Friday, October 25th 2019

Microsoft Bags DOD's $10 Billion JEDI Cloud Contract Edging Out Amazon
The United States Department of Defense (DOD) Friday awarded a USD $10 billion contract to Microsoft to build the JEDI Cloud (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure), a massive piece of connected IT infrastructure that seeks greater electronic integration within the U.S. Military, and prepare it for emerging forms of warfare. According to the New York Times, Amazon was the front-runner for the contract, having executed similar infrastructure contracts for the CIA. The NYT comments that President Donald Trump's spat with The Washington Post, a paper owned by Amazon's Jeff Bezos, could have affected Amazon's bid. Some of the biggest American cloud companies participated in the bidding, which include Amazon AWS, Microsoft, IBM, Google, and Oracle.
The New York Times
22 Comments on Microsoft Bags DOD's $10 Billion JEDI Cloud Contract Edging Out Amazon
On top of that, whilst most of your workload might be unix based, Amazon's penalty for running Microsoft workloads in AWS is frankly ridiculous, where as Microsoft doesn't do this bullshit.
Cheeto "Your Hired "
Honestly though, if it wasn't amazon it would be someone else. I don't know about you but I found retail inconvienient, and would honestly loathe it's return to dominance.