Monday, May 6th 2019
U.S. Hikes Tariffs on Electronics Imports from China by 2.5 Times
President Donald Trump Sunday announced a fresh round of import tariffs affecting $200 billion worth electronics goods from China, starting next Friday. President Trump in a Tweet said that his administration would raise import tariffs to a staggering 25 percent from the existing 10 percent, a 2.5 times change, a move that could increase prices of consumer-electronics and computer hardware by at least 14 percent unless retailers are willing to take a hit on their margins. Tech stocks took a beating to this news as Dow Jones Industrial index fell 1.5 percent, and Nikkei shrunk 0.2 percent.
In the short term, as we mentioned, the new tariffs can increase end-user prices by at least 14 percent. In the medium-term, electronics companies could move their manufacturing out of China, transferring the costs of doing so to the consumer. In the long term, prices could remain high as the countries companies are relocating to may not have the labor or logistics cost advantages of China.
In the short term, as we mentioned, the new tariffs can increase end-user prices by at least 14 percent. In the medium-term, electronics companies could move their manufacturing out of China, transferring the costs of doing so to the consumer. In the long term, prices could remain high as the countries companies are relocating to may not have the labor or logistics cost advantages of China.
98 Comments on U.S. Hikes Tariffs on Electronics Imports from China by 2.5 Times
Chinese have 1,4 billion people + ASEAN countries + india rent russian submarines and buy s 400 for 10 B usd.. that was clear signal from india for you-usa))
SOO they have about 46% human population and usa under brutal military junta +gigantic debt think they can do "something" LOL ...
i give you portion of reality , beouse when you stand up from "battlestation" computer.. and stop read usa news and tv , there is better world))
ps: i buy now xiaomi electronics for 400 usd )))) in Eu
"Trump is right"
"Trump is wrong"
"America is stronger than China"
"China is stronger than America"
Mixed up altogether and you get most of the comments from both perspective.
See, us, Europeans, have a total different point of view, because at only 1000km from your city, there's ex-USSR countries, as cheap as China (nearly).
USA and China economic war is actually quite fascinating since they depends en each other.
China cannot live without USA consumption, way above any country in Europe (in Europe for your 18 birthday, you have a phone maybe, not a car), and everybody (nearly) lives in close range of cities with what you call "small cars" (60 to 90 horse-power mainly, or smaller), in flats (70m² for a family of 3 and 100-120m² for a family of 4 or 5). A small house cost 500 times the minimum wage + taxes because own something ; only rich people can afford it.
USA on the other hand don't have the balls of steel you think. Most of US debt is owned by other countries, that's huge :
And as stated before, Americans don't even have a clue of how much they over-consume. It's just silly for the rest of the world.
What Trump is doing ? Playing with the string of this war, not having a clue of what it does. All he cares about is to divide people and hear their shouting while pulling strings. That's fun for him.
He will never be impeached because the vice-president is far worse than him, so he do what he wants when he wants. Like in reality show. Except that's not a show and we are the one "Fired" at.
Now please, stop posting a shit ton of posts over any decision he will make for the remaining 2 years. It's pointless.
And it's absurd to try to do the math over this economic war : it's like trying to find whether Schrödinger cat is dead or alive. You will only know it when it's over. And we have a thing called "climate change" in the balance, that can kill us all before this war ends.
I'm not really overly concerned about the tariffs because companies are moving production out of China. All is well...except for China.
Congress can always refund tariff money back to the people or to industries affected by China's counter tariffs (especially agriculture).
I really think the only ones right now who know China's private situation... are in China.
A similar tactic employed by China for years ~ they use their dollar (forex) reserves for Sovereign wealth fund, foreign investments, loans as well as indirectly/directly subsidizing their local industry, especially exporters. If you think the US can take on China by itself & win then you're wrong, you'll need the EU & a lot of the developing world for China's course correction. With Trump at the helm, that's not happening anytime soon. Some of his policies are right but his demeanor & body language is more often than not inappropriate for a global leader of his stature.
EU is more or less in agreement with USA's stance against China. Developing world is getting burned by the Belt and Road Initiative so they are already quite aware of the game China is playing. On top of all these things, there's growing unrest in China. China is being crushed from within (becoming an authoritarian, secretive police state) and without (they literally put tariffs on food--a necessity--because that's all they got).
This is modern colonialism at its finest. You also said something about corruption? Just because nations are corrupt they don't stop growing, India is among the top 10 economies in the world - top 3 if you count GDP on PPP basis - consistently in the top 10 fastest growing major economy of the last decade. Yet corruption here is probably worse than ever. Economies don't stop or come to a screeching halt because of corruption, you just have to put a lot more $ to get relatively less returns. I don't see any of that, which even registers on the Richter scale. China can't be beaten just by force you need an ideology to beat them. An ideology that opposes a totalitarian regime - which wants to sees itself ruling the no.1 nation on earth, wants total control over its citizens, too much control over the world, its economy & the narrative - that they're (not) bad.
In many ways this is the fight we're fighting inside our nations - the increasingly rich (China) fight the increasingly poor (slowly most of the world) & you know who's winning that war. If you want a change, you'll have to return most of the power to the people - where it belongs. Tax the uber rich, don't give tax breaks to mega corps, indict & convict the corrupt, grafters, criminals even if they sit in a position of power. China knows how to deal with the Mullahs, the dictators, US, EU & Japan. They've been at it for a better part of half a century, you can't beat them by alienating your decades old allies.
Facts do not care about your feelings.
Water is still the cheapest way to ship goods and China is the largest manufacturer of shipping containers in the world. Not sure what your point is here. The Asian Development Bank is principally funded by Japan and USA. China is the biggest borrower against it. I already mentioned this in brief in my last post. I'm not sure why you're mentioning it here but religious persecution (let's call it what it is) never works. They're not the ones that are going to overthrow the Communist regime though--the dissatisfied masses will (sources in last post). Another tool to control the population. It's another sign of totalitarianism replacing communism.
Back on topic, it's not clear that Trump is doing the tariffs or merely threatening to tariff. China has sent their top negotiator to the USA to attempt to head off the tariffs.
Taking care of China is important, taking care of income inequality & the super rich ~ I'd argue is even more urgent. The wealthiest 1% around the globe don't belong to one nation ~ they're globalists & just care for themselves including most politicians.
Politics sometimes influences technology.
These tariffs could become semi-permanent like the "Chicken Tax" if a trade deal isn't reached.
Exclusive: China backtracked on almost all aspects of U.S. trade deal - sources