Thursday, October 24th 2019

NVIDIA to Implement ReShade Post-Processing Injector at Driver Level
NVIDIA is taking a somewhat unusual step in that it's integrating a popular tool at a driver level. ReShade has become well--known throughout the gaming community due to the way it can add - sometimes critically - to many games, whether it be purely in an aesthetics, filter-like level (which really takes no toll on performance), or by adding features that were never developed into the engine, such as ambient occlusion, SMAA anti-aliasing, depth-of-field, and others.
The fact that NVIDIA is integrating it on a driver-level will likely do much in putting the tool even more in the eyes of PC gamers. For now, there is no word on whether the available ReShade tools will be available on a manual-import basis, but it's likely these will be curated by NVIDIA's own engineers. You can also likely forget some of the more advanced features of the tool - NVIDIA only talks about "hundreds of filters" being made available, which seems to bypass any other image-enhancing capabilities of the tool other than color grading, contrast enhancements, and such. The new driver with ReShade support will be available next week alongside NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER launch. NVIDIA confirmed that ReShade filters will be supported through GeForce Experience using NVIDIA Freestyle and Ansel technologies.
The fact that NVIDIA is integrating it on a driver-level will likely do much in putting the tool even more in the eyes of PC gamers. For now, there is no word on whether the available ReShade tools will be available on a manual-import basis, but it's likely these will be curated by NVIDIA's own engineers. You can also likely forget some of the more advanced features of the tool - NVIDIA only talks about "hundreds of filters" being made available, which seems to bypass any other image-enhancing capabilities of the tool other than color grading, contrast enhancements, and such. The new driver with ReShade support will be available next week alongside NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER launch. NVIDIA confirmed that ReShade filters will be supported through GeForce Experience using NVIDIA Freestyle and Ansel technologies.
32 Comments on NVIDIA to Implement ReShade Post-Processing Injector at Driver Level
I expect a hot patch after the initial launch cuz you know nvidia will fluff something up the first time around.