Friday, January 8th 2021

Intel Rocket Lake-S CPU Pushed to 6.9 GHz on LN2
An Intel Rocket Lake-S CPU with 8 cores and 16 threads has recently surfaced in an overclocking video, being pushed to 6.923 GHz operating frequency, as showcased via a CPU-Z screen-grabbed from the video. Neither author of the video or the overclocker that pulled this feat are currently known. However, it can be seen from the CPU-Z that the overclocked CPU at 6.9 GHz supports instruction sets not available to Intel's current lineup of desktop CPUs, but that will be supported by Rocket Lake-S: namely, SHA and AVX512F. Likewise, the cache sizes correspond to the expected changes for Intel's Rocket Lake-S.
The overclocked CPU was paired with overclocked DDR4 memory as well, which was brought up to 6,666 MHz, buoyed by a crispy 1.830 V. Motherboard information is scarce, but it's speculated that it's a Gigabyte-branded Z590 motherboard. Perhaps this video is part of an Intel-pushed marketing attempt to increase desirability of its Rocket Lake-S CPUs to overclockers and enthusiasts. Expect the official Rocket Lake-S unveiling to occur during CES, with market availability around March.
Videocardz, VWorld
The overclocked CPU was paired with overclocked DDR4 memory as well, which was brought up to 6,666 MHz, buoyed by a crispy 1.830 V. Motherboard information is scarce, but it's speculated that it's a Gigabyte-branded Z590 motherboard. Perhaps this video is part of an Intel-pushed marketing attempt to increase desirability of its Rocket Lake-S CPUs to overclockers and enthusiasts. Expect the official Rocket Lake-S unveiling to occur during CES, with market availability around March.
63 Comments on Intel Rocket Lake-S CPU Pushed to 6.9 GHz on LN2
honestly the only thing that interests me about this cpu is that 1, its a complete mess which I like, I like the oddballs.
and 2, that Iris XE and how it preforms with Quicksync for livestreaming.
also yeah by that lighting on the southbridge it does look like a Gigabyte board.
Like these old chips dit.
its funny right how intel 10th gen is readily available and AMD is out of stock...wonder if that means that more people (want to) buy AMD?
The fact you can buy a modern intel but not a modern AMD chip indicates one is selling all they make while the other will have some explaining to do to investors.
Lack of availability in some ways equals the win.
Random non benched feats(on topic) mean nothing.
As does us V them nonsense in this thread, it's not the point.
The point is PR for Intel.
But in a nutshell you prefer intel.
nothing new to see here moving on...
Sure praise Intel, but sales numbers don't lie. Ryzen is the way to go for already quite a long time. Might obviously change with RKL.
Even if you assume steam numbers are correct (which steam itself proves they aren't by making large corrections frequently), marketshare is not sales. You are conflating the two. AMD is outselling Intel 2 - 3 times both CPU and motherboard wise at every other retailer.
Another example:
Steam Survey is not even remotely a reliable source of what's selling right now.
Intel could have used a couple more years being humble, they need to get into their skull that resting on their laurels is not something that a tech company should do. That's one of the biggest reasons as to why Intel bashing has become an International sport on reddit. If we were under the impression that they were actually trying, their very best before Ryzen spooked them, the community wouldn't have bashed them. You can say that this is what's called "though love". Everyone is aware that they got huge funds, that they have talented engineers, both on the CPU and foundry side, but they got too cocky after 15 years of dominance and they needed to have a reality check.
The current situation with the lower nodes is nothing to be happy about, if no one else can compete with TSMC, or if they can't manage to increase their output, the futur is going to grim and Intel might be tempted to take it easy again. A true monoply is the last thing that we need.
And yes, I agree with others; 6.9GHz under Ln2 is n't exactly spectacular but again, it's almost certainly a ES chip on a ( at best ) Beta motherboard, so I'm sure there's plenty more to come.