Tuesday, October 27th 2020

Wait for It: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed to December 10th

Developer CD Projekt Red has announced that Cyberpunk 2077 is now facing another delay - this one of just 21 days. The game is now slated for release on December 10th, which gives the developer more time to work on the launch-day patch so that everything runs as smoothly as possible when the game is out in the wild and in the hands of millions of expectant gamers.

The developer clarified that the reason for the game's delay is the need to launch it concurrently on all platforms they've committed to - current-gen, next-gen, PC, and Stadia. In total, the developer is working on polishing and testing nine different versions of the game (PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC, and Stadia). This is just mind-bogglingly complex, as you might expect. We also have to take into account that CD Projekt Red has its own shoes to fill when it comes to final quality, and we must remember that first impressions make or break a videogame's reception in the current climate (remember Mass Effect: Andromeda or any other number of games). It seems that the cautious, methodical approach may be the best one for such a high-stakes release. I, for one, would much rather enjoy a game with less chances of game-breaking bugs than a rushed release - especially considering the amount of platforms the game is shipping for.
Source: CD Projekt Red @ Twitter
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124 Comments on Wait for It: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed to December 10th

Vya DomusHuh ? I don't hate it, I just find funny how people react when I pointed out the obvious. CDPR is the darling of everyone on the internet apparently, yours included I guess since my comment annoyed you.

But really just a whole bunch of people kidding themselves with "I am glad they delayed it because it means it will be great". No, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen, indicators that development encountered major problems and the product is not ready not that it's being "polished". Delay a game once, not that out of the ordinary, do it three times for almost almost a year in total ? Now that's really bad. It's also nice when you preorder something and receive the product much later than initially advertised but then again people never learn.
How do you not see that they gave a whole different reason for this delay than "major problems".
"the reason for the game's delay is the need to launch it concurrently on all platforms they've committed to - current-gen, next-gen, PC, and Stadia. In total, the developer is working on polishing and testing nine different versions of the game (PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC, and Stadia). This is just mind-bogglingly complex, as you might expect."
These are NOT game breaking bugs that are causing this delay, like you are just assuming... When did any developer in HISTORY had to ever deliver such a huge game on 9 (!) different platforms SIMULTANEOUSLY!? Give them some slack ffs. And it could just as likely be the fault of any API from Sony or Microsoft that is suddenly causing problems. It's not just CDPR involved in this, you know? You have to be crazy to think that. And especially with the new consoles just coming out at the same time, it could be 100% the consoles fault that this is happening. The game is probably done and they are just waiting on these other companies and fixing some MINOR bugs and issues in the meantime. Nothing about this reason screams "major problems" to me, especially given the history of how polished their games always are on release! So no need to exaggerate and agitate because of another measly month of delay. How long did it take GTA 5 to get ported to PC? 2 years just for a PC port... And CDPR has to port it to 9 different platforms, 3 of which aren't even released yet. Do you think this is some kind of walk in the park???
Posted on Reply
When do the people get to use there GeForce Cyber punk Edition .......?
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PowerPCespecially given the history of how polished their games always are on release!
Yeeeaaaahhhhh, that is not the case. TW3 had its share of quest breaking bigs.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
matarits delayed because of CPY and Empress they are scared because Denuvo is dead...
WTH are you talking about? You know they are a drm-free company, right? Apparently not.
nguyenWell this is the last straw, feel like CDPR is catering to the console crowds too much these days that they forget their root. Why should the launch date for every platform have to be on the same date anyways, can't the PC crowd take a breather and have the game ready for them just 21 days before the consoles.
Well if it's just business as usual then the PC gamers should just treat CP2077 as business and buy it when it's on discount at Steam. I also just submitted the refund request on GOG for CP2077 (preorder since jun 2019 :banghead:)
LOL, why are you pre-ordering it anyway? I mean damn, read their release. It’s not just to do all the platforms the same day. It’s to test it as much as possible to encounter any bug they can think of. I feel like you would be bitching if they had released it a month ago and had bugs galore.

How many times have we as the gamer crowd demanded we get finished products, not half finished monstrosities that only got released because a publisher said so?! We’re indeed lucky that CDPR don’t answer to a publisher, so they get to do like demand: give us a finished product.
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Duke Nukem Forever 2.0
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rtwjunkieLOL, why are you pre-ordering it anyway? I mean damn, read their release. It’s not just to do all the platforms the same day. It’s to test it as much as possible to encounter any bug they can think of. I feel like you would be bitching if they had released it a month ago and had bugs galore.

How many times have we as the gamer crowd demanded we get finished products, not half finished monstrosities that only got released because a publisher said so?! We’re indeed lucky that CDPR don’t answer to a publisher, so they get to do like demand: give us a finished product.
Pre-ordered from GOG just to support them really, GOG version cost 40% more than Steam in my country.
I feel like CDPR is sucking up to MS and SONY to be precise since consoles are much harder to implement day 1 patch. TW3 ran terribly on consoles at launch so they tried to avoid that.

Like I said if CDPR is just treating PC gamers as business then why should we treat them any better ? might as well pirate it first then buy it when it is discounted on Steam.

And 21 days delay is not "nothing" since people have plans you know.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieLOL, why are you pre-ordering it anyway? I mean damn, read their release. It’s not just to do all the platforms the same day. It’s to test it as much as possible to encounter any bug they can think of. I feel like you would be bitching if they had released it a month ago and had bugs galore.

How many times have we as the gamer crowd demanded we get finished products, not half finished monstrosities that only got released because a publisher said so?! We’re indeed lucky that CDPR don’t answer to a publisher, so they get to do like demand: give us a finished product.
The Witcher 3 had multiple patches after release for like a year or so. Do you really think there isn't going to be a Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on?
When it's Gold it's a minimum state of a stable game. But since they don't have millions of player already playing they won't find those necessary bugs until they release and we search for them.

Are you willing to wait till December 2021 to get Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.9?
There is not such thing as a perfect game or any type of software.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
nguyenmight as well pirate it first then buy it when it is discounted on Steam.
You talk about pirating from a DRM-free company?! And you call yourself a PC gamer?
BTW, why did you ever think they weren’t in this as a business? They aren’t a charity. They have shareholders and run the company...get ready for it...like a business.

Part of their business model is to give you the gamer something that is as close to error-free as they can foresee without releasing it. Who else does that?! I appreciate their dedication to getting it right as much as they can.
HatrixThe Witcher 3 had multiple patches after release for like a year or so. Do you really think there isn't going to be a Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on?
When it's Gold it's a minimum state of a stable game. But since they don't have millions of player already playing they won't find those necessary bugs until they release and we search for them.

Are you willing to wait till December 2021 to get Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.9?
There is not such thing as a perfect game or any type of software.
One, I never said there wouldn’t be patches. They as a company though, have the luxury of trying to eliminate as many bugs as possible. Most studios don’t have that. It’s why people like you are apparently so willing to accept a game released in whatever fashion it comes out. The gaming world is littered with those wrecks. So yeah, I wait for whenever it’s finished. It’s what adults do. The world doesn’t revolve around game releases.

The rest of what you wrote is directed I don’t know where, because if they weren’t dedicated to extra bug-trouble tracing, there would be many more patches than we will get.
Posted on Reply
Now they can do whatever they want. It's their game and their credibility. And CD Project Red can be awesome in a lot of things but stating release dates is not one of them.
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rtwjunkieYou talk about pirating from a DRM-free company?! And you call yourself a PC gamer?
BTW, why did you ever think they weren’t in this as a business? They aren’t a charity. They have shareholders and run the company...get ready for it...like a business.

Part of their business model is to give you the gamer something that is as close to error-free as they can foresee without releasing it. Who else does that?! I appreciate their dedication to getting it right as much as they can.

Screw them anyways, just a video game. I have like 100+ AAA games that I bought and never played just to support the PC gaming industry.
Ghostrunner just came out and it's pretty solid, and it releases on time too.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
nguyenGhostrunner just came out and it's pretty solid, and it releases on time too.
And nowhere near the complexity of CP2077. Why are game release times so very important to you?
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieAnd nowhere near the complexity of CP2077. Why are game release times so very important to you?
Cause I have a busy schedule a few weeks from now ?
People have work you know, can't be free all the time, a 21 days delay is just as shitty as 6 months delay.

Seems like CDPR has successfully pissed off 50% of PC gamer base, let hope MS and SONY paid them enough money to cover the losses, oh wait there is Google Stadia also.
Posted on Reply
I wonder if this is also related to the GPU supply? That, while they now have some extra time to iron out some problems.
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HyderzDuke Nukem Forever 2.0
LOL, how is this even comparable?
nguyenCause I have a busy schedule a few weeks from now ?
People have work you know, can't be free all the time, a 21 days delay is just as shitty as 6 months delay.

Seems like CDPR has successfully pissed off 50% of PC gamer base, let hope MS and SONY paid them enough money to cover the losses, oh wait there is Google Stadia also.
Ye, but it still makes no sense. Their original release schedule coincided with your free time only by chance, I assume. So how can you blame them for not respecting your personal schedule? If they had promised it before Christmas (when many people actually have free time) and then delayed it after new years, I could see that argument being made. But this was just a pretty random date.
Posted on Reply
PowerPCYe, but it still makes no sense. Their original release schedule coincided with your free time only by chance, I assume. So how can you blame them for not respecting your personal schedule? If they had promised it before Christmas (when many people actually have free time) and then delayed it after new years, I could see that argument being made. But this was just a pretty random date.
Nah, a lot of people specifically requested time off work on Nov 19th just got burned. CDPR PR team just responded to a guy on twitter just yesterday that there won't be another delay :roll:.

This launch schedule is the one that makes no sense, why should the PC crowd have to wait for the game to be ready for the consoles ? and for Stadia too ? CDPR was originally a PC game only company
and now they just spit on the PC gaming community to earn a few more corpo bucks (well maybe not a few).

Anyways I don't feel like supporting a company that treat loyal customers like this, it feels like when your GF always late to your dates because she has 9 other BF :shadedshu: (who need gf anyways, right ?) .
Posted on Reply
I guess if people are willing to excuse CD Project Red constant delays to release the best possible game they could forgive CIG's Star Citizen too... or can't they? :roll:
Posted on Reply
HatrixI guess if people are willing to excuse CD Project Red constant delays to release the best possible game they could forgive CIG's Star Citizen too... or can't they? :roll:
I can excuse a friend who punched me in the arm so I should excuse a stranger who commits genocide is what you're saying yeah?

So many petulent children here, if you're that mad just cancel your preorder and play something else. Neither you nor CDPR owe one another anything. If you can't deal with another delay, don't buy the game, vote with your dollar.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
moproblems99Do you work in software? Only about 50% of software projects are completed on time. No idea if this is a good site or not.
It's completely irrelevant how many projects finish on time, a delay still means that the product is in a bad state. It's particularly concerning when it comes down to software such as games, because whereas with a piece of software written for a microwave oven which you can't update after shipping you are forced to get it right, with a game you're not. They'll ship many issues unresolved to be fixed later.
Posted on Reply
nguyenlet hope MS and SONY paid them enough money to cover the losses
As i said fat backhanders to release when the PS5 and new Xbox do. Notice how close to xmas the delay brings the release, coincidence........
R-T-BWow. You must be having to work really hard fanning that fanboy flame if you post this in a generic video game delay notice.
Nothing to do with with fanboying "kind" sir, and pointing out the obvious isn't hard work at all.

I haven't owned AMD/ATI in over a decade.

I can shit on companies and own their products, there's no confusion in my mind.

CDPR took the "leather jacket" money to implement his crap, instead of just focusing on their game and how it will look and perform across all those very different platforms.

CDPR is beholden to its customers, and that includes whether you like it or not AMD gamers.

9 version of the game, RTX on Geforce but no RTRT on Radeon or the consoles for which RTRT is big marketing buz.

History is rich of evidence that the primiry mission of GameWrecks is to hurt the "leather jacket" competition.

Companies that take his money does disservice to their costumers especially to those that does not use the "leather jacket" products.

Bottom line is this.

GameWrecks™. It's On.

I hope that helps.

Good day.
Posted on Reply
Move that sucks in my book. Everyone got their hopes up for 19th of November and less than a month until launch you back off. I don't care if it is a common thing for CDPR, there is some limit before it gets annoying. I was just curious about this one, much more existed about Homeworld 3 and System Shock 3 (maybe). I was more into the book "The World of Cyberpunk 2077", but since this is the lore book and I have a bad taste from their previous lore book for the Witcher I think I will pass here too. I will wait for the concept art book (if they release it outside special editions of the game).
Posted on Reply
This is fine. As long as they've released this before we go in lockdown again, all is well.

z1n0xNothing to do with with fanboying "kind" sir, and pointing out the obvious isn't hard work at all.

I haven't owned AMD/ATI in over a decade.

I can shit on companies and own their products, there's no confusion in my mind.

CDPR took the "leather jacket" money to implement his crap, instead of just focusing on their game and how it will look and perform across all those very different platforms.

CDPR is beholden to its customers, and that includes whether you like it or not AMD gamers.

9 version of the game, RTX on Geforce but no RTRT on Radeon or the consoles for which RTRT is big marketing buz.

History is rich of evidence that the primiry mission of GameWrecks is to hurt the "leather jacket" competition.

Companies that take his money does disservice to their costumers especially to those that does not use the "leather jacket" products.

Bottom line is this.

GameWrecks™. It's On.

I hope that helps.

Good day.
Dafuq are you even talking about - yes I'll bite...

Its AMD that is late to the party with its RTRT implementation. Nvidia has its time to market in good order and benefits, nothing new here and unrelated to GameWorks, its just a different company approach towards the game industry from front to back. AMD takes the lazy cheap approach, doing as little as humanly possible to support devs and still sell GPUs (most of them using yesterdays' feature sets).

Even today we haven't seen the tiniest spark of a Navi GPU doing realtime RT. Nvidia had it two years ago. Additionally, CBP2077's release has zero relation to the new console gen, they just happen to launch shortly after one another. You can see this in the overall specs... they're pretty low, yesterdays' performance level really.

So your assumptions are completely baseless at best, you can pick your scapegoat of choice here really. Maybe... just maybe... CDPR as a publisher made a commercial choice to extract more money out of their product? Its their product after all. And so far, CDPR has managed to funnel those profits into new projects that seem even more promising than what we've got today. Like Cyberpunk. See how that works?
nguyenPre-ordered from GOG just to support them really, GOG version cost 40% more than Steam in my country.
I feel like CDPR is sucking up to MS and SONY to be precise since consoles are much harder to implement day 1 patch. TW3 ran terribly on consoles at launch so they tried to avoid that.

Like I said if CDPR is just treating PC gamers as business then why should we treat them any better ? might as well pirate it first then buy it when it is discounted on Steam.

And 21 days delay is not "nothing" since people have plans you know.
Entitlement generation much? Wow. Sad, but the stench surrounded you already.

Seriously... the gist of this topic is of an even lower level than the 'oh noes they scalped "my" 3080' episode... Can't we do better?
Posted on Reply
this jam hype marketing since 2012, i don't believe they actually had anything real in the pocket
Posted on Reply
PowerPCLOL, how is this even comparable?

i know it doesn't but i think cyberpunk 2077 was announced a while back now. im not sure the exact date. 6 7 8 years?
but im glad that its delayed for quality reasons and gives me time to get an rtx 3080.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Entitlement generation much? Wow. Sad, but the stench surrounded you already.

Seriously... the gist of this topic is of an even lower level than the 'oh noes they scalped "my" 3080' episode... Can't we do better?
Still salty huh kiddy :roll: .
Yes people are entitled to promised release date, and I have no clue scalping 3080 has got anything related to this, perhaps you are as confused as always.
3080/3090 stocks in my country is aplenty btw, nothing to salty about.
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