Thursday, September 17th 2020

Sony Announces PS5 Console Pricing, Exclusive Games Launch Lineup

Sony yesterday at its PlayStation Showcase finally revealed pricing and exclusive launch titles for their PS5 console. First things first: the PS5 will be launching in two version, as we've known for a while, with different pricing according to the console version you choose. The "vanilla" PS5 which includes a 4K Bluray disc drive will be going for $499; its price-reduced cousin, the PS5 Digital Edition, forgoes the 4K Bluray disc drive to deliver a $399 pricing.

Alongside pricing details, Sony also announced the PS5 exclusive games we can count on the consoles' launch, which is set for November 12th. These include Astro's Playroom (Japan Studio), which will be pre-installed on the PS5 and is thus a free game; the highly-awaited next-gen version of Demon's Souls (Bluepoint Games / Japan Studio) - $69.99; Destruction All Stars (Lucid Games / XDEV) - $69.99; Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - $49.99; Marvel's Spider-Man: Mile Morales Ultimate Edition - $69.99; and Sackboy A Big Adventure (Sumo Digital / XDEV) - $59.99.
Sony has also partially committed to cross-gen releases for some of its first-party games, including Horizon: Forbidden West. The game is scheduled for a 2021 release, and Sony has said that it knows PS4 gamers will be making the transition towards the new PS5 at different times - and as such, want to provide the best experience for those who might transition slightly later. This also means that gamers who purchase PS4 versions of games that are also available on the PS5 will enjoy a sort of next-gen upgrade when they do make the jump towards the PS5, but with some hoops thrown in. Players who purchase digital versions of the PS4 games will be able to download the PS5 version when they acquire the console; however, gamers who purchase a disc-based version of the PS4 game will have to make sure that when they do buy the PS5, they go for the $499 version with the optical disk drive - the PS4 game disc will have to be inserted (and likely remain inserted) for the games to download and run.

The $499 price-tag for Sony's PS5 puts it in direct competition with Microsoft's Xbox Series X, which enjoys a hardware advantage that may allow it to more gracefully age (at least on paper). of course, we know that pure Teraflops aren't the only performance metric. Sony enjoys a (almost non-arguable) stronger position compared to Microsoft when it comes to their exclusive titles, whereas Microsoft doesn't even have real "exclusives" anymore - their games are now also available on the PC platform. Whether you agree with this sentiment or not, this means that some would-be console gamers who also own a gaming PC will almost always favor getting a PS5 instead of an Xbox Series X - that's the best way for they to increase their available games portfolio. Sony can also claim the comparably high price of the PS5 due to its Dual Sense controller (a $70 accessory, should you need to buy a second one).
Source: The Verge
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41 Comments on Sony Announces PS5 Console Pricing, Exclusive Games Launch Lineup

For the poll, please add "pc, xb series S, ps5 digital edition"
Posted on Reply
What I don't understand is why prices in € are suddenly bigger by 10, i.e. Demon’s Souls – $69.99/€79.99
So far it's usually been the same value.
Posted on Reply
The Quim Reaper
authorizedWhat I don't understand is why prices in € are suddenly bigger by 10, i.e. Demon’s Souls – $69.99/€79.99
So far it's usually been the same value.
Because like most Japanese companies, they only really give a damn about the Japanese & North American markets, everywhere else may as well be the dark side of the moon.
Posted on Reply
Weak presentation. Good price for digital version and terrible design. PC all the way. If you have decent machine - no need for Xbox. Although it forms quite a nice ecosystem with gamepass as it complements your PC in a way, that instead of htpc for couch gaming you can get a cheap S or still decently priced X and switchover from your desktop setup. Sometimes I just like to play something on a couch and it's nice to just continue from where you left off on your PC. PS5 makes sense for exclusives, though exclusives get more and more lame. Same semi-lame spider-man? Another dead world grindy Horizon? No thanks. The only decent thing might be GoW2 which had only logo and no gameplay so far. Looking straight at the consoles the XsX is definitely stronger proposition. Better hardware, bigger library, well-though design (I suspect ps5 might be quite loud) and availability worldwide on day one.
Posted on Reply
The Quim ReaperBecause like most Japanese companies, they only really give a damn about the Japanese & North American markets, everywhere else may as well be the dark side of the moon.
This isn't about Japanese companies, Activision already announced that they're increasing prices on next gen titles.

As for PS5 - I'm holding out for now. Majority of games are still designed for ps4 so there's no point in jumping in blind on the first batch of consoles. I'll consider it next year, but this year I'd rather invest in new gpu and display.
Posted on Reply
RaendorWeak presentation. Good price for digital version and terrible design. PC all the way. If you have decent machine - no need for Xbox. Although it forms quite a nice ecosystem with gamepass as it complements your PC in a way, that instead of htpc for couch gaming you can get a cheap S or still decently priced X and switchover from your desktop setup. Sometimes I just like to play something on a couch and it's nice to just continue from where you left off on your PC. PS5 makes sense for exclusives, though exclusives get more and more lame. Same semi-lame spider-man? Another dead world grindy Horizon? No thanks. The only decent thing might be GoW2 which had only logo and no gameplay so far. Looking straight at the consoles the XsX is definitely stronger proposition. Better hardware, bigger library, well-though design (I suspect ps5 might be quite loud) and availability worldwide on day one.
Sony Play Station's strong point has always the exclusive titles and less about the hardware. Microsoft tend to outgun them in terms of hardware and pricing, but that does not deter people from still buying a PS over a Xbox. In my opinion, if you have a good gaming PC, there is very little reason to get a Xbox since most of the games you find on Xbox, you can get them on PC too. I would choose a console over PC for gaming due to (1) exclusive game titles, and (2) avoid the need to upgrade your hardware to keep up with the games. It is true that we get better visuals on PC, but that is only if you can afford good hardware. A console at USD 499 gets you a capable and fully functioning gaming system, whereas USD 499 can only get you a good CPU or graphic card for your PC.
Posted on Reply
I'm impressed by the price drop for the digital edition - that thing has really got to be a loss leader.

The games lineup? Considering Sony keeps harping on about their amazing exclusives, that is an outright disappointment.

Astro's Playroom? Barely qualifies as a game, guess it's fine as it's bundled. It's no Wii Sports though.
Demon's Souls? While cool, it's a remake, so already playable on PS3.
Destruction All Stars? Balances between derivative and interesting, but the look and presentation alone makes it come off as one of those games that shows up early every console generation, looks kinda intriguing, and ends up being utterly dull and soulless.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales? Glorified story DLC. At least it isn't priced as a full game (though just $10 below where full games ought to be priced).
Marvel's Spider-Man: Mile Morales Ultimate Edition? Seriously? A second entry for an Ultimate Edition SKU? This is what their "impressive list of exclusives" contains?
Sackboy A Big Adventure? Probably decent - previous LBP games have been, though they fail to live up to genre staples (Mario games mostly) both in gameplay, charm and overall quality.
Posted on Reply
watzupkenSony Play Station's strong point has always the exclusive titles and less about the hardware. Microsoft tend to outgun them in terms of hardware and pricing, but that does not deter people from still buying a PS over a Xbox. In my opinion, if you have a good gaming PC, there is very little reason to get a Xbox since most of the games you find on Xbox, you can get them on PC too. I would choose a console over PC for gaming due to (1) exclusive game titles, and (2) avoid the need to upgrade your hardware to keep up with the games. It is true that we get better visuals on PC, but that is only if you can afford good hardware. A console at USD 499 gets you a capable and fully functioning gaming system, whereas USD 499 can only get you a good CPU or graphic card for your PC.
yes, but that’s the problem. Sony didn’t show any strong exclusives this time. Only couple rehashed/weak titles.
Posted on Reply
Bruno Vieira
The only good sony exclusive is Bloodborne, and hopefully will be on pc soon.
Posted on Reply
authorizedWhat I don't understand is why prices in € are suddenly bigger by 10, i.e. Demon’s Souls – $69.99/€79.99
So far it's usually been the same value.
Yeah, the pricing is stupid in Europe, plus the launch games are mediocre (for both). I'll hold on for now.
Not bad prices, expected higher but I'm staying with PC only. 'Game prices are meh tho'

Console gaming is just not my cup of tea, I barely use the controller with 1-2 game types 'Walking slow paced games+fighting games' but for everything else its a big nope for me.

That and i Iike tinkering with my game settings/mods and whatnot.
Posted on Reply
SithaerNot bad prices, expected higher but I'm staying with PC only. 'Game prices are meh tho'

Console gaming is just not my cup of tea, I barely use the controller with 1-2 game types 'Walking slow paced games+fighting games' but for everything else its a big nope for me.

That and i Iike tinkering with my game settings/mods and whatnot.
Lots of new titles including some smaller ones like Deep Rock Galactic have keyboard + mouse support, at least on XBOX that is.
Posted on Reply
ummmm.... an additional $100 just for a bluray drive.....


RaevenlordPlayers who purchase digital versions of the PS4 games will be able to download the PS5 version when they acquire the console; however, gamers who purchase a disc-based version of the PS4 game will have to make sure that when they do buy the PS5, they go for the $499 version with the optical disk drive - the PS4 game disc will have to be inserted (and likely remain inserted) for the games to download and run.

not no, but F*CK N.O.
Posted on Reply
sutyiLots of new titles including some smaller ones like Deep Rock Galactic have keyboard + mouse support, at least on XBOX that is.
Some is still not all of them.:)
Posted on Reply
bonehead123ummmm.... an additional $100 just for a bluray drive.....




not no, but F*CK N.O.
This was expected. Digital copies are assigned to your psn account. You can trade your physical copies, so you're still ahead in the long run.
It's s pretty much the same with series s but you also get a weaker console.
Posted on Reply
One I can't understand.. how the f $70 is 80 EUR? When you think about $70 is around 60 EUR.
Posted on Reply
authorizedWhat I don't understand is why prices in € are suddenly bigger by 10, i.e. Demon’s Souls – $69.99/€79.99
So far it's usually been the same value.
BorisDGOne I can't understand.. how the f $70 is 80 EUR? When you think about $70 is around 60 EUR.
They're likely including VAT/GST/sales tax/whatever into EU recommended prices.

Still pretty shitty though. As mentioned above, up until now the standard way of doing this has been rough numerical parity, not monetary value parity.
Posted on Reply
I bought a PS4 Pro last Christmas and apparently I'll be sticking to it at least till the end of 2021 just because I don't put a lot of time in these games.

But one essential Q - do someone know if you'll be able to claim the games they're giving away at one year later, Christmas '21 ? Highly interested in a YES/NO. Hopefully Sony is gonna make this crystal-clear, I don't wanna skip playing all the PS4 games, but I don't wanna loose this offer tho!!
Posted on Reply
ValantarThey're likely including VAT/GST/sales tax/whatever into EU recommended prices.

Still pretty shitty though. As mentioned above, up until now the standard way of doing this has been rough numerical parity, not monetary value parity.
But the US states also have VAT sales taxes, etc, which are obviously not included.
Given that most of the European countries are much poorer and with much lower standard - purchasing power, this charging for more expensive on the European market screams discrimination and the EU Commission must take care of it via fines for the guilty and responsible Japanese/US corporations.
Posted on Reply
randompeepBut one essential Q - do someone know if you'll be able to claim the games they're giving away at one year later, Christmas '21 ? Highly interested in a YES/NO. Hopefully Sony is gonna make this crystal-clear, I don't wanna skip playing all the PS4 games, but I don't wanna loose this offer tho!!
Which offer? The only game that's included is Astro's Playroom. The rest of the list is first-party games available at launch - for purchase, that is. There are no game+console bundles (at least that have been announced).
ARFBut the US states also have VAT sales taxes, etc, which are obviously not included.
Given that most of the European countries are much poorer and with much lower standard - purchasing power, this charging for more expensive on the European market screams discrimination and the EU Commission must take care of it via fines for the guilty and responsible Japanese/US corporations.
Given that the US is seen as one market yet has wildly varying levels of sales tax as these are determined by states and not on a federal level, sales tax is never included in MSRPs there. Heck, in most states I've been to sales tax isn't even listed as part of the price in stores, it's just tacked on when you go to pay. It's an incredibly stupid system.

So, just to be clear, in Europe you'll be paying €whatever-the-game-is-announced-at, while in the US, depending on where you are, you'll be paying $whatever-the-game-is-announced-at + tax (which can range from nothing at all to definitely noticeable). Is that fair? That's debatable. Used to be that EU pre-tax prices were lowered due to higher VAT levels, but these days that's a rarity. Likely a consequence of ever-slimming margins in the electronics business overall.
Posted on Reply
Gotta say, I am totally unimpressed with the games list. Nothing against the hardware, though.
Posted on Reply
RaendorWeak presentation. Good price for digital version and terrible design. PC all the way. If you have decent machine - no need for Xbox. Although it forms quite a nice ecosystem with gamepass as it complements your PC in a way, that instead of htpc for couch gaming you can get a cheap S or still decently priced X and switchover from your desktop setup. Sometimes I just like to play something on a couch and it's nice to just continue from where you left off on your PC. PS5 makes sense for exclusives, though exclusives get more and more lame. Same semi-lame spider-man? Another dead world grindy Horizon? No thanks. The only decent thing might be GoW2 which had only logo and no gameplay so far. Looking straight at the consoles the XsX is definitely stronger proposition. Better hardware, bigger library, well-though design (I suspect ps5 might be quite loud) and availability worldwide on day one.
The problem is you cannot buy a PC that would be this in Gaming. Having said that the PC will allow for one to play both consoles exclusives (in the near future). I may be getting my daughter (hehe) a PS5 for Xmas. It's either that or a new VR headset. There are some killer Space sims currently available and coming that will look absolutely stunning in VR.
Posted on Reply
EasoGotta say, I am totally unimpressed with the games list. Nothing against the hardware, though.
How about the size? It's nothing against an ATX PC, obviously, but that is ... huge for a console. The XSX is tiny in comparison.
Posted on Reply
Given I skipped over the PS4 Pro the past refresh, I think I'll go ahead and jump to PS5. It'll be a solid upgrade to my old PS4 and continue serving as my primary BD player and media center. I just wish it came in black or even classic gray to keep it somewhat hidden within the black media cabinet where the PS4 resides. That white is really going to stick out behind the glass door.
Posted on Reply
ValantarGiven that the US is seen as one market yet has wildly varying levels of sales tax as these are determined by states and not on a federal level, sales tax is never included in MSRPs there. Heck, in most states I've been to sales tax isn't even listed as part of the price in stores, it's just tacked on when you go to pay. It's an incredibly stupid system.

So, just to be clear, in Europe you'll be paying €whatever-the-game-is-announced-at, while in the US, depending on where you are, you'll be paying $whatever-the-game-is-announced-at + tax (which can range from nothing at all to definitely noticeable). Is that fair? That's debatable. Used to be that EU pre-tax prices were lowered due to higher VAT levels, but these days that's a rarity. Likely a consequence of ever-slimming margins in the electronics business overall.
Avg. VAT in European union is barely over 20%. Four biggest members have standard VAT rate of 16/20/22/21% (DE/FR/IT/ES).
Exchange rate between currencies in question is almost identical to VAT. 1€ = 1.18$
It is a complete rip-off. Because why not. There is no other reason which can be said with a straight face.
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