Thursday, December 6th 2018

Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge
So, it goes like this: Microsoft has confirmed they will be killing of their own-developed Edge browser in favor of a Chromium-based alternative. However... The new browser will retain Microsoft's Edge nomenclature, instead of parting ways with the (likely damaged) branding. Microsoft is committing to the open-based Chromium backbone, and will be building upon its database to contribute towards a more open Internet.
The idea is to deliver more frequent updates - and of course, reducing the engineering and coding efforts to keep an in-house browser up to date and secure from all manner of Internet threats. And this will likely be achieved; whether Microsoft's efforts will bring it a higher market share than the current 4%, though, is anyone's guess. It seems to be a usual Microsoft dilemma in that the first search on its browsers is for another web browser... And it might remain especially so without a branding change. Living in Chrome just sounds better than living on Edge.
Microsoft Blogs, Image via TechCrunch
The idea is to deliver more frequent updates - and of course, reducing the engineering and coding efforts to keep an in-house browser up to date and secure from all manner of Internet threats. And this will likely be achieved; whether Microsoft's efforts will bring it a higher market share than the current 4%, though, is anyone's guess. It seems to be a usual Microsoft dilemma in that the first search on its browsers is for another web browser... And it might remain especially so without a branding change. Living in Chrome just sounds better than living on Edge.
102 Comments on Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge
According to the VP Belfiore, the transition will be transparent with Chromium code going on under the hood, still be called Edge, and users can keep on using Edge as they always have.
That's it! I can't take this anymore. There all making spelling mistakes and grammar errors. Your all bad at this!
edit: Wait, on a sidenote, both Chrome and Edge are stupid names for browsers. So the only good thing I see from this is possibly changing back to "Explorer". Google started the trend of stupid browser names though. Before it was "Navigator", "Explorer", etc.. Even Safari kind of fits the exploration motif. But wtf is "Chrome"?
The best part is W7 and W8.1 will get Edge now. Looks like Internet Explorer will disappear eventually, then.
I am with explorer guy, make explorer the portal to everything ,then adoption would slowly increase as people would just make do ,due to it's convenience.
And while not entirely Google related, I hate everything associated with them. The same way everyone thinks of Microsoft is how I think of Google. They are the AIDS of the internet.
Personally, I haven't really given Edge a chance, but I greatly dislike IE and only use it for 1 thing at work - to access a couple of the wireless cameras because the extension in Chrome doesn't work properly and FF doesn't work with the software.
My kids use Chrome on my computer, so I figure I'd keep her laptop with something she's familiar with.
Everything is pozzed.
Either way, your (yes, intentional) right. :p No. There's always... I mean...
Text based browsers?
Plus frankly, chromium-OS sucks.
I mean, to give you an idea, take ReactOS (basically the same thing you are trying to do) for a 5 minute spin... Enjoy Windows 2000!
It is safe to say MS is not what it used to be. A top notch Software Company. Their CS department operates from India where you can get fake degree and certification for the price of a scooter. Microsoft has been replacing skilled staff with cheap labor from abroad instead.
I was suggesting a cut down Chromium OS alternative to 10 S ;) . That's why I called it "meh"
My bad
Shiny and chrome...
Not a direct knock on him. All the news writers on TPU are falling into the same pattern lately with every other story.