Thursday, March 21st 2019

Intel Introduces its New Graphics Command Center App, Paving the Way For Intel Xe
Intel has revealed the layout and overall look (as well as functionality, though that one is always changing) of their new Graphics Command Center app, which showcases the company's vision for a graphics control hub. The design is thematically coherent (read: it's blue), and is, for now, of a simple layout. Enthusiast options are expectedly going to be added closer to or upon release of the company's discrete-level graphics architecture with Intel Xe, but the Command Center as it is showcases Intel's overall spirit to their graphics push. For now, features keep the minimalist approach of Intel's integrated graphics - this is more of a new coat of paint than a new enthusiast-grade Command Center.
Intel made a video available on its Twitter account, and announced an early access program for users that want to partake i the feature and usability development of the new Command Center. The new app is available through Microsoft's App Store on Windows.
Intel on Twitter
Intel made a video available on its Twitter account, and announced an early access program for users that want to partake i the feature and usability development of the new Command Center. The new app is available through Microsoft's App Store on Windows.
11 Comments on Intel Introduces its New Graphics Command Center App, Paving the Way For Intel Xe
super nice, but the old CP still exists shame it doesnt really "replace" anything.
(maybe, don't get mad... maybe a little, it's funny.)
Personally, I think there is a special ring of hell for her, but maybe I just hate children... hard to say. Both, likely.
I find the emphasis on driver and controls as an important recognition that hardware alone is not enough. Hopefully there will be more substance than style in the future. :D I had completely forgotten, thanks for the reminder.