Thursday, December 6th 2018

Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge

So, it goes like this: Microsoft has confirmed they will be killing of their own-developed Edge browser in favor of a Chromium-based alternative. However... The new browser will retain Microsoft's Edge nomenclature, instead of parting ways with the (likely damaged) branding. Microsoft is committing to the open-based Chromium backbone, and will be building upon its database to contribute towards a more open Internet.

The idea is to deliver more frequent updates - and of course, reducing the engineering and coding efforts to keep an in-house browser up to date and secure from all manner of Internet threats. And this will likely be achieved; whether Microsoft's efforts will bring it a higher market share than the current 4%, though, is anyone's guess. It seems to be a usual Microsoft dilemma in that the first search on its browsers is for another web browser... And it might remain especially so without a branding change. Living in Chrome just sounds better than living on Edge.
Sources: Microsoft Blogs, Image via TechCrunch
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102 Comments on Microsoft's Edge Browser Confirmed Dead; Long Live Microsoft Edge

StrayKATI've pointed out elsewhere that Edge sessions in it's own container/VM (through Hyper-V) called Application Guard.
I hate to kick edge when it's down, but that's really just sandboxing and nothing novel outside it finally being implemented in Trident...
StrayKATWhy would you want to lose control over things that are on the OS level like this?
Why would you have to?
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI hate to kick edge when it's down, but that's really just sandboxing and nothing novel outside it finally being implemented in Trident...
We're back again to talking theory... just like you mentioned with law. Nothing matters to me unless I see it in practice. So far, I only know of Microsoft doing it (at least on Windows).
Posted on Reply
StrayKATWe're back again to talking theory... just like you mentioned with law. Nothing matters to me unless I see it in practice. So far, I only know of Microsoft doing it (at least on Windows).
All the big name browsers utilize sandboxing (except maybe Gecko, which is at least using it fir plugins), which is really the same thing. Not even really, more like literally the same.
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remixedcatslimjet/brave master race!
Brave is also Chromium *snicker* :P
Posted on Reply
StrayKATThey lost the browser wars in the big antitrust thing years back. Never truly recovered from it.

But it's hypocritical. Google is more ubiquitous and intrusive than they ever were - not to mention are overtly making moves against free speech (and even admits it).. and no one does a thing.
Are you referring to when they got smacked for including IE with Windows, thus spawning the "N" version? That was a ridiculous lawsuit in my opinion back when it happened, and now that I've grown a little older and changed my views on some things, I still see it as ridiculous. Windows, in no way, forces you to use IE (except maybe for a brief period to download whatever your browser of choice is, then leave it in the dust forever). It's just a a basic component of the OS. May as well smack them for making Windows able to play videos, open images, music... hell, maybe the drivers that come with Windows are limiting my choice to install the drivers I want!

Windows 10's behavior is far more deserving of some kind of lawsuit than that IE mess...
Posted on Reply
StrayKATBrave is also Chromium *snicker* :p
I know. But runs much leaner and looks better.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BAll the big bame browsers utilize sandboxing, which is really the same thing. Not even really, more like literally the same.
It's a step further than sandboxing. It's a VM.

edit: I guess the closest I've seen is something like Qubes OS...which runs every OS/app instance in it's own VM. Seems pretty far as security goes.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
StrayKATNadella is a saboteur. This isn't the only thing he's destroyed within Microsoft. And it's not just products. He saw it fit to change the whole culture and called it "sick" in a book (not to mention he makes everyone read some stupid psychology book now. "Nonviolent Communication" or something like that). They were the fine without this guy. They didn't conquer the world with this weak shit.
This is genuinely a pretty shocking opinion, one I don't quite understand. Could you elaborate?

(and for the record, making people read psychology books is a pretty good idea for them if it's the right book)
Posted on Reply
FrickThis is genuinely a pretty shocking opinion, one I don't quite understand. Could you elaborate?

(and for the record, making people read psychology books is a pretty good idea for them if it's the right book)
It just sounds like a form of HR to me (but coming straight from the top/from the CEO), shifting the internal "culture" to be less mean and abrasive (and lets be honest.. this is how geek culture and the tech world operated before) to something more humane and welcoming. It sounds like the same thing that happened to the Linux "Code of Conduct" stuff recently, but from a corporate standpoint. Where Linus isn't allowed to call people idiots any longer.

But if the world was in dire need of a such a thing, neither Linus or Microsoft would have even been as successful as they already were. It's just fixing something that wasn't broken and will inevitably invite opinions that never belonged.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
StrayKATIt just sounds like a form of HR to me (but coming straight from the top/from the CEO), shifting the internal "culture" to be less mean and abrasive (and lets be honest.. this is how geek culture and the tech world operated before) to something more humane and welcoming. It sounds like the same thing that happened to the Linux "Code of Conduct" stuff recently, but from a corporate standpoint. Where Linus isn't allowed to call people idiots any longer.

But if the world was in dire need of a such a thing, neither Linus or Microsoft would have even been as successful as they already were. It's just fixing something that wasn't broken and will inevitably invite opinions that never belonged.
So Nadella ruined MS by making people not be asses? You said he destroyed several things. What more did he actually destroy?
Posted on Reply
FrickSo Nadella ruined MS by making people not be asses? You said he destroyed several things. What more did he actually destroy?
I said mobile wasn't helped much by him earlier. He threw in the towel the first chance he got. Other things have fallen under his watch too (UWP..which you could say was tied to the mobile effort, wasn't promoted as it should have been. And the Xbox has gotten it's ass kicked). Basically the whole underlying vision of "Windows everywhere" has failed under him. It's back to just being a desktop OS, like it's the year 2000. And now he does the killing blow to their browser too. We've also seen Microsoft under his watch become a PLATINUM member (the highest level) of the Linux Foundation. Which is bizarre both to the MS and Open Source world. He's actively funding their own destruction.

Back to the HR stuff. Linus made a funny comment I ran into recently. He said he likes code because "it does what he says", unlike people. And that kind of sums up how a lot of them think. Same goes for mechanics and other Thinking types. They're socially retarded. Try all you might, but nothing will change that. Just get out of their way and let them do what they do best.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATHe threw in the towel the first chance he got.
To be fair, if I was a sabataur I would've insisted that bleeding division be kept alive at all costs
StrayKATThey're socially retarded.
Autism is prevelant in these fields, actaully. Which is why Microsoft actively recruits people with that disorder under several campaigns.

But it's far from universal.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BTo be fair, if I was a sabataur I would've insisted that bleeding division be kept alive at all costs

Autism is prevelant in these fields, actaully. Which is why Microsoft actively recruits people with that disorder under several campaigns.

But it's far from universal.
I don't know if they're all autistic, but it does seem to be common. But even outside of that, the typical Thinker (macho/crack in the butt plumber/car mechanic types) are just the same. They're not always good with people, don't beat around the bush, don't bore with you a lot of bullshit or nicely persuade you to do something (they just tell you the facts and how to solve the problem).
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Well this has taken a sharp U-turn! :eek:
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rtwjunkieWell this has taken a sharp U-turn! :eek:
This whole scene sums up how I feel about MS.

I suppose that doesn't help getting things back on topic. :P
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Living "in chrome" sounds stifling, I'd rather be living on the Edge!
Why fix what isn't broken, unless the transition is due to cost cutting.
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StrayKATI don't know if they're all autistic,
Did not mean to imply that. But now that Autism is a spectrum and Aspergers is included, I have a feeling many of those types fit the criteria (whether diagnosed or not).
Posted on Reply
R-T-BDid not mean to imply that. But now that Autism is a spectrum and Aspergers is included, I have a feeling many of those types fit the criteria (whether diagnosed or not).
I think it's a very real thing.. just that I also think it's overdiagnosed. I mean, to me, what sometimes qualifies as autistic was once just introverted or heavy Thinking oriented behavior. And young men in particular are growing up being told they're sick.. when it was probably normal in the past.

It's like a new form of that Aunt or Grandma who wanted everyone to send Christmas cards or do celebrations and have a cheerful attitude -- and even if they didn't like someone, they'd still put on this phony attitude and tell people how beautiful they looked. And if you were blunt at all or didn't like being festive or extroverted, then something was wrong with you...

It's like that Aunt... except now, it's Culture itself putting on the pressure.

And as for Nadella, the guy is so up his own ass that he wants Microsoft to only "serve good". That he aims for their products to only be used for the good of humanity.

I mean... there's nothing wrong with that goal in itself, but how about just making a computer company? You're not saving the world. It's out of your hands. Besides, most people just use their computers for pr0n.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATI think it's a very real thing.. just that I also think it's overdiagnosed. I mean, to me, what sometimes qualifies as autistic was once just introverted or heavy Thinking oriented behavior. And young men in particular are growing up being told they're sick.. when it was probably normal in the past.
I think people need to lose the term "disorder" here and think of it more as a personality type. Is it possibly problematic/negative? Sure in extreme cases it can be. But hardly all the time. Actaully, there is a debate in psych circles on that wording right now for those exact reasons.

"Normal" is a construct of society that nearly no one fits anyhow. The sooner we recognize that the better.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI think people need to lose the term "disorder" here and think of it more as a personality type. Is it possibly problematic/negative? Sure in extreme cases it can be. But hardly all the time. Actaully, there is a debate in psych circles on that wording right now for those exact reasons.

"Normal" is a construct of society that nearly no one fits anyhow. The sooner we recognize that the better.
Fair enough. I'll just say it was more "acceptable" in the past. People might've complained about those guys back in the past too, calling them "cold" or rude at times.. but one side didn't win out.

Anyhow, I've been drinking too much coffee + the subject has made me antsy. Sorry for carrying on about this.
Posted on Reply
Honest Abe
R-T-BI think people need to lose the term "disorder" here and think of it more as a personality type. Is it possibly problematic/negative? Sure in extreme cases it can be. But hardly all the time. Actaully, there is a debate in psych circles on that wording right now for those exact reasons.

"Normal" is a construct of society that nearly no one fits anyhow. The sooner we recognize that the better.
This is funny reading comments from imaginary individuals all inside my head talk about "constructs"

Lolololol. Is the Matrix self-aware now or what???? Oh wait no, it's all just my imagination!!!
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RaevenlordLiving in Chrome just sounds better than living on Edge.
Vayra86You're getting pretty good at this.
Agreed. He was being serious but it just came off very funny.
Posted on Reply
StrayKATFair enough. I'll just say it was more "acceptable" in the past. People might've complained about those guys back in the past too, calling them "cold" or rude at times.. but one side didn't win out.

Anyhow, I've been drinking too much coffee + the subject has made me antsy. Sorry for carrying on about this.
Ah no worries. It's all good discussion but yeah we'd best stop being OT.
Honest AbeThis is funny reading comments from imaginary individuals all inside my head talk about "constructs"

Lolololol. Is the Matrix self-aware now or what???? Oh wait no, it's all just my imagination!!!
Abe, it's time to put you back in your sarcophagus. Your losing touch with the modern world, and sorry to say, just plain smelly (being ~200 years old and all, I can't say I blame you).
Posted on Reply
Alright I have to ask, what's the historical context (if any) in adding "long live" in sentences such as the title above? Sorry if it's "too" off topic :ohwell:
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