Friday, January 17th 2020

NVIDIA Posts GeForce 442.01 Hotfix Drivers
NVIDIA late Thursday released the GeForce 442.01 Hotfix driver. A hotfix driver is that which is pushed out to correct glaring bugs with the driver immediately, and tend to have much shorter change-logs than beta or WHQL releases. The driver fixes a bug with "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" streaming using StreamLabs OBS randomly stopping. Also fixed is a bug with "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine," where a game-crash is observed in a specific cutscene. Lastly a minor stutter in SLI machines with G-Sync enabled has been fixed. The driver is otherwise identical to GeForce 441.87.
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 442.01 Hotfix
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 442.01 Hotfix
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