It has come to our attention that MSI Customer Support has regrettably misinformed an MSI customer with regards to potential support for next-gen AMD CPUs on the MSI X370 XPOWER GAMING TITANIUM motherboard. Through this statement we want clarify the current situation.
At this point, we are still performing extensive testing on our existing lineup of 300- and 400-series AM4 motherboards to verify potential compatibility for the next-gen AMD Ryzen CPUs. To be clear: Our intention is to offer maximum compatibility for as many MSI products as possible. Towards the launch of the next-gen AMD CPUs, we will release a compatibility list of MSI AM4 motherboards. Below is a full list of upcoming BIOS versions which include compatibility for the next-gen AMD APUs for our 300-Series and 400-Series AM4 motherboards based on the latest AMD Combo PI version These BIOS versions are expected to be released in May this year.
158 Comments on MSI Issues Clarification on Next-Gen AMD CPU Support on 300-series Motherboards
Members still fail to admit that MSI said they were wrong at first place for misinformation!. TPU their job is to provide us with information related to tech both without bias and variance and they have done just that.
'Greedy motherboard vendors such as MSI want you to buy a new motherboard every two generations of processor for no sound reason at all. '
Does that sound like an unbiased new story at all!!!! How many greedy motherboard vendors are out there? who are these greedy motherboard vendors? please name these greedy motherboard vendors? and most importantly, please provide some proof of this?
TPU could have written this any number of ways, and then checked up with MSI directly to get an answer but of course not, this is not reporting, this is just personalised bias of the highest order mascarading as a new story. What has happened to objectively handling a news worthy story? Also those days are gone because, and lets just be honest here, it's all about sensationalism to drive clicks and of course in turn money....
Stop defending a company who has already accepted accountability for the error and issued a clarification.
Btarunr was absolutely correct for both reporting the problem and for the wording used to call out MSI on a potentially serious mistake. See above..
Now they won't even retreat it or correct it. Yeah, full class journalism.
I know, I sucked when I tried to work here, my work ethic is a mess and all and life is always playing tricks on me. But I know the rules. And you do too, bta.. try harder. This is borderline Nigerian yellow press status... which is just about as low as Journalism goes (they regularly print religiously themed things with words like "evil" and "vile" which also have no place in Journalism. "Greedy" is in the same class.)
One sucky journalist calling another out, I guess...
Are you confronting a TPU journalist who work hard to publish tech news and let you become part of the community. And here you are attacking another.