Thursday, December 6th 2018

Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge

So, it goes like this: Microsoft has confirmed they will be killing of their own-developed Edge browser in favor of a Chromium-based alternative. However... The new browser will retain Microsoft's Edge nomenclature, instead of parting ways with the (likely damaged) branding. Microsoft is committing to the open-based Chromium backbone, and will be building upon its database to contribute towards a more open Internet.

The idea is to deliver more frequent updates - and of course, reducing the engineering and coding efforts to keep an in-house browser up to date and secure from all manner of Internet threats. And this will likely be achieved; whether Microsoft's efforts will bring it a higher market share than the current 4%, though, is anyone's guess. It seems to be a usual Microsoft dilemma in that the first search on its browsers is for another web browser... And it might remain especially so without a branding change. Living in Chrome just sounds better than living on Edge.
Sources: Microsoft Blogs, Image via TechCrunch
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102 Comments on Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge

rtwjunkieOkaaaay. Semantics. Fact is Raevenlord made an intentionally deceptive headline that sounds as if Edge is disappearing.

Not a direct knock on him. All the news writers on TPU are falling into the same pattern lately with every other story.
I don't care if they kept the name. The underlying news is the bad thing.
Posted on Reply
Used Firefox for about 14 years. Probably will use another at least.
Posted on Reply
I do not use Chrome because it clashes with my Anti-Virus package and gives me the "SSL Version Interference" error when I load webpages. That is why I use Edge. I wonder if this is fixed in Chrome/Kaspersky 2019

But honestly I quite like Edge..
Posted on Reply
Since Microsoft switching to Chrome/Chromium's rendering engine is pretty much already decided, I wonder what they will do with Edge's current code... Would be interesting if MS open-sourced it and someone grabbed it to do something with it...
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Ouch :)
Schwoosh, that was the sound of it going over your head.

Also, Microsoft should forever be punished for giving us the abomination that was Internet Explorer. That alone set development back a decade.
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windwhirlSince Microsoft switching to Chrome/Chromium's rendering engine is pretty much already decided, I wonder what they will do with Edge's current code... Would be interesting if MS open-sourced it and someone grabbed it to do something with it...
It'll just go to waste in the vault.. just like everything else that gets swallowed up in the consolidation of products.

I don't know what it is about tech, but it seems to like becoming more and more limited over time, and there's a lot of wasted effort in the road towards this path. Take consoles, CPU designs, OSes, etc., etc.. for another example.

It's different than, say, my hobby with music equipment. You might see acquisitions here and there, but you don't see the same level of waste or rebranding. People can actually put their heart into their craft and see their brands/products thrive for decades.
Posted on Reply
I cannot help but feel that this is a mistake.
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newtekie1Anyone else bugged by the fact that there is an open parentheses with no closing parentheses?
There are many grammatical errors, can't settle on just the one.
Posted on Reply
EasoI cannot help but feel that this is a mistake.
Nadella is a saboteur. This isn't the only thing he's destroyed within Microsoft. And it's not just products. He saw it fit to change the whole culture and called it "sick" in a book (not to mention he makes everyone read some stupid psychology book now. "Nonviolent Communication" or something like that). They were the fine without this guy. They didn't conquer the world with this weak shit.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieOkaaaay. Semantics. Fact is Raevenlord made an intentionally deceptive headline that sounds as if Edge is disappearing.
I guess I just think of what makes a browser differently, so did not spot it immediately. But I see your perspective too... a browser is a brand and interface as much as a rendering engine.

And yes, I agree. As much as I love this place some of the headlines have been a bit sensationalist lately. Friendly criticism team, take it for what it's worth...
StrayKATNadella is a saboteur. This isn't the only thing he's destroyed within Microsoft. And it's not just products. He saw it fit to change the whole culture and called it "sick" in a book (not to mention he makes everyone read some stupid psychology book now. "Nonviolent Communication" or something like that). They were the fine without this guy. They didn't conquer the world with this weak shit.
I don't feel corporate culture has anything to do with why they lost the browser wars. As a matter of fact, it might be more the former culture had a good deal as to why they lost them. Thumbing your nose at open standards pisses off the universe and you can't fight them all forever...

It's not just MS. Look at Adobe. I hear flash is doing swell. :p
Posted on Reply
So with this, Google has pretty much won the browser wars.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI guess I just think of what makes a browser differently, so did not spot it immediately. But I see your perspective too... a browser is a brand and interface as much as a rendering engine.

And yes, I agree. As much as I love this place some of the headlines have been a bit sensationalist lately. Friendly criticism team, take it for what it's worth...

I don't feel corporate culture has anything to do with why they lost the browser wars. As a matter of fact, it might be more the former culture had a good deal as to why they lost them. Thumbing your nose at open standards pisses off the universe and you can't fight them all forever...

It's not just MS. Look at Adobe.
They lost the browser wars in the big antitrust thing years back. Never truly recovered from it.

But it's hypocritical. Google is more ubiquitous and intrusive than they ever were - not to mention are overtly making moves against free speech (and even admits it).. and no one does a thing.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
R-T-BI guess I just think of what makes a browser differently, so did not spot it immediately. But I see your perspective too... a browser is a brand and interface as much as a rendering engine.
You actually said what I was unable to convey in words. A “brand”. I see what you are saying about the underlying code making it not “Edge”. But, if MS does this well, most users of Edge may not even realize that their brand is any different.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieYou actually said what I was unable to convey in words. A “brand”. I see what you are saying about the underlying code making it not “Edge”. But, if MS does this well, most users of Edge may not even realize that their brand is any different.
Apple effectively did that with the PowerPC transition. The whole codebase literally changed it's assembly language, and not one person really cared.
StrayKATThey lost the browser wars in the big antitrust thing years back. Never truly recovered from it.
Laws are part of wars. They knew them before they acted. They really brought that one on themselves IMO.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BApple effectively did that with the PowerPC transition. The whole codebase literally changed it's assembly language, and not one person really cared.

Laws are part of wars. They knew them before they acted. They really brought that one on themselves IMO.
A law that only applies to one company isn't a law.

edit: I'd say the same for what happened to AT&T back in the day as well. Multiple companies nowadays are bigger than they ever dreamed of.
Posted on Reply
TotallySo with this, Google has pretty much won the browser wars.
Google and Mozilla. Though Mozilla is increasingly a sellout lately. But their source is still useful.
StrayKATA law that only applies to one company isn't a law.
It applies to any company that reaches number one in a market. There are special rules for monopolies or near-monopolies. And yes, they are laws.

You can't abuse dominance in one position to artificially boost your market share in another, essentially. It's the definition of anti-competitive behavior.

Google needs a smacking for abusing it's homepage to "sell" chrome, speaking of which.
Posted on Reply
It seems like the majority of users in this thread think Chrome is the only alternative. :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
R-T-BThough Mozilla is increasingly a sellout lately. But their source is still useful.
Don’t bash my one remaining hope for not being a google devotee. Let me wallow along in oblivious satisfaction that FF is a great independent browser. :p
Posted on Reply
RavenasIt seems like the majority of users in this thread think Chrome is the only alternative. :kookoo:
Chrome and one other (Mozilla). It is getting scary small.
rtwjunkieDon’t bash my one remaining hope for not being a google devotee. Let me wallow along in oblivious satisfaction that FF is a great independent browser. :p
I mean, if you toggle all the options off it's ok for privacy. But still. WTF is pocket doing here? :p
Posted on Reply
R-T-BGoogle and Mozilla. Though Mozilla is increasingly a sellout lately. But their source is still useful.

It applies to any company that reaches number one in a market. There are special rules for monopolies or near-monopolies. And yes, they are laws.

Google needs a smacking for abusing it's homepage to "sell" chrome, speaking of which.
Until I see it happening to someone like Google, there isn't any justice in it. You could say it's theoretically valid, but it isn't in practice. The whole 2000s after Microsoft was a series of companies like Google swallowing the market and watching the whole tech world become smaller and less diverse. And not just tech really. The media is basically owned by the same handful of companies too (Disney, Newscorp, Warner, Viacom?). We're in a world now where one company owns DC, Marvel, Star Trek, AND Star Wars. When I was a kid, we used to have wars on what was better. Now it's all the same shit.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BChrome and one other (Mozilla). It is getting scary small.
I wouldn't be surprised if Apple brought Safari back to Windows.
Posted on Reply
I used both Edge and Firefox.

I sure hope Firefox maintains a decent place in usage. To me, it's one of the more standout open source projects (and almost representative as Linux or LibreOffice). It'd be a shame if Chromium takes over the OSS world too, and we get the same level of shitty sameness there too. It's bad enough that Google already has a giant presence in the Linux world at all. Any casual Linux (Android) user probably already thinks they're synonymous.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
R-T-BChrome and one other (Mozilla). It is getting scary small.

I mean, if you toggle all the options off it's ok for privacy. But still. WTF is pocket doing here? :p
I just checked Avant, which I have installed but not opened in a couple years. It was always a great alternative to IE, and built on IE engine.

Not anymore. It’s using the Chrome rendering engine, and still looking and acting exactly like Avant used to.

I think this will be the result with Edge as well. No one will know unless they are geeks like us.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATYou could say it's theoretically valid, but it isn't in practice.
I'd say I was saying exactly that.

Sadly, welcome to the real world.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieI just checked Avant, which I have installed but not opened in a couple years. It was always a great alternative to IE, and built on IE engine.

Not anymore. It’s using the Chrome rendering engine, and still looking and acting exactly like Avant used to.

I think this will be the result with Edge as well. No one will know unless they are geeks like us.
I just think they'd prefer having something a little more under their control. Edge has a lot of platform specific tech that does things other browsers don't and can't do. I've pointed out elsewhere that Edge can have sessions in it's own container/VM (through Hyper-V) called Application Guard. And UWP apps in general relied on Edge. Why would you want to lose control over things that are on the OS level like this?

Because Nadella is a saboteur, like I said. Either that, or he's just incompetent. It seems like things magically turn to shit under his watch. He put zero effort into mobile and UWP. Xbox has partly burned under his watch as well.
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