Tuesday, March 5th 2019

NVIDIA Updates RTX Game Bundle - Now Also Includes Metro Exodus
NVIDIA has updated their RTX game bundle, which offers users games whenever they purchase an elligible RTX graphics card. The bundle previously offered wither Anthem or Battlefield V, for gamers who purchased the RTX 2060 or 2070 graphics card; and both games for buyers of the RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti. Now, gamers who purchase NVIDIA's highest-performacne graphics cards also get to take Metro Exodus home, and buyers of the RTX 2060 and RTX 2070 can now choose that game over the others.
45 Comments on NVIDIA Updates RTX Game Bundle - Now Also Includes Metro Exodus
actually i am more considering a Vega 64 to be a worthy upgrade slightly above a "baby step" ... since at the present moment it's on par with the 2060 pricing at certain of my e-tailer
watch some vids on this channel,there is no difference in vram usage
architectually turing is a big step,true.
but the cards should've had more vram and you can only pack so many cuda cores on 12nm when you're putting tensor/rt cores on the die too.
that's why people are saying it's bad value,even though the new architecture is a big step up,but the capabilities of these cards are limited by the process imo.
Value is clearly not the same.
Nvidia gives you 2 mainstream titles and one pretender (Anthem).
AMD gives you 3 attractive titles, but not as mainstream as the ones with Nvidia. So they were cheaper for sure.
You have to consider that this promotion is not aimed at hardcore gamers - a segment where people may like the games bundled, but this won't affect their graphic card choice (so it has no value to the card or GPU makers).
It's mainly aimed at casual gamers - people who don't read GPU reviews etc. And they play just few titles a year, so may be attracted by a mainstream game they know.
Battlefield is a hugely popular series. Metro is a very popular franchise (at least in some countries).
Other 4 titles mentioned: Anthem, Division 2, DMC and Resident Evil are in a lower class.
If you're a hardcore gamer and you play many games, AMD bundle may be a better deal for you. But if you're a hardcore gamer and you like AMD, there's a big chance you'll buy them anyway. Well that's the point. 3 games are great if you're playing many hours a week and trying dozens titles yearly.
This deal isn't that great for casual gamers.
As for the AAA games issue... all games in the 2 current promotions could be called "AAA" because of popularity (expectations and mainstream character).
What I meant earlier is that we seldom see really good titles in these bundles. Quality doesn't always go with expectations. :)
We all remember For Honor hype, right? ;-)
Personally, I feel the "AAA" thing got really devaluated lately. It's used to be reserved for really good games. Today almost all games released by major studios are called that. We've segmented the gaming industry into "AAA" and "indie"...
It's a bit like movies: almost everything today is advertised as "from creators of something famous" or "starring award-winning someone".
So if your make up artist hasn't worked in Avatar and Sean Bean isn't killed in the first scene, you're basically making an amateur movie.
For all intents and purposes a 2060 is a 1070ti in disguise with -2GB of VRAM. The 1070ti is capable of 4K medium just fine. The 2060 will struggle in certain situations. That GPU core is fast enough.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: the 2060 is a good deal as it is. If it had 8GB VRAM and a 256 bit bus at the same price point, it would have been an absolute must buy.
Though, ngreedia could do a little bit better - metro is a great game + rays. But cheater-infested BFV is a doubt-full choice. Anthem? Dunno, reviwers said its a complete failure, they’ve better add something raytraced aswell. Or....oh, wait, that’s only 2 games there, right?
2. Metro is NOT a mainstream game (but the only one out of the 3 NV titles that has good quality). I think it sells way less than Anthem, f.e. Division 2, RE2 is not in a lower class compared to BFV or Metro.
3. If you would buy them, you don't need to, as it is presented for the given AMD cards. The GTX 1060 6GB was faster than the GTX 980 for $250. The RTX 2060 is slower than the GTX 1080 for $350. I hope you can feel the difference.
And yeah, 379$ and 350$ - hellova deal!
The franchise (mostly books, but games as well) is an huge hit in Eastern Europe.
If they're after a global success, going for a bundle like this one is a great idea.
All earlier Metro games are in Xbox Game Pass, so yeah - global sales may be below their expectations.
Oh, look! It's even on wikipedia!