Thursday, December 17th 2020

Sony Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) dropped the hammer on Cyberpunk 2077 earlier this week, by withdrawing the game from the PlayStation Store, and offering full refunds to anyone who wants it. It appears like the move affects Cyberpunk 2077 availability for all PlayStation gamers, and not just those on older-generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4. "SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store. SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice," reads the company's statement.

To seek a refund, simply log in to the refund claims page with your PlayStation ID. Once SIE verifies that you purchased your copy of Cyberpunk 2077 via the PlayStation Store, you have the option to request a full refund, which removes the game from your library, and processes a refund to your original mode of payment. The move follows a massive backlash on social media by console gamers—particularly those on older-gen consoles such as PS4 and Xbox One; claiming that the game has glaring bugs and doesn't look nearly as good as shown in its trailers. CD Projekt Red admitted that it didn't show gamers how Cyberpunk 2077 plays on older consoles; and offered full refunds.
Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment
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121 Comments on Sony Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store

Is it because they unneccessarly spent too much resources on adopting RTX instead of fixing bugs and stability? What is the role of nvidia of ruining this game?
Posted on Reply
'teen hours in.
Two small glitches (levitating objects) spotted, only the first night (10th) though.
Two crashes to desktop directly after loading a save in the same place. Everything else OK, passable for 'teen hours.
Mobile 2070Max-Q: RT Ultra + DLSS-Q + disabled postprocessing (I don't like motion blur and CA) = 1080 @ avg~45fps, min~37fps. For me that's playable - with max RT settings on one of the weakest RT cards.
Graphics are really nice. Maybe a few face animations could be better.
Interface: some keys are not configurable; vehicle handling seems strange, probably designed with controllers in mind.
Gameplay: I would welcome less on-the-rails sequences, but that's one of the design choices.

As a whole: great game, would definitely recommend for PCs with 6GB+ VRAM GPUs.
Definitely see why it was 91% from critics. Not 95%+, but solid 90%+; with potential for greatness after patches/add-ons.
Posted on Reply
PowerPCPeople are just stupid to lay all these expectations on CDPR. People made this a far bigger deal because it happened to the holy, infallible CDPR. If that is what you think of them, you shouldn't be allowed to spend $60 yet.
that really isnt the case here man, the amount of bugs and performance issues AND on top of that complete lack of AI is below the standards of any game made by anyone.
Posted on Reply
XaledIs it because they unneccessarly spent too much resources on adopting RTX instead of fixing bugs and stability? What is the role of nvidia of ruining this game?
RTX has nothing to do with it.
Posted on Reply
On the plus side, maybe now people aren't so interested in purchasing the latest-gen GPU's, seeing the price/FPS gain might just not be worth it, I am sure there were many that wanted a new GPU just to play this.

Personally, I can wait, no problem, I have a major backlog as it is. I tried to run it on my GTX660Ti for lolz, it boots in, with everything on low, I get 10fps on 1440p, 25fps on 720p, it's just a slideshow. Oh and buggy, very very buggy, it's one of those titles you purchase 6-months down the line on special with patches, that hopefully, fixed all the issues.
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15th Warlock
To everyone pointing out the obvious by saying "the game has no business running on old generation console hardware, it can barely run on my rig with X CPU and Y GPU!", This issue has nothing to do with that expectation, it has everything to do with the fact that CDPR released the game in such bad state fully knowing how bad it ran on last gen console hardware.

Regarding people's unrealistic expectations when it comes to how the game performs on last gen hardware, CDPR is directly responsible for setting those expectations fully knowing they would not deliver a polished product in time for those platforms.

If people believe for even one second the statements coming out of CDPR's PR department, saying they didn't know the game ran this bad on console hardware, and blaming everything from the pandemic to lack of time to check on those versions, then they really drank the kool aid and might also start questioning if Santa and bigfoot are real.

The game has allegedly been in development since 2012, the year before both PS4 and Xbox 1 were released, yes, I believe PC was always the target for this game, but CDPR has known the specs of both those systems since the very beginning of development, and it is a given they knew exactly how bad it ran on those platforms. All the while they kept pushing the game and encouraging people to preorder and even had a full event with Keanu Reeves promoting the game for Xbox one, just a couple of years ago.

Of course they knew the console version was unfinished on release, this is a publicly traded company worth millions of dollars, employing hundreds of people whose sole focus for 8 years was developing this game, this was not a two man operation running from someone's basement.

Sony and MS cut CDPR a lot of slack by taking their word and not having the game pass certification before release, this mostly due to the studio's pedigree after releasing the Witcher series; now both companies have been thrown under the bus and are in full damage control mode, CDPR's reputation will be tarnished for a long time after this. Good luck getting any preferential treatment from Sony and MS ever again.

Look, I love the game, on PC for the most part it looks like a genuine next generation title, and if you have the right hardware it runs really well, I'm thoroughly enjoying it, and I knew from day one I would be playing it on PC, but even without knowing the actual numbers, I'm sure a very high percentage of people who got the game, pre ordered it for last gen consoles, and don't have the luxury of having a gaming rig capable of running the game as it should.

It's those people who got betrayed, and fell for a classic game of bait and switch, it's not the first time it's happened, and certainly, won't be the last time, but the fact such a prestigious studio as CDPR was the one behind this scheme, adds more insult to the injury.

I'm not saying the sad state of the game on last gen consoles is unredeemable, look at no man's sky, a year after its release, it's finally fulfilling promises made by its developers, and knowing CDPR, I'm sure this will be the case for Cyberpunk too, they're incredibly talented, and it is a shame the actual developers weren't allowed to release the console versions after the PC version was released, all to meet unrealistic deadlines and in the process, screw perhaps millions of console gamers.
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I hope Ubisoft can learn something from this, despite Ubisoft games being playable they still run like crap and I was going to say the same thing to Bethesda but they are now owned by Microsoft.
History has proven they can recover from it, No Man Sky has so i'm sure Cyberpunk 2077 will aswell. I've only had 2 crashes so far but i'm not that far into the game yet but I have seen some bugs but they aren't groundbreaking bugs that put me off playing.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
trparkyThey've got egg on their faces and that's worse than less profits
They had worse egg on their faces with The Witcher. Yet they made a positive reputation out of it, if you recall how they handled the situation. It is how you deal with the egg that makes or breaks you, not the egg itself.
15th Warlockemploying hundreds of people whose sole focus for 8 years was developing this game, this was not a two man operation running from someone's basement.
Um no. They didn’t actually put those hundreds on CB until after TW3 was out and most of the work on its expansions was complete. Until then it really was just a small operation. This was all public knowledge in late 2015 when they announced the shift of employees.
kurosagi01despite Ubisoft games being playable they still run like crap
Huh? How so for such a broad, general statement that I have not found to be the case. I’ve had a couple that were buggy, including AC Valhalla, but still extremely playable. Edit: *AC Unity was the only real mess, Those who waited a year got a fairly good game.
Posted on Reply
With 10 hours in, I've seen quite a few issues.
  • NPC's walking through walls
  • NPC's just stopping in tight places, not letting me through
  • NPC's spawning way too close to me
  • NPC's spawning in while I'm looking at the ground
  • NPC vehicles re-spawning in the same spot after a collision
Vehicle handling is abysmal and I came with low expectations (GTA4 still kind there).

Runs at about 55+ FPS on medium/high on my system, could be worse but looks quite good even if it is a tad grainy.

I Will decide If I wish to complete the game over the holidays, might be better to just wait.
Story, art, world and sound wise everything seems excellent, when it works it works beautifully.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
rtwjunkieUm no. They didn’t actually put those hundreds on CB until after TW3 was out and most of the work on its expansions was complete. Until then it really was just a small operation. This was all public knowledge in late 2015 when they announced the shift of employees
You missed my point, what you're saying is, since 2015 they changed their main focus to Cyberpunk, and had most of their resources dedicated to this game, fine, my point is, the company knew before launch the console versions of the game were hot garbage, if you still believe they didn't know about the game was fundamentally broken as stated by their recent PR releases, I'm sorry to say that was not the case.

To prove my point, console review codes were held from reviewers until after the game was released, and neither Sony, nor MS had the game certified for release, pending a day one patch, so they just allowed CDPR to release the game in this sad state for their consoles, both companies were caught with their pants down.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieHuh? How so for such a broad, general statement that I have not found to be the case. I’ve had a couple that were buggy, including AC Valhalla, but still extremely playable. Edit: *AC Unity was the only real mess, Those who waited a year got a fairly good game.
These are all my own personal experience:
AC Unity was awful on PS4 on launch and it barely ran the game at 30fps
AC Origins ran alright but the game would randomly close itself at random times
Watchdogs Legion is playable but wasn't optimised (Might have changed now)
Farcry 5 did close itself at random as well
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
15th WarlockYou missed my point, what you're saying is, since 2015 they changed their main focus to Cyberpunk, and had most of their resources dedicated to this game, fine, my point is, the company knew before launch the console versions of the game were hot garbage, if you still believe they didn't know as stated by their recent PR releases, I don't know what to say to you.
I know what your point was, and it was wrong. Yes, the basic, ancient consoles should not have had a release of the game. But your point was it was because they had 8 years of full staff, which is a huge exaggeration...almost 50% more time than they actually had. Just make your point, don’t use false facts to make it.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
rtwjunkieI know what your point was, and it was wrong. Yes, the basic, ancient consoles should not have had a release of the game. But your point was it was because they had 8 years of full staff, which is a huge exaggeration...almost 50% more time than they actually had. Just make your point, don’t use false facts to make it.
Nope... And there you go, missing my point entirely again, go read my original post again, I never said they shouldn't have released the game for consoles, I said they shouldn't have mislead console owners about the sorry state of those versions.

This is not a small operation run by a few teenagers in a basement, this is a multi million dollar company with hundreds of employees, if you wanna believe they didn't know they had a dumpster fire in their hands, and didn't do anything to hide that fact, fine, good for you.

I'm done arguing with you, I'm not gonna go in circles when obviously you are focusing on a single paragraph of my post to try and defend CDPR. And to the point, I love Cyberpunk, I have no issues besides a few quest breaking bugs I found when playing it, I had to reload and skip specific parts of the game to continue, but other than that, if you have the right PC, the game is amazing and has lots of potential.

If that's the case for you as well, then, congratulations, and enjoy the game, it's very good when it runs like it should. That doesn't justify the lengths the studio went to hide how bad it runs on base consoles, even if the plan is to fix it later.

Too bad that's not the case for millions of other people who bought the game for PS4 and Xbox one on false pretenses.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
15th WarlockI'm not gonna go in circles when obviously you are focusing on a single paragraph of my post to try and defend CDPR.
And there YOU go. What you see as a defense is simply me telling you that false facts don’t make your point. You can make your point well enough without inflating figures.
Posted on Reply
XaledIs it because they unneccessarly spent too much resources on adopting RTX instead of fixing bugs and stability? What is the role of nvidia of ruining this game?
It's much deeper than that.
You can’t squeeze a video game to check if it’s good like an apple at the supermarket. But if you could, it wouldn’t matter; game publishers would dunk it in enough shiny wax to disguise any imperfections. All the consumer sees is their hand reaching for it.
Posted on Reply
MAXLD- many levitating / air stuck objects
I get this most notably with the paper bags that contain enemy loot after hiding their body in a container. The occasional floating cell phone or something, but it's mainly after hiding bodies for me.
MAXLDun-lootable bodies, boxes, etc... either because they were semi- buried in the map or were at level but was stupid hard to try position myself so the interaction dialogue could appear; also in the Delamain quest some of the killed flying drones would not fall to the ground after being killed...
This. I remember it being kind of difficult to position yourself to pick up things in TW3, but definitely not as frequently here. So many things right in front of me I should be able to easily grab but can't for an unknown reason. Had the same drones staying in the sky issue as well. That one was frustrating as they had some solid loot. On a similar note, maybe they can implement a "switch focus" command? Many times I try and grab loot that will be right next to an NPC and I can't get it because pressing F just talks to them over and over. Would be to nice to hover over the item, and be able to push, idk, Q, to swap command from talking to the NPC to picking up the item.
MAXLDsound inconsistencies (while on the phone in a conversation, the npc voice swapped between a normal tone and a "voice through the phone" tone)
Had the inverse once yesterday. Was riding in Panam's car and we were having a conversation but she sounded like she was talking over the phone.
MAXLDseveral npc's on a side job were stuck in a stiff crucified position
I've only seen 3-5 T-posing NPCs, and my character has done it once on a bike.
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CDPR stock is down another 13% today and that's after losing 1B in market cap in the previous days. You get what you sow!
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Although it is not my genre, I would like to see it sell a lot, so maybe CDPR will finance another Witcher-style RPG.
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Although it is not my genre, I would like to see it sell a lot, so maybe CDPR will finance another Witcher-style RPG.
It did sell well. They recouped all dev costs in the first day of sales. However they need to be taught a lesson here.
Posted on Reply
thesmokingman<SNIP>However they need to be taught a lesson here.
Says who?
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ArctucasSays who?
Apparently from the title fo this thread, Sony for one. Are you paying attention to this thread or just being a contrarian to be a contrarian?
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Saying this knowing full well you all are going to give me a bunch of flak, but with the lastest patch that game was playable and enjoyable even on the base PS4. PS4Pro was solid. Maybe I'm one of the few that did not set their expectations too high for an 8 year old system...
trparkySounds to me like this game shouldn't have been released on last generation consoles and kept to the next generation where the game would actually run. Yes, it would have resulted in less profits but now look at them. They've got egg on their faces and that's worse than less profits.
Pretty sure shareholders had some say in that. But....
watzupkenWhile people may not be happy, but I certainly agree with you. The developers should have put their foot down and limit the game to the new consoles.
....I'll go along with this. At the very least limit it to PS4Pro and XBOS
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieThey had worse egg on their faces with The Witcher. Yet they made a positive reputation out of it, if you recall how they handled the situation. It is how you deal with the egg that makes or breaks you, not the egg itself.
I really don't think so, it's way worse now with CP.
I recall 2 issues with W3 - bugs and graphics.
There were plenty of bugs but when it came to the game behind them, it was almost universally praised. Bugs can (and were) fixed, and people are aware of the sad reality nowadays that big, open games usually come with bugs that need to be ironed out later. It's the price we pay for ambitious projects.
Graphical downgrade when compared to trailers was a thing, but the game still actually looked awesome, so people grumbled a bit but then let it go.

And then there's expectations, possibly the most important factor. When W3 was coming out, I think the prevalent attitude of interested gamers was "can they do it". It was the first such an ambitious project for CDPR, they've never made an open world game before and it was not as big a studio as it is now. With Cyberpunk the hype was unreal, certainly not helped by brazen marketing.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
authorizedI really don't think so, it's way worse now with CP.
I recall 2 issues with W3 - bugs and graphics.
There were plenty of bugs but when it came to the game behind them, it was almost universally praised. Bugs can (and were) fixed, and people are aware of the sad reality nowadays that big, open games usually come with bugs that need to be ironed out later. It's the price we pay for ambitious projects.
Graphical downgrade when compared to trailers was a thing, but the game still actually looked awesome, so people grumbled a bit but then let it go.

And then there's expectations, possibly the most important factor. When W3 was coming out, I think the prevalent attitude of interested gamers was "can they do it". It was the first such an ambitious project for CDPR, they've never made an open world game before and it was not as big a studio as it is now. With Cyberpunk the hype was unreal, certainly not helped by brazen marketing.
Read again. I didn’t say W3. I said The Witcher. If you don’t know, then ask. That is where they made their reputation. Did you ever wonder why the only version available is “The Enhanced Edition” or in some locales “The Director’s Cut”? It’s not because they wanted to do extra things to it.
Posted on Reply
authorizedI really don't think so, it's way worse now with CP.
I recall 2 issues with W3 - bugs and graphics.
There were plenty of bugs but when it came to the game behind them, it was almost universally praised. Bugs can (and were) fixed, and people are aware of the sad reality nowadays that big, open games usually come with bugs that need to be ironed out later. It's the price we pay for ambitious projects.
Graphical downgrade when compared to trailers was a thing, but the game still actually looked awesome, so people grumbled a bit but then let it go.

And then there's expectations, possibly the most important factor. When W3 was coming out, I think the prevalent attitude of interested gamers was "can they do it". It was the first such an ambitious project for CDPR, they've never made an open world game before and it was not as big a studio as it is now. With Cyberpunk the hype was unreal, certainly not helped by brazen marketing.
Yeah... and now they have the graphics quite well on point but the actual game leaves much to be desired. All of the glitches we get aren't really much about graphics. They're about physics, mechanics, and the overall quality and depth of them. Its a serious, fundamental issue. Its not just that things are out of sync, its just not there most of the time. They built a whole range of cool stuff to use, and gave us near static puppets to use it on.

Expectations kill every big release, but that is each individual's problem and it doesn't lead to real world results like it does here. This will cost CDPR money and they have something to make up to us. The release simply isn't complete as it is. The immersive qualities save it for the first dozen or so hours... but it gets uglier. They'll probably fix it though.

I think the lesson learned here, once again, for the umpteenth time should be.... DON'T PRE ORDER. DON'T BUY AT LAUNCH. I can look in the mirror on that last one too and I think I'm gonna get religious about the one year wait for each release :P
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