Monday, March 25th 2019

Intel Board of Directors Extends Andy Bryant's Term as Intel Chairman until 2020

Intel Corporation today announced that its board of directors had unanimously decided to extend Andy Bryant's term as Intel chairman for one additional year, to help support Intel's leadership transition. If Bryant is re-elected at Intel's 2019 annual stockholders' meeting, his term as chairman would continue through the conclusion of Intel's 2020 annual stockholders' meeting. Bryant has informed the board that he does not expect to stand for re-election again in 2020.

"I am honored to be nominated to serve as a director and Intel's chairman for another year," Bryant said. "If re-elected by the stockholders at our annual meeting in May, I look forward to continuing to work with Bob, the board and the entire executive team to continue Intel's historic transformation to a data-centric company. I expect this would be my last year of service as a member of Intel's board."

"I am ecstatic that the board has extended Andy's term for another year," Intel CEO Bob Swan said. "He has been a great sounding board for me since I joined the company, and has been especially invaluable to me while I have served in the interim and now permanent CEO roles."

Intel's board of directors believes Bryant's extensive expertise and experience provide important leadership continuity as Intel undergoes a CEO transition at a time of substantial business transformation. Bryant has worked at Intel for 38 years in a variety of senior executive positions, including as chief financial officer and chief administrative officer, and has served as Intel's chairman for the past seven years.
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2 Comments on Intel Board of Directors Extends Andy Bryant's Term as Intel Chairman until 2020

"continue Intel's historic transformation to a data-centric company"

What does this mean, if anything, in non-corporate speak?
Posted on Reply
s3thra"continue Intel's historic transformation to a data-centric company"

What does this mean, if anything, in non-corporate speak?
It means you're right in line with the buzz word of today: 'Data'. Being data centric means you rely on data. Gosh, what a surprise!
Posted on Reply
Sep 26th, 2024 20:03 EDT change timezone

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