Tuesday, February 15th 2022

AMD Market Cap Now Higher Than Intel's After Xilinx Acquisition

Following its acquisition of FPGA and network hardware giant Xilinx, AMD is a larger company in terms of market capitalization. At closing bell on Tuesday (15/02), this figure stands at $199.58 billion, which for the very first time in AMD's history, beats rival Intel, which closed at $197.20 billion. Chiakokhua, aka Retired Engineer, provided the calculation that arrives at the $199.58 billion market cap. Before close, AMD had a share-count of 1.216 billion. 427 million shares were issued to Xilinx shareholders, resulting in a share-count (after close) of 1.643 billion, which at a share price of $121.47 works out to $199.58 billion. At $121.47, AMD is still trading around 26% lower than its all-time high price of $165.46.
Source: Retired Engineer (Twitter)
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38 Comments on AMD Market Cap Now Higher Than Intel's After Xilinx Acquisition

aww now I gotta support the underdog - Intel
Posted on Reply
nguyenaww now I gotta support the underdog - Intel
getting out the pom-poms?

If/When Intel finalizes its acquisitions of Tower, the lead will be short lived.
Posted on Reply
This article is a few months too late. AMD's market cap was larger than Intel already when it was in the 140s and 150s.

Very confusing that the article acknowledges that AMD's stock is 26% off the all-time-high but then goes on to claim that it's the first time it has gone past Intel (Hint : Intel's stock is not down 26% since AMD hit its all time high).
DeathtoGnomesgetting out the pom-poms?

If/When Intel finalizes its acquisitions of Tower, the lead will be short lived.
Very unlikely... Tower is "only" worth 5B and the acquisition will take a year to go through. By that time, there's every chance that AMD's stock would be up by 3% or more.
Posted on Reply
As it should be, truthfully if Intel do what they've been doing in the past decade they'd be a marginal player in the next decade or so!
Posted on Reply
nguyenaww now I gotta support the underdog - Intel
uftfaThis article is a few months too late. AMD's market cap was larger than Intel already when it was in the 140s and 150s.

Very confusing that the article acknowledges that AMD's stock is 26% off the all-time-high but then goes on to claim that it's the first time it has gone past Intel (Hint : Intel's stock is not down 26% since AMD hit its all time high).

Very unlikely... Tower is "only" worth 5B and the acquisition will take a year to go through. By that time, there's every chance that AMD's stock would be up by 3% or more.
TBF market cap is only one metric. Intel has much more infrastructure and employees, which makes it much larger in practice.
Posted on Reply
ZubasaTBF market cap is only one metric. Intel has much more infrastructure and employees, which makes it much larger in practice.
Of course. Intel also has 6x the revenue. Their annual profits alone exceed AMD's annual revenue. They're still a behemoth when it comes to the operational scale. Doesn't seem to show up in the market cap for reasons I don't fully understand.
Posted on Reply
uftfaOf course. Intel also has 6x the revenue. Their annual profits alone exceed AMD's annual revenue. They're still a behemoth when it comes to the operational scale. Doesn't seem to show up in the market cap for reasons I don't fully understand.
Market Cap is bases on stock prices ands shares.
Investor's wants growth and stock prices to increase, Intel being so dominate in the past means that there is not a whole lot it can grow now that AMD is back on its feet.
The only movement was down or stagnation in Intel's main business.
This is why for years, Intel have been trying to diversify with acquisitions to find an area where they can grow.
Posted on Reply
uftfaOf course. Intel also has 6x the revenue.
Not after this merger nope, not even close!

Pre merger ~

AMD today announced revenue for the fourth quarter of 2021 of $4.8 billion, operating income of $1.2 billion, net income of $974 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.80.

Starting with quarterly results, for the fourth quarter of 2021, Intel reported $20.5B in revenue, which is a small jump of 3% over the year-ago quarter.
Posted on Reply
R0H1TNot after this merger nope, not even close!

Pre merger ~

AMD today announced revenue for the fourth quarter of 2021 of $4.8 billion, operating income of $1.2 billion, net income of $974 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.80.

Starting with quarterly results, for the fourth quarter of 2021, Intel reported $20.5B in revenue, which is a small jump of 3% over the year-ago quarter.
In short AMD = big growth = 'Stonks"
Intel = too stable = no 'Stonks" :laugh:
Posted on Reply
AMD, at the rate they're going, could come close to half of Intel's revenues by the middle of this decade & remember Intel owns fabs!
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
keep in mind, no intel alder cpu ever sold out, intel was able to meet demand with their own fabs. now when intel enters the gpu market, if they really do have a 3070 ti killer at the right price... and employ their fabs to go hardcore on it... it is very very possible intel will skyrocket over AMD, cause AMD forever reliant on sharing TSMC fab time with others.

6 months from now is going to look very interesting. i think intel is probably hiding something up their sleeve, possibly even stockpiling the 3070 ti killer as i type this.
Posted on Reply
CallandorWoTkeep in mind, no intel alder cpu ever sold out, intel was able to meet demand with their own fabs. now when intel enters the gpu market, if they really do have a 3070 ti killer at the right price... and employ their fabs to go hardcore on it... it is very very possible intel will skyrocket over AMD, cause AMD forever reliant on sharing TSMC fab time with others.

6 months from now is going to look very interesting. i think intel is probably hiding something up their sleeve, possibly even stockpiling the 3070 ti killer as i type this.
Intel's Arc will be using TSMC not their own Fabs. It means it will just be competing with everyone else for supply.
Posted on Reply
CallandorWoTi think intel is probably hiding something up their sleeve
Yes, let's call it 12999KXe ~ Idjit edition :slap:
Posted on Reply
That's not really dumb, they had no other choice. The smarter ploy would've been to use TSMC much earlier, but I guess the meatheads handling the fabs were too dumb to see this!
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
R0H1TThat's not really dumb, they had no other choice. The smarter ploy would've been to use TSMC much earlier, but I guess the meatheads handling the fabs were too dumb to see this!
why not use their own fabs? they could have negotiated with the government when Biden just infused them when tens of billions of dollars in national security funding to get chip production going here, they could have just asked for a few billion more to get w.e extra machines they needed on top of the fab production... i mean we already spent what 6 trillion on covid? whats another 20 billion when your just printing funny money anyway?
Posted on Reply
If "machines" were the only thing needed then China would just steal borrow some from ASML & make their fabs the "best" in the world. You need experienced personnel & a lot of trial & error, except in case of Intel there was a lot of error!
Posted on Reply
Ah yes, the meaninglessness that is market cap. If you think AMD passing Intel is funny, check Nvidia's for extra giggles. I guess some are really good at marketing and selling BS stories to Wall Street.
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CallandorWoTAMD forever reliant on sharing TSMC fab time with others.
So is Apple. Once you have enough money to buy (or actually finance) fab capacity in advance, your deficit turns into advantage.
Posted on Reply
uftfaOf course. Intel also has 6x the revenue. Their annual profits alone exceed AMD's annual revenue. They're still a behemoth when it comes to the operational scale. Doesn't seem to show up in the market cap for reasons I don't fully understand.
Yes, this is very true, and intel's R&D budget is over 8x larger than AMD's, which makes it all that more impressive what AMD has been able to do against intel, and makes it all that more pathetic what Intel has been able to do with their basically limitless budget by comparison....with respect to Alderlake, intel with all the resources at their disposal should have been able to make a CPU that is able to best Zen 3 (an architecture over a year old) by a much larger margin. It makes you wonder what AMD would be able to do if they had Intel's budget and resources.
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Not bad for sticking and gluing!
Posted on Reply
CallandorWoTwhy not use their own fabs? they could have negotiated with the government when Biden just infused them when tens of billions of dollars in national security funding to get chip production going here, they could have just asked for a few billion more to get w.e extra machines they needed on top of the fab production... i mean we already spent what 6 trillion on covid? whats another 20 billion when your just printing funny money anyway?
$6 trillion on Covid is a drop in the bucket when you consider America spends approximately $1 trillion every year on military (approximately $750 billion for DoD base budget and another $250 billion on other projects and other agencies in support roles) and this expenditure has basically doubled only since 2003 (Total expenditure on military since 2003 is $14.37 trillion)...more than the next 11 countries combined, 9 of which are allies.
Posted on Reply
CallandorWoTkeep in mind, no intel alder cpu ever sold out, intel was able to meet demand with their own fabs. now when intel enters the gpu market, if they really do have a 3070 ti killer at the right price... and employ their fabs to go hardcore on it... it is very very possible intel will skyrocket over AMD, cause AMD forever reliant on sharing TSMC fab time with others.

6 months from now is going to look very interesting. i think intel is probably hiding something up their sleeve, possibly even stockpiling the 3070 ti killer as i type this.
Ahh the zombie misunderstanding that just won’t die. Intel is making ALL its discrete GPU chips at TSMC. GPU supply will become more constrained with Intel getting the smallest slice of the fab share pie due to late entry.

My take is that Intel will mostly release mobile GPU chips in abundance this year. Discrete GPU chips will ship in small quantities to far flung OEMs and Chinese internet cafes this year.

edit: And right on cue, a story at Videocardz about DG1. Same thing could happen with DG2 in the first six months of availability.

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