Thursday, July 1st 2021

TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.10.0 Released
TechPowerUp today released the latest version of NVCleanstall, our handy, lightweight utility that lets you customize your NVIDIA drivers installation to a much greater degree than the "Custom" install option in the NVIDIA Installer, letting you toggle components and features you didn't even know exist. The latest version 1.10.0 introduces several updates. For starters, it fixes ShadowPlay not working (even though selected), due to a missing reference to NvModuleTracker. We've introduced an additional driver signing mode that's compatible with EasyAntiCheat. NVCleanstall now discards the generated private key once the signature rebuild is complete, for additional security.
We've introduced a feature that lets you create a self-contained EXE installer with the installation options you've selected. The option to disable NVContainer has been introduced, however, this may break GeForce Experience, and removes NVIDIA's Desktop context menu. You can configure MSI (message-signaled-interrupt) CPU selection and priority. NVCleanstall also makes sure MSI only gets activated on NVIDIA GPU devices. An option has been added letting you disable HDCP. The app now warns you that UWP apps can't be installed in Safe Mode, if you request the Control Panel app while running in Safe Mode. The app also warns about installation of GeForce Experience in Safe Mode. Both these limitations are due to Safe Mode, not NVCleanstall. When customizing your install, you can now also provide hooks to run programs before and after installation. Grab NVCleanstall from the link below.
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.10.0The change-log follows.
We've introduced a feature that lets you create a self-contained EXE installer with the installation options you've selected. The option to disable NVContainer has been introduced, however, this may break GeForce Experience, and removes NVIDIA's Desktop context menu. You can configure MSI (message-signaled-interrupt) CPU selection and priority. NVCleanstall also makes sure MSI only gets activated on NVIDIA GPU devices. An option has been added letting you disable HDCP. The app now warns you that UWP apps can't be installed in Safe Mode, if you request the Control Panel app while running in Safe Mode. The app also warns about installation of GeForce Experience in Safe Mode. Both these limitations are due to Safe Mode, not NVCleanstall. When customizing your install, you can now also provide hooks to run programs before and after installation. Grab NVCleanstall from the link below.
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.10.0The change-log follows.
- Fixed ShadowPlay not working due to missing reference to NvModuleTracker
- Added optional driver signing mode that's compatible with EasyAntiCheat
- Once driver signature rebuild is complete, throw away the generated private key for additional security
- Added button to create self-contained.exe installer with the slimmed driver package
- Added option to disable NVContainer, which reduces the number of processes even further, but breaks GFE and removes the "NVIDIA Control Panel" option in the Desktop right-click context menu
- Added options to set Message-Signaled-Interrupt CPU selection and priority
- Ensure MSI only gets activated on devices with "nvlddmkm" driver
- Added option to disable HDCP
- When installation of the Control Panel App is requested, while running in Windows Safe Mode, show a warning, explaining that UWP Apps can't be installed in Safe Mode
- When installation of GFE is requested, while running in Windows Safe Mode, show a warning, explaining that it can't be installed in Safe Mode
- Added input fields to provide hooks to run programs before and after installation
19 Comments on TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.10.0 Released
More than once I finished install and realized I added a feature I didn't need or forgot to include a feature I did need. Simply DDU uninstall and then NVCleanInstall again. No problems, simple.
I don't need task scheduler entries or anything extra. I don't have RTX model (GTX970) so it easy to just pick the basic driver and physicX.
I also have never used or needed to sue DUU, I use the "clean" option and have had no issues.
This app does what it says it is supposed to do, if you want all the features of thet driver has then no need to use a slimmed-down one.
10/10, would recommend.
Drivers are a lot more stable these days than they used to be. I haven't personally had a graphics driver issue since 2015.
Though I do like "lited" OS's. As soon as I install Windows I spend about 15 minutes disabling telemetry as much as possible, removing the horribleness that is Cortana and uninstalling useless Windows apps. I remove everything I can, but I will be keeping Get Help.
Also windows server is windows 10 with store and crap cut.