Tuesday, October 27th 2020

Wait for It: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed to December 10th

Developer CD Projekt Red has announced that Cyberpunk 2077 is now facing another delay - this one of just 21 days. The game is now slated for release on December 10th, which gives the developer more time to work on the launch-day patch so that everything runs as smoothly as possible when the game is out in the wild and in the hands of millions of expectant gamers.

The developer clarified that the reason for the game's delay is the need to launch it concurrently on all platforms they've committed to - current-gen, next-gen, PC, and Stadia. In total, the developer is working on polishing and testing nine different versions of the game (PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC, and Stadia). This is just mind-bogglingly complex, as you might expect. We also have to take into account that CD Projekt Red has its own shoes to fill when it comes to final quality, and we must remember that first impressions make or break a videogame's reception in the current climate (remember Mass Effect: Andromeda or any other number of games). It seems that the cautious, methodical approach may be the best one for such a high-stakes release. I, for one, would much rather enjoy a game with less chances of game-breaking bugs than a rushed release - especially considering the amount of platforms the game is shipping for.
Source: CD Projekt Red @ Twitter
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124 Comments on Wait for It: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed to December 10th

Vya DomusWhen I said a couple of months ago that this game is no where close to being finished no one believed me. :laugh:

What all of this really means is that they are scrambling to figure out which problems they can fix and which ones they are going to ship.
In other words, just like every other software project that has ever existed. Why you hate CDPR so much? They piss in your wheaties?


Shit, even books have Errata sections. Humans make a shit ton of mistakes. Of course there will be bugs.
Posted on Reply
These game company think they're Hollywood. People don't go to theater to watch a video game wankers. Die a thousand death, RIP Cyberpunk... And soon maybe COD will go the same way too.
Posted on Reply
Wow there are some big babies in this comment section. It's a videogame, chill out.
December 10th is not that far away, yes it's another delay but I'd rather play the game without immersion breaking or even worse GAME breaking bugs.

p.s. the trolling on their twitter post is great!
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
moproblems99Why you hate CDPR so much?
Huh ? I don't hate it, I just find funny how people react when I pointed out the obvious. CDPR is the darling of everyone on the internet apparently, yours included I guess since my comment annoyed you.

But really just a whole bunch of people kidding themselves with "I am glad they delayed it because it means it will be great". No, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen, indicators that development encountered major problems and the product is not ready not that it's being "polished". Delay a game once, not that out of the ordinary, do it three times for almost almost a year in total ? Now that's really bad. It's also nice when you preorder something and receive the product much later than initially advertised but then again people never learn.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
I’ll jist say what I said in the other thread where the news was scooped:

I’m all for improving the quality and eliminating bugs. In the meantime there is plenty of other stuff I can play.
Posted on Reply
z1n0xGameWrecks™ strikes again?
Wow. You must be having to work really hard fanning that fanboy flame if you post this in a generic video game delay notice.
BorisDGVaporware at its best.
Vaporware doesn't tend to go gold.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
tiggerGold means essentially ready for release.
When a game reaches Gold it’s considered a shippable experience. Games at this level will be ready to release and pass all of the following exit criteria.
  • This release is feature complete with high polish
  • All UIs are complete
  • All voiceovers match the script
  • All new players can play without external guidance
  • No A, B, C and very few D and E defects
  • All sound effects and voice overs are levelled
  • There is a sufficient variety of sound effects and music to prevent noticeable/distracting repetition for the target playtime
  • The game runs at the target framerate in all tested scenarios
Guessing they don't want to release it to PC first. Maybe sony and microsoft back handers are pretty big :p
Stop being so jaded, LOL. The announcement also said that there was more testing and bugfixing to do. Just because a game goes Gold doesn’t mean it is as good as they want it. Besides, releasing on all platforms at once is pretty smart.
my_name_is_earlThese game company think they're Hollywood. People don't go to theater to watch a video game wankers. Die a thousand death, RIP Cyberpunk... And soon maybe COD will go the same way too.
The hell are you on about? Why would you want a game that has bugs? No wonder the rest of the game industry gives us Krapp. People like you buy unfinished and unpolished games because its on the date that YOU want it, so devs are more than happy to comply.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusNo, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen, indicators that development encountered major problems and the product is not ready not that it's being "polished". Delay a game once, not that out of the ordinary, do it three times for almost almost a year in total ? Now that's really bad. It's also nice when you preorder something and receive the product much later than initially advertised but then again people never learn.
Never played the Witcher 3 huh?
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusNo, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen, indicators that development encountered major problems and the product is not ready not that it's being "polished".
The pandemic happened.
For a large team, transitioning to work@home tends to put a hamper on development, no matter how much they brag about it being seamless. It's extraordinary times so you can't just generalize it like for the other companies that did it before this year.
Posted on Reply
I don't know what to think anymore I built this current pc for 2077, nearly a year later still no game.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
Maybe people should have built their PCs for the year 2077.

It's a joke.
Posted on Reply
saikamaldossYou don't have to release it on all platforms.. just release it for Nvidia graphics card for now as that is the only thing you are worried about :/

I preordered this game the moment it was announced and now I am hearing only Nvidia card will work with RT at the moment.. Very bad :(
How exactly should they create an RT implementation for hardware that isn't out yet? Even the ps5/XBX version won't have raytracing at first, it'll have to be added later.
Posted on Reply
z1n0xGameWrecks™ strikes again?
More or less, yes. Blame nvidia for delay because cdpr has to implement their lousy features in last stages of production of game they have been working on since 2013 and availability of rtx3xxx series also adds another set of issues to that.
Posted on Reply
Is this the new standard, pre-order everything and just wait?
Posted on Reply
its delayed because of CPY and Empress they are scared because Denuvo is dead...
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
Vya DomusHuh ? I don't hate it, I just find funny how people react when I pointed out the obvious. CDPR is the darling of everyone on the internet apparently, yours included I guess since my comment annoyed you.

But really just a whole bunch of people kidding themselves with "I am glad they delayed it because it means it will be great". No, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen, indicators that development encountered major problems and the product is not ready not that it's being "polished". Delay a game once, not that out of the ordinary, do it three times for almost almost a year in total ? Now that's really bad. It's also nice when you preorder something and receive the product much later than initially advertised but then again people never learn.
I remember having concerns about this with the last delay and I still stand by it. People can say what they want about the moral aspect of crunching and whatnot. To me it is a mark of poor planning/management. Something that can also negatively affect the result and wind up dragging it out or worse, a finished product with more bugs. Anybody who has ever worked over a group of people to get a job done will understand how this works. It really isn't a good thing for the finished product in many cases. The stretching and rushing is a productivity killer. Easy to get dug in. When it comes to games, which are highly technical AND creative endeavors, it is worse because there are always unknowns on top and people's output is highly dependent on conditions and flow.

Part of it, I think, is that they are riding an inordinate amount of hype. Adds some extra push. People internally may make promises they can't keep. All sorts of things can happen when nearly everybody is propping you up at the top of the world.

That said, I still think it's highly likely to be worth the wait. Doesn't mean the production isn't also a mess. When you say you're not doing crunching, set goals, produce dates, miss goals, miss dates, double back on "no crunching", and after that slide it back AGAIN. LOL. I really don't think it is controversial at all to suggest that perhaps things have not been going as planned. :laugh:

Big, long-term project with a lot of ambition, lots of people/moving parts. Not surprising. But probably worth pointing out. This is why I've kept the hype-phasers on 'stun' and not 'kill' the whole time. I'm too old for these emotional rollercoaster rides.
Posted on Reply
It wouldn't be annoying if they hadn't already blown their first deadline. When I tell someone how long it will take me to do a job I get it done when I say it would be done OR BEFORE. Giving deadlines and missing them is really, really scummy after you've taken people's money already. I didn't pre-order and the $60 isn't a big deal to me but I can see some people who probably want their money back. They could have bought another game or two and played in the downtime.
Posted on Reply
They need to work on Witcher 4 while Cyberpunk bakes for 3 more weeks.
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
Th3pwn3rIt wouldn't be annoying if they hadn't already blown their first deadline. When I tell someone how long it will take me to do a job I get it done when I say it would be done OR BEFORE. Giving deadlines and missing them is really, really scummy after you've taken people's money already. I didn't pre-order and the $60 isn't a big deal to me but I can see some people who probably want their money back. They could have bought another game or two and played in the downtime.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it's scummy. They probably never intended to lie. I'm sure they legitimately thought they had a good plan and a clear outlook. There are HUGE decisions involved in the whole process as well as the statements they make. The timeline is never easy. They wouldn't make these claims if the team and their leadership wasn't reasonably certain. It's a big deal to be wrong, it hurts them. They'd be grossly incompetent to let that happen on purpose, especially with the amount of marketing/PR poured in. Much more likely that they got ahead of themselves. It's pretty much a part of the culture in the industry. They all think it's the 80's again, or something. It's not a con, but a mistake.

Pre-orders are always a gamble. I still have sympathy for the people who pay it foreward but fully maintain that if that's your decision, you should be prepared to wait. How many terrible launch days have we seen in the gaming world over the years? How many big games actually had a seamless AND on-time launch? You know? I wish it wasn't like that. I wish more devs would do better to make good and if not that, make amends. It's a bit different with CDPR, just because of the image that they have. A lot of people will be less cynical and more actually upset than if this was say... Rockstar or EA. So they may indeed have to put their money where their mouth is... or bet on the game being SO good when it does drop that everyone forgets all about what came before launch. That's a factor, too. If the game is good enough, nobody is gonna be politicking about how it's delivered, as long as they get it. They'll be too busy playing it and talking about how awesome it is.
Posted on Reply
matarits delayed because of CPY and Empress they are scared because Denuvo is dead...
Uh... It's on GOG so no DRM genius.
Posted on Reply
What about Xbox One X? That would make it 10 platforms. This why consoles get hate from the PC crowd. That's 8 different consoles.
Posted on Reply
Well this is the last straw, feel like CDPR is catering to the console crowds too much these days that they forget their root. Why should the launch date for every platform have to be on the same date anyways, can't the PC crowd take a breather and have the game ready for them just 21 days before the consoles.
Well if it's just business as usual then the PC gamers should just treat CP2077 as business and buy it when it's on discount at Steam. I also just submitted the refund request on GOG for CP2077 (preorder since jun 2019 :banghead:)
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusNo, delays are never good, they are a a bad omen
Do you work in software? Only about 50% of software projects are completed on time. No idea if this is a good site or not.


But compared to 1995...
Furthermore, they say the average software project runs 222% late, 189% over budget and delivers only 61% of the specified functions. Evidence suggests little has changed since then.

Failure has become the IT industry norm.
Vya DomusCDPR is the darling of everyone on the internet apparently, yours included I guess since my comment annoyed you.
Well, consider the competition:. EA, Bethesda, Activision, need I go on? They give free DLC, write good stories, the game is longer than 10 hours, need I go on?

Again, they aren't exactly my darling but it just seems like in every thread where CDPR is mentioned you have to go all negative Nancy on them. And then you have to insinuate they are my darling and I must be annoyed. You couldn't even start off with a normal conversation.
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