Thursday, July 2nd 2020

Microsoft Gives Windows 10 Start Menu an Overhaul

Microsoft is giving the Windows 10 OS some finishing touches still, as a lot of UI is slowly changing over time. For example, just a few months back we have received a new icon pack that brought the material design to Windows 10 icons. However, now Microsoft is going even further in its mission to blend UI elements and give users the best possible viewing pleasure. This time, Microsoft is giving the start menu an overhaul. "We are freshening up the Start menu with a more streamlined design that removes the solid color backplates behind the logos in the apps list and applies a uniform, partially transparent background to the tiles. This design creates a beautiful stage for your apps, especially the Fluent Design icons for Office and Microsoft Edge, as well as the redesigned icons for built-in apps like Calculator, Mail, and Calendar that we started rolling out earlier this year."

It is available in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20161 and should come to mainstream later on. If you want to splash a bit of color (see images below) you can apply that theme by going to Settings > Personalization > Color, then toggle the "Show accent color on the following surfaces" for "Start, taskbar, and action center". Below, you can check before and after comparison between old and new designs, along with the new color theme.
Source: Microsoft Blog
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53 Comments on Microsoft Gives Windows 10 Start Menu an Overhaul

I'll stick with Open Shell. It re-adds functionality that Microsoft keeps trying to get rid of like control panel, and its search function works so much better than Windows' built in one.

What's really sad is that as I'm writing this, Open Shell is using 1.8MB of RAM while the normal start menu is using 18MB.
Posted on Reply
sam_86314What's really sad is that as I'm writing this, Open Shell is using 1.8MB of RAM while the normal start menu is using 18MB.
Yeah, but Explorer.exe also contains other parts of the UI, like the taskbar or the desktop. It's not just the Start Menu.

Posted on Reply
windwhirlYeah, but Explorer.exe also contains other parts of the UI, like the taskbar or the desktop. It's not just the Start Menu.
Looks like the Start menu is a separate component.

compared to...

Explorer is under Windows processes and is obviously using more resources.
Posted on Reply
sam_86314Looks like the Start menu is a separate component.

compared to...

Explorer is under Windows processes and is obviously using more resources.
Well, somehow I never got the memo that the Start Menu and Explorer were almost completely cut-off from each other in 1903. Or I forgot. Apologies :oops:

While doing that little bit of research, though, I also learned that the "responsibility" for the Start Menu is now split between Explorer (which provides the taskbar, mostly), Start Menu Experience Host, Shell Infrastructure Host and Windows Shell Experience Host.

Your RAM usage may vary, though. I imagine the number of dynamic tiles, total number of tiles and the amount of animations and graphical effects enabled have some influence in the final number.
Posted on Reply
I don't roll with 3rd party apps if I can help it. Keeping it as clean as possible.

I don't have particular problems with the current tile menu... but I must admit, I don't really use it rigorously even if I spent time adding all those game exes.
What usually happens is I click Steam or EGS and go through the library...

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Semi-Retired Folder
DeathtoGnomesand performs...
I had to go back to do some serious work on a Win7 PC yesterday after not really using one for several months. Man, I forgot how terribly slow Win7 was. I mean, this was a i7 4790 with an SSD and 16GB of RAM and doing some stuff was just so slow compared to Windows 10.
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Vayra86Its mind blowing how MS can fiddle around with something as simple as color settings and a start menu.

Its like, they intentionally break it so they can fix things again. The same goes for Windows Settings. Window after window of redirection into yet another window with minimal information density. How is this better than having everything together in one Window with tabs like the old days? Irony, if you dig too deep into advanced settings you DO end up in that good old window with tabs to discover it was all in one place to begin with :twitch:

This start menu and its woes... yes. I recognize them. The color picker they offer was horrible to begin with. Another mind blowing thing is how they arrange those tiles and how the drag and drop works technically. You can barely see what you're doing until its too late and the whole tile space has been rearranged to 'fit' whatever you are dragging. Give me a clear outline or something... its not hard, its been done about 1814812931480 times before, MS.
Years and years later M$ fail to provide an intuitive and consistent GUI theme in their (now only) OS. Heck, even the FOSS *nix distros are better, and most of them are developed by volunteers, while M$ is charging you a kidney for the sheer luxiry of running a browser and an accounting software.
Posted on Reply
Looks the same to me lol. Just use classic start menu and be happy!

If crackdown 3 worked on windows 7 and MS store was available to use on Windows 7, i would have never switch over to Windows 10. Crackdown 3 and MS store was really the main reason why i switch back to windows 10 though. I always enjoyed using windows 7.
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I don't see the difference...
W1zzardimagine going from this

to this

people would be "omg, where is my candy crush?"
For real where is it?
Posted on Reply
Neither do I. Everything looks the same for me.

I was actually sort of looking forward to Edge's tabs showing up with Alt-Tab with this build, but that's only rolling out to a subset of Edge users and I'm not one of the lucky ones.
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Windows 7 SP1 is an RTM release. Windows 8.1 is an SP1 like release which is also an RTM, with Win8 M$ started to screw the OS to cater the new dumb crowd inspired by Apple BGA thin and light garbage, where people love tablets, FF to 2019 and now, more smartphones and now even gaming is also mainstream so more mobile junk in the desktop OS, Win10 since 2015 had tried so many anti consumer tactics like forced upgrades, forced driver updates, constant nagging to update even from Daz cracked Win7, that explains how MS desperately wants everyone onto their garbage Windows as a Service endless trash platform.

Still todate, Win7 SP1 works superbly fast, same for Win 8.1 but sadly even if the Win8.1 is faster than Win7 it was thrown under bus because no Enterprise used it as they got switched to Win10 WaaS garbage. If M$ provided Win7 SP2 it would definitely outsell their trash as a service TaaS Windows10, they even made Office like that after Office 2016, no more RTM pay per year or GTFO. And as many mentioned already, OpenShell is the solution for this crap, Windows Update Blocker, Defender Blocker, Windows Privacy Dashboard, O&O Shutup10 are the only ways to use this POS OS, which changes every 6 months for the Agile model to make guniea pigs from the Home and Pro users, to demand money from the Enterprise customers for more M$ Special Security updates and other feature garbage.

With constant hijacking of privacy, telemetry shoved in face, and the Win32 with UWP disaster abominations around the corner and that Xbox gamepass GaaS BS computing is going backwards. A shame, new dumb iMessage, and other social media Gen Z crowd is to blame.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardimagine going from this

to this

people would be "omg, where is my candy crush?"
We already have this now. Instead of unpinning or customizing the tiles people rather complain. I honestly don't get it, others wouuld rather spend tens of minutes complaining when a resolution takes a couple minutes.
Posted on Reply
TotallyInstead of unpinning or customizing the tiles people rather complain
The thing is that MS is intentionally making it difficult to clean up the start menu. There was a verb you could use in scripts "Unpin", it was removed in a recent OS update
Posted on Reply
Vayra86I don't roll with 3rd party apps if I can help it. Keeping it as clean as possible.

I don't have particular problems with the current tile menu... but I must admit, I don't really use it rigorously even if I spent time adding all those game exes.
What usually happens is I click Steam or EGS and go through the library...

Yeah this is what I do as well. Granted it's a pain to clean up the Start menu on a fresh install...hate that. But, once everything's organized, it's pretty slick

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the left side is from Win7 and the right side is Metro interface, so M$ just mix and match them as overhaul
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MatsIncoming: Bitter ramblings about how good Windows 7 looks.
This IS true though.
Looking at the screenshots above, Microsoft is trying real hard to butcher something that has died several times over the lifespan of Windows 8-10 even futher.
What is this flat shit? This streamlining is confusing to the eyes at best. I can't even tell what's a button and what isn't anymore.
Posted on Reply
OctopussThis IS true though.
Looking at the screenshots above, Microsoft is trying real hard to butcher something that has died several times over the lifespan of Windows 8-10 even futher.
What is this flat shit? This streamlining is confusing to the eyes at best. I can't even tell what's a button and what isn't anymore.
This is because you are not a newly-born - the audience which these new features are targeted at.
The kids these days will feel so comfortable, they just press whatever appears on the screen without even thinking is it a box, is it just text, is it supposed to be pressed.

Sadly, Microsoft just thinks about the future but without consideration of what's best for which audience.
Posted on Reply
This thread just makes me miss using BBW4WIN I think I may have to go back to using it. Which while I'm at I'll probably get around to tweakingthe BB4WIN Cinematic's configuration further I feel like adding a ctrl+alt+insert win hook to load a resource utilization plugin to it because it's useful and it' a intuitive shortcut and place for it and just adds another nice layer to it. I'd like to look into some other plugins to see if there are any others I missed that are worth doing similar with because I could add shortcuts like that to toggle enable/disable loading/unloading them to home/end/page up/page down rather easily with that same easy to remember key sequence.
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So do you lads and gents like the windows 10 start menu or something more precise more lite
Holy Sh! that Winamp in the toolbar?!?!!
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So long as I can keep using Open-Shell, I'm good.
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The 2004 update fked everything up and I had to reinstall. I'm gonna stick to 1909 for as long I can. It's like they wanna punish people for paying them. WTF?
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mechtechHoly Sh! that Winamp in the toolbar?!?!!
What, you thought off-line music players had died off completely? :laugh:

I still have Foobar2000 around and is the only thing I use regularly. It still gets regular updates, even.
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