Wednesday, April 28th 2021
NVIDIA Silently Relaunching RTX 30-series with "Lite Hash Rate" Silicon Edition
Remember that story regarding NVIDIA relaunching a new RTX 3060 SKU that actually does limit the hash rate for Ethereum mining workloads? Well, not only has it been cemented, but it also has been expanded. Reports are coming in that all but confirm that NVIDIA is on its way to provide its partners with updated silicon that should put mining performance of their RTX 30-series cards into a less palatable price-performance territory for would-be miners. That, in turn, should bring them closer to NVIDIA's CMP (Crypto Mining Processor) cards instead - and as wanted by both the company and consumers.
According to the sources, the new graphics cards will be indistinguishable from those that are still in transit or in stock (all two of them worldwide, of course). NVIDIA is internally describing the revised silicon as "Lite Hash Rate", and that is the message they communicate with AIBs. Apparently, the new "Lite Hash Rate" graphics cards will range throughout the entirety of NVIDIA's already-released RTX 30-series portfolio, from the ill-fated RTX 3060 up to the RTX 3080 Ti - the only absent graphics card is the RTX 3090, apparently, which could mean that NVIDIA is confident enough on that graphics card's cost being too high to be attractive to miners - especially when you consider how much more they are going for above the MSRP that was half-heartedly slapped on it. The new chips carry an update to their SKU identification - the GA102-200 chip that powers the RTX 3080 is being revised to GA102-202, as will all other chips made "lite" in this way. Expect the new cards to start hitting retail come June.
According to the sources, the new graphics cards will be indistinguishable from those that are still in transit or in stock (all two of them worldwide, of course). NVIDIA is internally describing the revised silicon as "Lite Hash Rate", and that is the message they communicate with AIBs. Apparently, the new "Lite Hash Rate" graphics cards will range throughout the entirety of NVIDIA's already-released RTX 30-series portfolio, from the ill-fated RTX 3060 up to the RTX 3080 Ti - the only absent graphics card is the RTX 3090, apparently, which could mean that NVIDIA is confident enough on that graphics card's cost being too high to be attractive to miners - especially when you consider how much more they are going for above the MSRP that was half-heartedly slapped on it. The new chips carry an update to their SKU identification - the GA102-200 chip that powers the RTX 3080 is being revised to GA102-202, as will all other chips made "lite" in this way. Expect the new cards to start hitting retail come June.
85 Comments on NVIDIA Silently Relaunching RTX 30-series with "Lite Hash Rate" Silicon Edition
Definitely interested to see what they put in their heuristics to detect dags, etc
Honestly with so many rich fat cats supporting the crypto around the world, I do not think the government of any major countries would ban mining and make it illegal. After all it's those uber riches who make the laws/rules, not us peasants.
Yeah, we don't live in the 3Dfx Voodoo era anymore.
3Dfx chips were true ASICs (fixed-function graphics with zero programmability).
Blame CUDA/OpenCL. GPU compute is far bigger than gaming these days... it's not just mining, but also AI (neural networks/deep learning), self-driving cars, HPC/cloud etc.
3Dfx actually mocked the concept of GPU compute back in the late 90s (7:40):
As much as I loved 3Dfx, I have to admit that dinosaurs eventually perish... flexible organisms (companies) adapt and survive. Adapt or perish.
PCs (including 3D gaming) were instrumental in the 90s to kickstart the GPU revolution.
Imagine if we banned PCs due to CO2 concerns:
People need to see the big picture (something that 3Dfx didn't do and they paid the price). TSMC is already investing 100 billion USD to build more fabs.
By 2023-2024 we will have an abundance of affordable GPUs (used mining GPUs will surely help to keep MSRPs in check, although few people are willing to admit that), since the current bull run will most likely end by late 2021/early 2022.
People need to have patience. 2019 was an excellent year to buy a GPU. 2023 will be the new "2019". 2025 will be the new "2021" and so on (until 2030).
If you learn the market patterns, it's not that hard to buy GPUs at affordable prices and even pay off your entire PC when the next crypto bull run emerges (every 4 years like clockwork). When 3D acceleration was introduced with 3Dfx Voodoo, many people called it "useless" (because most games used software rasterization back then).
When T&L was introduced with GeForce 256, many people called it "useless" (because most games didn't use DX7/T&L).
When programmable pixel/vertex shaders were introduced with GeForce 3, many people called them "useless" (because most games didn't use DX8/shaders).
See a pattern here? Only young people don't remember. Old people have no excuse to disrespect tech progress when it doesn't come from their favorite company.
DLSS is as revolutionary as Glide was back in late 90s from a technological perspective. Tensor cores are NOT useless for gaming.
You may argue it's proprietary, but Glide was proprietary too. Should people ignore 3Dfx Voodoo cards too?
People buy what's best bang for the buck. Ampere MSRPs are pretty reasonable (minus 3090 maybe).
I'm pretty sure if AMD invented DLSS first, everyone would love them. Just like they did with Mantle and Async Compute (great tech inventions too, not so great if nVidia brought them first). Be careful what you wish for.
I know many people who consider gaming & PCs wasteful in terms of electricity consumption, especially if we compare them to smartphones consuming 2-3W max.
How would you feel if they banned PC ownership in favor of cloud computing/gaming?
You guys don't realize that banning freedoms is a slippery slope that -sooner or later- will bite you in the ass. They won't ban only the things you hate, but also things you love.
Centralized cloud infrastructures can be more efficient due to economies of scale. Don't take my word for it, just wait for cloud companies in the coming years.
If you're a PC gamer, please think about that next time you play the "CO2 card". It goes both ways. I agree if you're talking about people who cannot see the big picture. People will jump to RVN if they compromise ETH hashrates.
And if they do the same to RVN too, they will move to something else.
CMC has over 5000 coins (most are shitcoins, but are there are 20-30 solid projects worth looking into).
Banning p2p in general reminds me of banning BitTorrent. It's impossible to ban it, unless you shut down the internet (TCP/IP in general). Shutting down RapidShare was easy-peasy (I told RapidShare fans long time ago that centralized architectures are easy to shut down vs BitTorrent and they mocked me). Decentralization is crucial for preservation.
Odd play , so full HR if you pay Nvidia direct.
They'll need a bigger back door.
The whole CO2 agenda of the media/musk/ where the false data of bitcoins electric power comes from being a huge conflict of interest given where the supposed research data began was from a lobbyist of the dutch national bank to which many have quoted especially Musk and the media, the correct number of bitcoins carbon foot print and this includes the fact almost zero power is used for each and every transaction which we have been told otherwise to which is a lie the final sum is .018-.1 % of the total carbon emissions in comparison to all other CO2 emissions including natural ones such as every single known and unknown volcano on earth above ground , under ground and under water for that matter. A simple ice core sample puts all this BS to rest giving us a horrific picture than every 50-80000 years massive amounts of CO2 alters the climate for a huge part of this planet, melting ice unlocked untold metric tons of CO2 in weeks to which would take humans 50 years to pump into the air, I think most people do not consider the fact that we have 230-250 miles of open atmosphere above our heads on average at any given moment the about of space above is so far more than all the land and water on earth that the fill it up by burning fossil fuels like petrol or coal seems rather childish to even think is the actual cause especially with ice core data not to mention the math you know the ONLY thing on the planet that will never lie at the end of the day. The true hurts and in this case it is a ton of natural causes which should be of concern due to what has ALWAYS happened on QUE due to this mass release of CO2 gases from ice. I am not denying global warming at all I am saying there is mathematical proof and physical proof for any and all to look up and see we are not even 5% of the cause I can only imagine the reason a ruling party would claim we are to blame is to has reason to have another tax even tho we are not the cause our less than 5% would be absorbed by this earth not alter it, now our over fishing, hunting animals and dumping radioactive wastes into the oceans and where we like is a whole other story but it does not include temps but less oxygen and a more thin protection from radiation the current atmosphere protects us from, keeping it up and this rock will be just that in a good 1000 years if or if not we have enough time to get off of it before this culture collapes like all have before it due to the 50k-75000 year window of time before a massive climate event that usually starts a iceage or ends one regardless of all our fancy toys if that happens everyone is on the same sinking ship and eaten by the same hunger sharks regardless of wealth or safe houses, no one could outlast such conditions for centuries to thousands of years of time , maybe in a pipe dream they could lol
I'll be looking to mine coins directly again instead of using nicehash.