Wednesday, April 18th 2007

Only 244 copies of Genuine Windows Vista sold in China
Microsoft spent millions of dollars advertising its next generation OS 'Windows Vista' in China, in fact the IT juggernaut threw up the biggest Vista Ad on the 421 meter high Jin Mao tower in Shanghai China. However after 2 weeks (Jan 19 to Feb 2) from launch Microsoft managed to sell a mere 244 copies of Windows Vista. Software piracy is rampant in the middle kingdom and a pirated version of Vista sells for a mere $1 on the streets.
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50 Comments on Only 244 copies of Genuine Windows Vista sold in China
I actually think Microsoft deserves it. Most computer software only has a 1-2 year life and then they are found in the bargin bin or released as a whole new version. And the most you have to pay for a game is $50. Windows XP has been around forever... and the price has always been the same... you never find it in the bargin bin. I think they could afford to drop the price significantly and still make plenty of profit, considering the long shelf life they can expect.
Honestly, they may have to go well below $50 if they want to sell it in places like China.
it's sad but, m$ failed on this part again... almost every windows has been cracked LOL.
Most pirated version of vista that ppl are using are mainly from the net :p anyways...Vista should be sold! at anycost, even free :laugh:
then can stille make the same profit or even more by lowering price and more people buying
Damn, it's a bit more expensive here - about 2-3 $ for any DVD you want, no matter software or game! :-P
and even if there was genuine CD's, no one would be able to buy them. People there earn $100/month, so even pirated CD's that cost ~$1 kinda expensive too. (and they are made out of VERY cheap plastic, many CD's broke in my CD-ROM into pieces.
Vista sux total butt.. I won't even use it for like another 6 months i bet.. it's just sitting in the junk box, waiting to become useful.. but as it is, im glad they got smacked for overpricing for one and for putting out garbage for two.. they made us all kinds of promises about how great vista would be.. and it still sux.. serves em right.. but once they fix it i hope the piracy stops lol.. everyone needs to make money.. Not like Bill gates "needs" it lol.. but no one works for free.
I just cant stress enough how crappy it is they let out such a horrible sub standard product and said how perfect it was the whole time. They straight up lied and used consumers to buy it and fix the problems as they went.. i don't think vista will ever be what it was supposed to be now.. which to me just screams poetic justice.. lol funny thing is once they install vista they'll realise the dollar they spent was a rip id rather run ME... at least it all i saw with vista were errors with non compatibility with software all over the place. we use pinnacle for video editing, yea that barely works. it stalls out every single day multiple times.. games still have issues.. and overclocking with it is a constant headache.
im much happier using xp..
Oh and Bill Gates isn't the only person at Microsoft
Bill gates sold us software then used us as advertisement space like a dam billboard.. sorry, it really urkse me i spent good money on this..
best way i can say it is this... imagine you call every telemarketing company that has ever bugged the hell out of you.. then you pay them hunderds of dollars to bother you everyday.. who would be so stupid? well apparently we are.. because we bought the software.. thats a direct insult as far as im concerned.. i'd like to make Bill gates eat this cd. from the backside.. :nutkick:
and for those of u who think "if you dont like it dont buy it" is a real answer..
please stop saying plainly senseless how do you know what a software does .. unless you use it? common sense.. and had we known what we were getting into.. we wouldn't of bought it.. chew on that for a while..
the software made promises it plainly did not deliver in so many ways i lost count.. it's not even friggin compatible with most software people like to use.. maybe those "engineers" as you so call them need to back to school and learn how to build things that work.. and those "engineers" (who make things that suck) could give 2 chits about our money so believe i could care less about theirs.. i use this for wedding video editing so i know what it does.. it does alot of.. uhm.. sucking.. yep, thats about it.. a whole bunch of sucking.. GET IT?