Monday, January 27th 2020
Chinese Government Closes Foxconn and Samsung Factories Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Some of the recent news from China is the stuff of science fiction, with the Central Government there locking down entire cities to contain the deadly Coronavirus outbreak there. When cities with 10+ million populations are under lock-down, it's only natural for factories to run out of workforce. According to a ZeroHedge report, the government has reportedly shut down factories owned or operated by big names in the technology and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) industries.
Among these are the ubiquitous Foxconn, which has manufacturing contracts with the biggest silicon valley tech firms for contract-manufacturing their hard-product - including the Apple iPhone; and Samsung Electronics, which makes consumer electronics, home appliances, and certain semiconductor products in China. A third big name in the report is the FMCG and pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The closure of factories could wreck tech stocks in the coming trading sessions, not to mention possible impact on prices of electronics. As of now, the closure is stipulated for the next 1-2 weeks.
Among these are the ubiquitous Foxconn, which has manufacturing contracts with the biggest silicon valley tech firms for contract-manufacturing their hard-product - including the Apple iPhone; and Samsung Electronics, which makes consumer electronics, home appliances, and certain semiconductor products in China. A third big name in the report is the FMCG and pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The closure of factories could wreck tech stocks in the coming trading sessions, not to mention possible impact on prices of electronics. As of now, the closure is stipulated for the next 1-2 weeks.
56 Comments on Chinese Government Closes Foxconn and Samsung Factories Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
I can't disagree. You can't hang onto power with fear exclusively. Any good dictator knows that. It's by the nature that the working class will always outnumber your elite.
I know that sounds incredibly communist in wording, but it's 100% true. The concept was actually introduced in Owell's anticommunist book 1984 by Emmanual Goldstein, in "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism"
That book is a wannabe dictators hand guide. You don't hang on by fear. You hang on by a combination of fear and either good working conditions, or ample hate that you redirect at something else. Guess what they are likely doing if they made this virus? If you can get past the tadpoles, you've earned it. It is. But it also isn't the end of the world.
Oh wait, you probably mean the sick... yeah that took me a second.
sorry to be political if I offend anyone ,I don't normally go down this path