Tuesday, January 11th 2022

NVIDIA Launches GeForce 511.17 WHQL Drivers

NVIDIA today released the latest version of GeForce driver software. Version 511.17 debuts the 510-series version numbering for the software. This driver introduces support for the GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB graphics card the company stealthily launched today. The drivers also fix a bug with "Detroit: Become Human," where random stuttering was observed in the game; flickering text in Windows with 12-bpc color enabled; and the mouse pointer getting frozen when toggling HDR from within Windows Control Panel, after enabling G-SYNC from NVIDIA Control Panel.

New Features and Other Changes
  • This release supports the new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (12 GB) GPU.
Fixed Issues in this Release
  • [Detroit Become Human]: Random stuttering/freezing occurs in the game. [3389250]
  • Flicker/disappearing text when 12-bit color is used [3358884]
  • [HDR][G-Sync]: Mouse pointer gets stuck after turning on HDR from the Windows Control Panel or after toggling G-Sync from the NVIDIA control panel. [200762998]
To work around, click the mouse (right or left button). The mouse cursor will be sluggish for a few seconds before returning to normal operation.

Known Issues
  • [Deathloop][HDR]: TDR/corruption occurs in the game with Windows HDR enabled. [200767905] If this issue occurs, toggle the Windows HDR setting.
  • Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed may crash on courses where players drive through water. [3338967]
  • In multi-monitor configurations, the screen may display random black screen flicker. [3405228]
  • [NVIDIA Advanced Optimus][NVIDIA Control Panel]: After setting the display multiplexer type to "dGPU", the setting is not preserved across a reboot or resume from S4. [200779758]
  • [NVIDIA Image Scaling][Desktop]: The screen moves to the upper left corner on cold boot when Image Scaling is applied to the desktop. [3424721] Do not apply NVIDIA Image Scaling to the desktop. It is intended only for video upscaling or for games which do not run with a scaling resolution unless the same Image Scaling resolution is applied on the desktop.
  • NVIDIA Image Scaling][DirectX 11 video apps]: With Image Scaling enabled, video playback is corrupted or results in a system hang after performing an HDR transition. [3431284]
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34 Comments on NVIDIA Launches GeForce 511.17 WHQL Drivers

I notice it does not come up when I do a product driver search for my 3070 at nvidia.com, yeah.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI notice it does not come up when I do a product driver search for my 3070 at nvidia.com, yeah.
same here, did they get pulled / taken down already?

oh i guess the keywords are, only the 3080 12GB is supported, "This driver only supports RTX 3080 12GB"

Posted on Reply
driver release notes:

though it contradicts itself a few pages later, it shouldn't take a genius to figure that out(?)

so no you won't see it under normal searching . . .

fun fact: no one on guru3d's forum can install them :p
Posted on Reply
This is why i always go to the official site and through the process of selecting my device and what not, that way i aways have the right driver.
Posted on Reply
Nvidia often launches new drivers supporting only for new GPU. 511.18 should support all.

Posted on Reply
Just installed these and it does work on a RTX 3080 10GB.
Posted on Reply
"This Driver is not compatible with your version of windows"
"no compatible Graphics Card found"

Windows 11 Pro fully updated, 3080 Ti.
Posted on Reply
Anth0789Just installed these and it does work on a RTX 3080 10GB.
you got me curious:

nv_dispig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.220A = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvaeig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvakig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87C4.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87EE.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.882B.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.8845.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvddig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3891.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C890.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvhdcig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88B9.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvleig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3890.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C891.17AA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmdig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3881.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3892.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3893.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3895.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3897.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.389B.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmoig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.9612.19DA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
can i ask for a GPU-Z screen shot . .please. :)
Posted on Reply
TechPowerUp supports all recent NVIDIA GPUs via NVCleanstall (in this case Maxwell or newer).

Unpack driver with 7zip

Open NVCleanstall

select "use driver files from disk", navigate to the setup.exe of the unpacked driver
select components to install
select "add hardware support" under installation tweaks
select name, then ID (the hex number from the right)
select a GPU as template which is most similar to the target GPU

Posted on Reply
GerKNG"This Driver is not compatible with your version of windows"
"no compatible Graphics Card found"

Windows 11 Pro fully updated, 3080 Ti.
Apparently it only has the plain 3080 id inside. A proper driver should surface within the week.
Posted on Reply
w0rd on the street is NV will release GOW driver friday.
Posted on Reply
looniamyou got me curious:

nv_dispig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.220A = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvaeig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvakig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87C4.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87EE.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.882B.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.8845.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvddig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3891.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C890.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvhdcig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88B9.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvleig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3890.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C891.17AA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmdig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3881.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3892.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3893.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3895.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3897.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.389B.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmoig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.9612.19DA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
can i ask for a GPU-Z screen shot . .please. :)
anyone try modding in their device id for non 3080 series cards, yet?
Posted on Reply
You need to specify in big bold letters on the main page that the driver only supports the new 3080.
Posted on Reply
Shou Miko
R-T-BI notice it does not come up when I do a product driver search for my 3070 at nvidia.com, yeah.
Same for me @R-T-B even using @W1zzard 's NVCleanstall same.

i guess it's only for RTX 3080 12GB....
Posted on Reply
looniamyou got me curious:

nv_dispig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.220A = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvaeig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.A612.174B = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvakig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87C4.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.87EE.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.882B.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.8845.1043 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvddig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3891.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C890.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvhdcig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88B9.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.88D7.103C = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvleig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3890.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.C891.17AA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmdig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3881.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3892.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3893.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3895.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.3897.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2206.389B.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
NVIDIA_DEV.2216.3896.1462 = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"

nvmoig.inf :

NVIDIA_DEV.2206.9612.19DA = "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
can i ask for a GPU-Z screen shot . .please. :)
Sure thing here!
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
Wow guess my 3090 is obsolete with no driver support now

  • In multi-monitor configurations, the screen may display random black screen flicker. [3405228]
This ones screwing with me bad, any time my monitors wake up or change res (like loading a fullscreen game) they give me a seizure for 5-10 seconds
Posted on Reply
TechPowerUp supports all recent NVIDIA GPUs via NVCleanstall (in this case Maxwell or newer).

Unpack driver with 7zip

Open NVCleanstall

select "use driver files from disk", navigate to the setup.exe of the unpacked driver
select components to install
select "add hardware support" under installation tweaks
select name, then ID (the hex number from the right)
select a GPU as template which is most similar to the target GPU

Wait, so you can add older GPU support with NVCleaninstall? What?
Posted on Reply
C3S4RMEWWait, so you can add older GPU support with NVCleaninstall? What?
It's not magic. Sometimes a driver (like this one here) has only been tested with one particular GPU and it only contains the id for that. But it works for other cards, too, adding the necessary ids enables them.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
C3S4RMEWWait, so you can add older GPU support with NVCleaninstall? What?
In many cases it's just a line of text adding the device ID, i used to do this back in the Geforce 3/4 era. such haxor.

The driver still needs support for your GPU internally, you cant make a 3090's driver load on a riva TNT

Mostly useful for forgotten laptop variants of desktop GPU's
Posted on Reply
This driver is not on the official nvidia website driver. I wonder why.

Edit: it is, just needed to select 3080, if you select 3090 will appear the last 497.29.

Version:511.17 WHQL
Release Date:2022.1.11
Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11
Language:English (UK)
File Size:793.08 MB

I did not need to but I will install it. There are also some windows cumulative packs as well, so why not.
Posted on Reply
Shou Miko
MetroidThis driver is not on the official nvidia website driver. I wonder why.

Edit: it is, just needed to select 3080, if you select 3090 will appear the last 497.29.

Version:511.17 WHQL
Release Date:2022.1.11
Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11
Language:English (UK)
File Size:793.08 MB

I did not need to but I will install it. There are also some windows cumulative packs as well, so why not.
I cannot even install it for my RTX 3070....
Posted on Reply
puma99dk|I cannot even install it on my RTX 3070....
I installed it without any problems, I have a rtx 3080.
Posted on Reply
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Mar 4th, 2025 05:33 EST change timezone

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