Thursday, December 17th 2020

Sony Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) dropped the hammer on Cyberpunk 2077 earlier this week, by withdrawing the game from the PlayStation Store, and offering full refunds to anyone who wants it. It appears like the move affects Cyberpunk 2077 availability for all PlayStation gamers, and not just those on older-generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4. "SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store. SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice," reads the company's statement.

To seek a refund, simply log in to the refund claims page with your PlayStation ID. Once SIE verifies that you purchased your copy of Cyberpunk 2077 via the PlayStation Store, you have the option to request a full refund, which removes the game from your library, and processes a refund to your original mode of payment. The move follows a massive backlash on social media by console gamers—particularly those on older-gen consoles such as PS4 and Xbox One; claiming that the game has glaring bugs and doesn't look nearly as good as shown in its trailers. CD Projekt Red admitted that it didn't show gamers how Cyberpunk 2077 plays on older consoles; and offered full refunds.
Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment
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121 Comments on Sony Pulls Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store

I’ve been playing it on pc with an asus tuf 3080 and there are definitely bugs, the first thing I saw when I started the game was this beautiful girl sitting at the bar next to me. I of course began to check her out and to my shock she had no legs lol that’s right her cybernetic legs were not rendering so they were invisible. Not a great first impression for the game. There’s also crazy things like floating cigarettes during a cutscene one time the guy pulled a gun from his head instead of a little usb chip thing. And every time I look in the mirror my dude is bald and missing the hat I have on him, so much for all that time I spent customizing him. I’m also really tired of hearing breaking bottles constantly as I walk around. Just a lot of little things that really hurt the immersion. Also what is the point of customizing our junk when you don’t even see it during the hot scenes? It just needs a lot of polishing to become the epic game it was hyped up to be. But in its current state it’s just meh and way way overhyped.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86I think the lesson learned here, once again, for the umpteenth time should be.... DON'T PRE ORDER. DON'T BUY AT LAUNCH. I can look in the mirror on that last one too and I think I'm gonna get religious about the one year wait for each release :p
I hate to say this, especially since I haven't had any of the issues a lot of people have had, but this is always good advice.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieRead again. I didn’t say W3. I said The Witcher. If you don’t know, then ask. That is where they made their reputation. Did you ever wonder why the only version available is “The Enhanced Edition” or in some locales “The Director’s Cut”? It’s not because they wanted to do extra things to it.
If it's about the first Witcher then I don't even know what you're talking about.
First, there was never any "egg on the face". It was a somewhat niche but well received game, won many awards. The first, non-enhanced edition did.
The enhanced edition being the only one available for purchase is completely normal, there's nothing to wonder about, it's common practice and happens with pretty much all games.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
authorizedIf it's about the first Witcher then I don't even know what you're talking about.
First, there was never any "egg on the face". It was a somewhat niche but well received game, won many awards. The first, non-enhanced edition did.
The enhanced edition being the only one available for purchase is completely normal, there's nothing to wonder about, it's common practice and happens with pretty much all games.
LOL. The game upon release was a horrid, horrible bug-filled mess, praised for it’s story. CDPR apologized and said they would fix it with a new, revamped release. Patches weren’t going to do it. They offered either refunds or a free replacement game for those that bought the original.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieLOL. The game upon release was a horrid, horrible bug-filled mess, praised for it’s story. CDPR apologized and said they would fix it with a new, revamped release. Patches weren’t going to do it. They offered either refunds or a free replacement game for those that bought the original.
I don't remember this, but then again, I'm not a huge Witcher fan..
Posted on Reply
All these broken expectations from past games somehow only lead to more preorders next time. Maybe people love expecting too much? But first it was all about not coming out soon enough. Can't really have both. I really believe this backlash is even less bad than if they had delayed it again. If you think it's easy to make such a game under this kind of pressure from both sides, maybe you should give it a go.
Posted on Reply
PowerPCAll these broken expectations from past games somehow only lead to more preorders next time. Maybe people love expecting too much? But first it was all about not coming out soon enough. Can't really have both. I really believe this backlash is even less bad than if they had delayed it again. If you think it's easy to make such a game under this kind of pressure from both sides, maybe you should give it a go.
That's way off base. You're putting this on consumer's expectations? You mean the ones shaped by none other than CDPR? Seriously!
Posted on Reply
Microsoft is now issuing blanket refund for CP2077.
CDPR never should have aimed for simultaneous launch on all platforms, that was the greediest and most irresponsible decision any corpo could make.
Posted on Reply
nguyenMicrosoft is now issuing blanket refund for CP2077.
CDPR never should have aimed for simultaneous launch on all platforms, that was the greediest and most irresponsible decision any corpo could make.
Link or screenshot?
Posted on Reply
Blame the publishers, not the developers for enforcing unrealistic deadlines. Unforeseen complications is always a problem. Marketing hype started way too soon.
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looks like Sony adjusted CDPR's timeline quite significantly...

They went from "we'll fix it in January or February" to releasing a 17gb patch overnight. pretty amazing how quick the execs can move things along when the shoes on the other foot and it's their money on the line ey?
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ChomiqRTX has nothing to do with it.
It does indirectly. It still diverts resources and development time that could have otherwise be spent on other stuff... be it other graphics, optimization etc.

Not complaining about RTX being in the game as it improves the the looks quite a bit in a lot of places, just stating the obvious.
Posted on Reply
sutyiIt does indirectly. It still diverts resources and development time that could have otherwise be spent on other stuff... be it other graphics, optimization etc.

Not complaining about RTX being in the game as it improves the the looks quite a bit in a lot of places, just stating the obvious.
When it comes to game development, I agree that RTX should be an after thought after the game is 85-90% complete.
Posted on Reply
I play Cyberpunk on a PC and it's pretty good. I like the game it is very entertaining. The visuals are, simply put, awesome. CDPR did a huge mistake by releasing it on an older gen consoles considering how demanding that game is. I know they wanted everyone to have access to it without having the need to buy new consoles. They wanted good turned out to be really bad cause what the game offers on an older gen consoles is just ridiculous.
Posted on Reply
Implementing RTX for release should have depended on the % of games which use it, rather than the small % of games/users that do.
This game NEVER should have been released for PS4 or Xbox One.

My guess is that it spent so much time in development Hell, they didn't want to cancel it so they rolled the dice on it and crapped out.

If I can't get 60 FPS with a 3090, 64GB DDR4 and SSD then it was NEVER going to work on last gen consoles.
Posted on Reply
tiggerImplementing RTX for release should have depended on the % of games which use it, rather than the small % of games/users that do.
If ngreedia would give you too (dont know how much they paid cdpr) 1 million muņē (money) for example to apply their stickers on everything you own. You would do it because muņē rules everything.

I think greedy bastards who are responsible almost for everything saw the big muņē from them. Just took it and told their good fellas to implement that garbage can even if their game clearly wasnt ready for at least one more year...
Posted on Reply
Nephilim666I play this on PC, and so far it's fantastic, looks unbelievable and just needs a little tweaking to get good framerates, too many people set it to "high" or "ultra" and put no thought into the performance hit vs aesthetics. I used a mod to get better memory/Ryzen utilisation but no doubt CDPR will optimise and correct these bugs eventually.
EDIT: I played witcher, witcher 2 and witcher 3 at launch. Witcher 2 was an absolute dog to run and I had bleeding edge hardware at the time, Witcher 3 was super buggy at launch.

Personally, I was really hyped for the game, but I'm old enough to know not to expect something impossible.

For those playing on PC experiencing bad performance, come on, you're on a hardware tweaking website, learn to tweak settings to suit your hardware.
Exactly! That's awesome. Expectations are important to keep balanced. I'm hoping CDPR still makes a bunch from this game. They put so much work into it and I've been thrilled by its first trailer seven years ago. Plus, I haven't had many issues at all, except Jackie passing through vehicles and doors haha but not a big deal. Running a 1080Ti at 65% 4K resolution. Good story that totally surprised me so far.
Posted on Reply
thesmokingmanThat's way off base. You're putting this on consumer's expectations? You mean the ones shaped by none other than CDPR? Seriously!
Cmon, the most they 'lied' about was the last-gen consoles. And they just withheld the last-gen console copies for reviewers. I wouldn't really call that lying. That's withholding information at most. And they are even saying that patches for those versions are coming. But let me ask you a far more important question:

Since when did we start giving a fuck about last-gen consoles?

It actually couldn't be more of a CDPR thing to do, honestly. Remember all the jokes about them hating consoles? Maybe those weren't just joked. The thing is, how can you even be mad at them for doing what we always kinda knew CDPR for?
Posted on Reply
tiggerImplementing RTX for release should have depended on the % of games which use it, rather than the small % of games/users that do.
It is NV sponsored game what did you expect? We have all seen the resent Hardware Unboxed email from NV and what they have said in that email.
Although I agree, CDPR should have not put so much emphasis on RT which is barely playable on a $2k cards
Posted on Reply
ratirtIt is NV sponsored game what did you expect? We have all seen the resent Hardware Unboxed email from NV and what they have said in that email.
Although I agree, CDPR should have not put so much emphasis on RT which is barely playable on a $2k cards
The industry need to stop sponsored games then. its a crock of shit. just makes it dodgy imo, here's a backhander to make sure you implement our GPU tech how is that not dodgy.
The most surprising thing here is that people expected otherwise.

Name one other open-world game of this size and scope that launched flawlessly? Just search for GTA V launch bugs - that was so bad people couldn't even run the game, and many of those who could got stuck on the prologue with either crashes or bugs that prevented them from carrying on into the main game.

CP2077 will be a great game in time, just like Skyrim, GTA V, Witcher 3 etc. All of them had rough launches that were no different to this.
People need to remember history, stop whining like little kids, and exercise some goddamn patience!
Posted on Reply
PowerPCCmon, the most they 'lied' about was the last-gen consoles. And they just withheld the last-gen console copies for reviewers. I wouldn't really call that lying. That's withholding information at most. And they are even saying that patches for those versions are coming. But let me ask you a far more important question:

Since when did we start giving a fuck about last-gen consoles?

It actually couldn't be more of a CDPR thing to do, honestly. Remember all the jokes about them hating consoles? Maybe those weren't just joked. The thing is, how can you even be mad at them for doing what we always kinda knew CDPR for?
Exactly. The penny drops... this is the harsh and straight up "customer due diligence" or "you will get screwed" choice. But we did come to hold CDPR to a higher standard... its what we liked about them. Heck its why I had faith to buy on release which i usually never do... Now console corporate customer screwing is leaking into a PC release... this is no good and definitely damaging to the brand.

This is what really happened and I already drew the line to No Mans Sky which went down in exactly the same way. Good chance devs also said, "fine, you want to release this? Do it, we are done then" Not realizing the backlash would harm them too, or even taking it for granted. That speaks of a team under too much pressure.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86This is what really happened and I already drew the line to No Mans Sky which went down in exactly the same way. Good chance devs also said, "fine, you want to release this? Do it, we are done then" Not realizing the backlash would harm them too, or even taking it for granted. That speaks of a team under too much pressure.
A bit OT but if you haven't played NMS yet, it's actually really good. I think I did myself a favour by ignoring it for over 2 years after launch
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Yeah I hate paying full price for games and also new bugs so I always wait a while before buying.

Might get lucky and get it for free with a new gpu ;)
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