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Tuesday, April 16th 2019

MSI Issues Clarification on Next-Gen AMD CPU Support on 300-series Motherboards

It has come to our attention that MSI Customer Support has regrettably misinformed an MSI customer with regards to potential support for next-gen AMD CPUs on the MSI X370 XPOWER GAMING TITANIUM motherboard. Through this statement we want clarify the current situation.

At this point, we are still performing extensive testing on our existing lineup of 300- and 400-series AM4 motherboards to verify potential compatibility for the next-gen AMD Ryzen CPUs. To be clear: Our intention is to offer maximum compatibility for as many MSI products as possible. Towards the launch of the next-gen AMD CPUs, we will release a compatibility list of MSI AM4 motherboards. Below is a full list of upcoming BIOS versions which include compatibility for the next-gen AMD APUs for our 300-Series and 400-Series AM4 motherboards based on the latest AMD Combo PI version These BIOS versions are expected to be released in May this year.
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158 Comments on MSI Issues Clarification on Next-Gen AMD CPU Support on 300-series Motherboards

Not this again, I hate to break it to you but that last article about equal rights (diversity?) blew up worse than this!
Posted on Reply
Nice! Exactly what I expected to see after the news came out yesteday and our initial responses takling about them losing sales from now on if the play this against the customers.
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lexluthermiesterThey absolutely did their job the right way. They reported, proactively, on a situation as it was developing with the information they had available. I personally loath fake-news. If @btarunr had put any spin or twist to it I would have called him out as I have in the past. He did not. The information and the way it was conveyed in the article was factual and comprehensive.
First of all thank you for backing me up on this. Members are finding faults when there are non to be found.

Members still fail to admit that MSI said they were wrong at first place for misinformation!. TPU their job is to provide us with information related to tech both without bias and variance and they have done just that.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
mcraygsxFirst of all thank you for backing me up on this. Members are finding faults when there are non to be found.

Members still fail to admit that MSI said they were wrong at first place for misinformation!. Their job is to provide us with information related to tech both without bias and variance and they have done just that.
And your attitude, thinking MSI made that statement, is EXACT illustration why low level flunkies are not allowed to speak for most businesses or government organizations. It leads people to the wrong conclusions
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natr0nImagine losing your minds over computer hardware.

And yet it happens, daily. :laugh::peace:
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lexluthermiesterThey absolutely did their job the right way. They reported, proactively, on a situation as it was developing with the information they had available. I personally loath fake-news. If @btarunr had put any spin or twist to it I would have called him out as I have in the past. He did not. The information and the way it was conveyed in the article was factual and comprehensive.
Oh my, so TPU reported the story correctly!!! Really!!! Read this from TPU's own story....

'Greedy motherboard vendors such as MSI want you to buy a new motherboard every two generations of processor for no sound reason at all. '

Does that sound like an unbiased new story at all!!!! How many greedy motherboard vendors are out there? who are these greedy motherboard vendors? please name these greedy motherboard vendors? and most importantly, please provide some proof of this?

TPU could have written this any number of ways, and then checked up with MSI directly to get an answer but of course not, this is not reporting, this is just personalised bias of the highest order mascarading as a new story. What has happened to objectively handling a news worthy story? Also those days are gone because, and lets just be honest here, it's all about sensationalism to drive clicks and of course in turn money....
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rtwjunkieAnd your attitude, thinking MSI made that statement, is EXACT illustration why low level flunkies are not allowed to speak for most businesses or government organizations. It leads people to the wrong conclusions
He might have been a low level flunky, but was responding to a question from a customer, therefore the wrong information DID cpme from MSI
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
tiggerHe might have been a low level flunky, but was responding to a question from a customer, therefore the wrong information DID cpme from MSI
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieAnd your attitude, thinking MSI made that statement, is EXACT illustration why low level flunkies are not allowed to speak for most businesses or government organizations. It leads people to the wrong conclusions
MSI did make the originating statement. MSI tech support agents are still MSI reps. That rep didn't make the statement publicly as a press statement, it was made in a private conversation to a lone MSI customer. However, the statement was still made and it was likely made because that rep was instructed to make it. So the very likely reality is that the rep in question didn't actually make a mistake so much as he/she was the victim of circumstance. Regardless, the statement originated inside MSI and thus the TPU article report is valid.

Stop defending a company who has already accepted accountability for the error and issued a clarification.
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Let's call it what it was - click bait - "racy headline draws attention to possible collusion (with Intel?) & misconduct by MSI" :ohwell:
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LOL. How could anyone say the previous story was handled the right way?
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vMax65Oh my, so TPU reported the story correctly!!! Really!!! Read this from TPU's own story....

'Greedy motherboard vendors such as MSI want you to buy a new motherboard every two generations of processor for no sound reason at all. '

Does that sound like an unbiased new story at all!!!! How many greedy motherboard vendors are out there? who are these greedy motherboard vendors? please name these greedy motherboard vendors? and most importantly, please provide some proof of this?
Yup, I read it and agree with it. Here's the flaw. @btarunr was actively trying to highlight the potential reason for limiting support to older motherboards, greed. We know damn well it will not be for incompatibility because AMD deliberately and specifically engineered their CPU's and Chipsets to be compatible for a certain number of generations. So any motherboard maker who does not issue updates for their motherboards would be doing it for one reason alone, to sell more motherboards, IE GREED. Such behavior is not in line with the specifcations AMD laid out for motherboard makers to follow.

Btarunr was absolutely correct for both reporting the problem and for the wording used to call out MSI on a potentially serious mistake.
moproblems99LOL. How could anyone say the previous story was handled the right way?
See above..
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such a shitshow. I was honestly expecting that even cheap a320 board would have some zen2 support.
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Well at least we have official reply from MSI and about leaking misinformation from some low level tech at MSI not a big deal really, life goes on.
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hojnikbsuch a shitshow. I was honestly expecting that even cheap a320 board would have some zen2 support.
Technically, it should.
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kastriotWell at least we have official reply from MSI and about leaking misinformation from some low level tech at MSI not a big deal really, life goes on.
And the tech has a MSI shaped boot print on his ass
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So long story short. TPU screwed up by not confirming from at least two sources unofficial information from reddit and breaking the news that was basically not true.
Now they won't even retreat it or correct it. Yeah, full class journalism.
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btarunrI was following the "How to ensure MSI doesn't screw me over with Zen3 support in 2020: 101"

I personally own an MSI 400-series motherboard and a 2700X. If MSI gets away with depriving Zen2 to 300-series, it will deprive Zen3 to 400-series. I intend to buy a Zen3 in 2020.
I concur. Keep calling out any company when they go down this road. They get away with this far too often. Both in the hardware and the software industry. They must be held accountable for their words and their actions.
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YosarSo long story short. TPU screwed up by not confirming from at least two sources unofficial information from reddit and breaking the news that was basically not true.
Now they won't even retreat it or correct it. Yeah, full class journalism.
Wrong. You joined TPU just to troll?
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterYup, I read it and agree with it. Here's the flaw. @btarunr was actively trying to highlight the potential reason for limiting support to older motherboards, greed. We know damn well it will not be for incompatibility because AMD deliberately and specifically engineered their CPU's and Chipsets to be compatible for a certain number of generations. So any motherboard maker who does not issue updates for their motherboards would be doing it for one reason alone, to sell more motherboards, IE GREED. Such behavior is not in line with the specifcations AMD laid out for motherboard makers to follow.

Btarunr was absolutely correct for both reporting the problem and for the wording used to call out MSI on a potentially serious mistake.

See above..
Seriously!!! and AMD are not greedy? Intel are not greedy? Apple are not greedy? how about Nike, ARM, Dunkin Doughnuts!!!!! you might as well label that at every company in the west. Completely lost your minds if you can defend this as anything but clickbait and downright shoddy journalism and that is being kind to shoddy journalist's
Posted on Reply
vMax65Oh my, so TPU reported the story correctly!!! Really!!! Read this from TPU's own story....

'Greedy motherboard vendors such as MSI want you to buy a new motherboard every two generations of processor for no sound reason at all. '
Honestly, words like that have no place in Journalism.

I know, I sucked when I tried to work here, my work ethic is a mess and all and life is always playing tricks on me. But I know the rules. And you do too, bta.. try harder. This is borderline Nigerian yellow press status... which is just about as low as Journalism goes (they regularly print religiously themed things with words like "evil" and "vile" which also have no place in Journalism. "Greedy" is in the same class.)

One sucky journalist calling another out, I guess...
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vMax65Seriously!!! and AMD or not greedy, Intel are not greedy, Apple are not greedy, how about Nike, ARM, Dunkin Doughnuts!!!!! you might as well label that at every company in the west.
There is a big difference between wanting to make a profit and being greedy in a inappropriate way. Making and selling a great product is one thing. Deliberately sabotaging one set of products to sell more of another set of products is shady, dishonest and in some places unlawful. That's the difference. Let it sink in..
R-T-BHonestly, words like that have no place in Journalism.
That is your opinion, and you're welcome to it...
R-T-BThis is borderline Nigerian yellow press status...
But that is brow beating. Come on man, you're better than that.
Posted on Reply
I am confused, are some users and the editor of this article trying to say a tier one customer service rep is an official source of future company policy or forward-looking statements? I get they are a representative of the company in the most entry-level way but wouldn't it be prudent to apply some real world experience or logic and ask a marketing or press relations rep for clarification of the rumored statement by a tier one customer rep? Or is doing diligence dead?
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rtwjunkieYou obviously are a low level flunky, this I cannot impart this fundamental fact of operation on you with any hope of success.
Keep up with personnel attack on fellow TPU member. You obviously never held any relative position in real life to understand what is being discussed here. You are till utterly defending someone who already admitted to being guilty in this case its MSI. Besides MSI already acknowledge their mistake and provided with us updated information.

Are you confronting a TPU journalist who work hard to publish tech news and let you become part of the community. And here you are attacking another.
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lexluthermiesterThere is a big difference between wanting to make a profit and being greedy in a inappropriate way. Making and selling a great product in one thing. Deliberately sabotaging a product to sell more of another product is shady, dishonest and in some places unlawful. That's the difference. Let it sink in..
As usual you are thinking in terms of me, me, it's me and myself and the biggest elephant in the room EGO where you conflate a personal dislike (as clearly injected in the article with the greedy term) with everything else....i.e. if I don't like it then that is proof required!! You use word like shady and dishonest and even stronger unlawful and yet cannot back anything up with any proof whatsoever. Here you actually have a choice, to buy or not to buy regardless of what they charge or what you think and most importantly, no one has a gun to your head!!! shocker that!....Remember, if they were all the things you say (and without any proof mind you on MSI as they came out immediately and said that was a mistake) they would be finished as a business and yet, they have happy customers across the globe and they make millions..
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