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Monday, January 27th 2020

Chinese Government Closes Foxconn and Samsung Factories Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Some of the recent news from China is the stuff of science fiction, with the Central Government there locking down entire cities to contain the deadly Coronavirus outbreak there. When cities with 10+ million populations are under lock-down, it's only natural for factories to run out of workforce. According to a ZeroHedge report, the government has reportedly shut down factories owned or operated by big names in the technology and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) industries.

Among these are the ubiquitous Foxconn, which has manufacturing contracts with the biggest silicon valley tech firms for contract-manufacturing their hard-product - including the Apple iPhone; and Samsung Electronics, which makes consumer electronics, home appliances, and certain semiconductor products in China. A third big name in the report is the FMCG and pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The closure of factories could wreck tech stocks in the coming trading sessions, not to mention possible impact on prices of electronics. As of now, the closure is stipulated for the next 1-2 weeks.
Source: ZeroHedge
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56 Comments on Chinese Government Closes Foxconn and Samsung Factories Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Sky high prices incoming!
Posted on Reply
Since China makes just about everything now I guess we can expect to see increased prices for a plethora of consumer goods.
Posted on Reply
This is getting serious. I'm surprised that it hasn't spread to the British islands by now.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterThis is getting serious. I'm surprised that it hasn't spread to the British islands by now.
It's just news hype. When it surpasses this then holler....

So far, 8,200 people have died and 140,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.
Posted on Reply
metalfiberIt's just news hype. When it surpasses this then holler....

So far, 8,200 people have died and 140,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.
The thing for me is I believe we are just at the tip of the iceberg. Do you remember the end credits from the reboot of the Planet of the Apes when we find out the guy the assistant sneezed on was a pilot. It is a fact that airplanes are excellent incubators of virus and bacteria. It doesn't matter if they spray the plane when they land either because the person(s) infected are carrying it with them internally and not externally. Flights between China and Canada are 13-15 hrs direct depending on which way you are going. With the way this has expanded so quickly is also a worry.
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I think they are doing this to crash the economy.
Posted on Reply
Dave65Sky high prices incoming!
I agree. And I think this will be felt in a few months.
Posted on Reply
remixedcatI think they are doing this to crash the economy.
Yes, it has always been Chinas dream to break their own economy.
Posted on Reply
Otonel88I agree. And I think this will be felt in a few months.
Whatever new product launches e.g. Z490 could definitely increase in price.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
metalfiberIt's just news hype. When it surpasses this then holler....

So far, 8,200 people have died and 140,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to preliminary estimates from the CDC.
Good for you that you think so, try living in Asia and you'd have a VERY different view on things.
This things is doubling in terms of spread every two days, so give it some time... It's spreading far quicker than SARS.
Besides, Chinese people are taking drugs that suppresses the signs of this thing and even post on social media that they managed to travel to various countries without being detected as having fever...
The situation isn't even remotely funny and it's nothing to joke about, as the figures you're seeing in the media, is most likely one tenth of what's going on in China, as they're always trying to quiet things like this down. Don't trust anything from official channels in China when there's a disaster brewing.
This might also add something to the discussion.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
kapone32Whatever new product launches e.g. Z490 could definitely increase in price.
You know a lot of motherboards are still made in Taiwan, right?

If anything, this should be telling the worlds to stop relying on China for so many things.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeIt's spreading far quicker than SARS.
And it's got a much higher mortality rate so far.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeYou know a lot of motherboards are still made in Taiwan, right?

If anything, this should be telling the worlds to stop relying on China for so many things.
Yes I know the boards are assembled in Taiwan but there are many components on MBs that are made in China.
Posted on Reply
Liquid Cool
remixedcatI think they are doing this to crash the economy.
You're not alone in this line of thinking.


Liquid Cool
Posted on Reply
kapone32The thing for me is I believe we are just at the tip of the iceberg. Do you remember the end credits from the reboot of the Planet of the Apes when we find out the guy the assistant sneezed on was a pilot. It is a fact that airplanes are excellent incubators of virus and bacteria. It doesn't matter if they spray the plane when they land either because the person(s) infected are carrying it with them internally and not externally. Flights between China and Canada are 13-15 hrs direct depending on which way you are going. With the way this has expanded so quickly is also a worry.
Tip of the iceberg? The virus can be in the burnout phase for all we know.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BYes, it has always been Chinas dream to break their own economy.
Global economy
Posted on Reply
TotallyTip of the iceberg? The virus can be in the burnout phase for all we know.
The infection rate has grown exponentially in basically days, no one has any idea when this will be spent.
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Best the W.H.O just corden of China and let no one in or out as it's already spread to Australia and New Zealand by escapees I suggest they take the tactic of shoot first then burn for anyone trying to get out
Posted on Reply
remixedcatGlobal economy
At this point, it would do the same thing.
kapone32The infection rate has grown exponentially in basically days, no one has any idea when this will be spent.
AthloniteBest the W.H.O just corden of China and let no one in or out as it's already spread to Australia and New Zealand by escapees I suggest they take the tactic of shoot first then burn for anyone trying to get out
I mean it's bad, but not that bad. We're still talking less than a few thousand confirmed cases globally right now, and most are contained to China.
Posted on Reply
Tbh, people
R-T-BAt this point, it would do the same thing.

I mean it's bad, but not that bad. We're still talking less than a few thousand confirmed cases globally right now, and most are contained to China.
tbh, I can begin to understand the rationale of people
It's not people are dying at rate that is a greater magnitude in the middle east and except those affected in some way, no one could be bothered to give a damn. People keeling over after catching the killer sniffles people on the other half of the world in "bumf**k egypt" are losing their shit. In my mind, I'm more likely to be in the next 9/11 or Boston Marathon Incident than emcounter this thing.
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Mar 28th, 2025 16:30 EDT change timezone

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