Friday, October 26th 2018

Valve Approves Team Fortress 2008 Mod, Reverses Decision, Angers Modding Community
Well this was a tale that took a roller-coaster ride, and then some. It started with a YouTube trailer for a mod that promised to take back Team Fortress to its 2008-era, which unsurprisingly got many fans of the game excited. The developer/modder who went by the handle XYK initiated a website (now inactive), along with other social media channels that included an active Discord server for the project. Timely updates followed, and good news came in the form of news from Valve that informed the modder of approval of a Steam release, as well as upcoming beta test keys as well. This was followed by Valve wanting some things to be changed, which were also done and things looked smooth at the time.
Then Valve decided they were not sure the mod was more than just a re-purposing of leaked game code, and decided to reverse their decision of approving a Steam release for the mod. This, as expected, did not go well with the vast majority of fans. The killing blow to the project came, however, not from Valve but from the modder himself who decided to go out with a negative bang of sorts instead of working with Valve. As it is, not only is the game community upset at both Valve and the modder but the u-turn taken by Valve has since been negatively criticized by other modders as well.
Then Valve decided they were not sure the mod was more than just a re-purposing of leaked game code, and decided to reverse their decision of approving a Steam release for the mod. This, as expected, did not go well with the vast majority of fans. The killing blow to the project came, however, not from Valve but from the modder himself who decided to go out with a negative bang of sorts instead of working with Valve. As it is, not only is the game community upset at both Valve and the modder but the u-turn taken by Valve has since been negatively criticized by other modders as well.
15 Comments on Valve Approves Team Fortress 2008 Mod, Reverses Decision, Angers Modding Community
I do not approve many things that Valve did, but this is definitely not one of them.
Steam has idiots working for them 4 days a week.
I think that was my first ever purchase on Steam back in 2008.
The ordeal is - the game was excellent at release and stayed that way up until 2011 when it went Free-to-Play. After that everything went to shit: the game became overburdened by cosmetics, lootboxes, paid one-use passes for "Man vs Machine" DLC, and of course tons of people with 200+ ping. The core gameplay was still fun, but it sinked deep under the pressure of all the shit that went wrong with the rest of the game.
I think last time I played was back in 2014, and it was only bearable in private matches with my friends and former clanmates. Public games were laggy, new weapons made people forget about classes and team-based gameplay etc. Basically a bunch of idiots just running around and shooting.
Given that there are still nearly 100K peak players every day, some people are still happy with it.
Here's an excerpt from my own review: And I was not the only one with that exact same opinion.