very well optimized. Very few bugs. As to Unity, your system specs would allow you to play the game just fine. The bad performance affects lower specs with that game.
Unity ran like crap on my 2500k/6600k but i think it was partly due to my 980. i havent gotten a new GPU in many years so I never bothered trying to go back.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
I just got to thinking about this. Origins was about just that: the origin of the Assassins. It takes place in a span of years before and after 45 BC.

Therefore, Oddyssey teaser video is just meant to obfuscate and deceive. The one certainty is it takes place after roughly 40 BC, since it cannot predate the beginning of the order.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpUnity ran like crap on my 2500k/6600k but i think it was partly due to my 980. i havent gotten a new GPU in many years so I never bothered trying to go back.
Nah Unity ran like crap for everyone, and if a 980 can't do it proper...
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
neatfeatguyI played the first 5, skipped Black Flag (don't care for the ship battles) - decent enough games and a point. I don't enjoy the sea battles, they feel cheap - you're nearly indestructible and can take on a small fleet on your own (at least in the AC: Rogue game).

It took me almost 6 months to play through AC:Rogue. I'd play for an hour or two, come back a week or two later and play an hour or two. The story wasn't compelling enough to keep me wanting more and the gameplay wasn't anything different over the last couple of releases. I think the series has really lost that uniqueness that it once had simply due to the fact that so many different games have been churned out for the series.

I'm kind of surprised they're still milking this series and that it still sells well enough to warrant more.
Shame you don't like ship battles as that was pretty well done in Black Flag.

Unity was the last one i played and had no issue's running it, how ever i liked Black Flag more.
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Greece, Odissey universe ....oh boi im sold , not for the game itself, AC lack of that personal intricate story and it falls in the side quests by a lot IMO. Is not that i will compare it to the witcher but that dialogues face to face where you can choose something else that isnt ...( go and kill that guy) is what im refering to. It makes the game too boring. But about the graphics and gameplay, they did a nice job in ACO although my fav till now is Blackflag ( pirates arrr!) . But only see one issue there... if there isnt monsters and all that awesome creative story around Greek mitology the game wont capture the essence of that time, once again thats my opinion. Im not saying go and make another god of war, but just the name odissey infer Fiction and Adventure.
Posted on Reply
Still playing Unity. That game is gorgeous but other than that it's simply mediocre.
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