Friday, December 24th 2021

Intel Bans Chinese Components from Xinjiang Province, Turns Around and Apologises to China
In a very confusing move, Intel has informed its suppliers that it won't accept components that have been made in or by labour from the Xinjiang Province in China, only to turn around almost instantly and apologise to China for the fact that it has done so. That said, Intel doesn't appear to have changed its mind, the company simply apologised due to the backlash from Chinese citizens, who are threatening to boycott Intel products.
Part of the reasoning behind the ban of components from the Xinjiang Province is said to be due to US laws and is apparently not entirely in line with Intel's own views on the situation. A statement from Intel said "We apologize for the distress caused to our esteemed Chinese customers, partners and the general public," although it's unclear if this is going to be enough to calm the Chinese public, which tend to be able to stir up quite a lot of trouble for foreign companies in China that are seem to be anti China.
Taiwan News, Tom's hardware
Part of the reasoning behind the ban of components from the Xinjiang Province is said to be due to US laws and is apparently not entirely in line with Intel's own views on the situation. A statement from Intel said "We apologize for the distress caused to our esteemed Chinese customers, partners and the general public," although it's unclear if this is going to be enough to calm the Chinese public, which tend to be able to stir up quite a lot of trouble for foreign companies in China that are seem to be anti China.
61 Comments on Intel Bans Chinese Components from Xinjiang Province, Turns Around and Apologises to China
Intel: "here let us be clear, but dont be angry..."
Also, lot of Garlic from China has lead issues from what I have read, due to all the pollution that gets into the ground. I buy my Garlic from California grown companies. It's only like a dollar or two more.
Also my Hate china, love all my stuff (that's made in china) comment was sarcastic, should have put /s at the end to show it.
If countries stop procuring labor and manufacturing from China, it's economy will also collapse because that's the main pillar it's built on.
No one gives a rats ass about human rights and ethics, they're more concerned about the vast web of financial dependencies they've gotten themselves in that ensures either party will have to pay dearly if they opt out.
speaking of which, I need to get some elk meat soon. I don't eat that corn fed American cow **** cows aren't supposed to eat corn, crazy *** world we live in eh mate?
Dont get me wrong. China has human rights violations up the wazoo - so do a lot of other countries but the west suffers from bad work ethics and corporatism. Look at how big CEOs or executives treat their lower level staff. Because they are paid so much, the overall value of the staff working underneath them means very little to them. Bobby Kotick is one of them as well as some of the higher ups from Ubisoft, Blizzard... etc etc -- These are just examples but the same thing happens outside of the gaming industry. People that earn big f**k you money think they are gods to be worshipped and can do whatever the hell they want to who ever they want.... Hollywood is another big place full of overpaid people that exploit and do shady things to people who are less fortunate.
Big mega corporations dont even want to pay the correct amount of tax they should be paying. They dont want to pay their bottom floor staff a decent wage. But they are happy to pay their executives millions and fire a few hundred bottom floor staff just to pay those executives.
There needs to be a balance of wealth to keep the economy flowing. What if every average joe had a substantial chunk of disposable income that they could spend every month other than spending 70% of their pay packet on bills, rent, food and work/travelling expenses? They would be inclined to spend more on junk, and the more people that spend the better it is for the local economies - the mom & pop establishments. The more people spend. the more the government rake in through VAT. Higher wages should be paid so that the average joe can live a little and stop needlessly being stuck living pay cheque to pay cheque. They get a better quality of life and the local high street flourishes because people have more money to spend.
Too much money is going to people who dont need it and/or dont deserve it. While the average joe spends a lot of hours grinding possibly multiple jobs a day to be able to afford his own place just to get caught in a trap paying it off for the next 30-40years because wages are so damn low.
(edited to make more reading sense and correct grammatical errors)
Anyway, this is what happens when US corporations want to enrich a select few in their company by resorting to what amounts to slave labor. I've lost count of how many companies moved part of or all of their operations to foreign countries(Mexico, Philippines, China, etc.) for the cheaper labor. There's really no solution to this. :shadedshu:
Not phishing for an argument because I think you know the answer, but who do you think made those decisions to off-shore production and tax burdens. I know you know it wasn’t consumers/workers, but just saying — put the blame where it belongs. Stop off-shoring production for costs, pay workers more, make better product = profit.