Tuesday, July 12th 2022

NVIDIA Gives Away Ghostwire Tokyo and DOOM Eternal in Latest Bundle
NVIDIA on Tuesday unveiled the "Face Your Demons" game bundle with new purchases of qualifying GeForce RTX graphics cards. The bundle gives you "Ghostwire Tokyo" and "DOOM Eternal," including the latter's two DLCs, "The Ancient Gods, Part One" and "The Ancient Gods, Part Two." Qualifying graphics cards include the RTX 3080 10 GB, RTX 3080 12 GB, RTX 3080 Ti, RTX 3090, and RTX 3090 Ti. The bundle is available in select regions, through participating retailers. NVIDIA add-in-card (AIC) partners will hand out vouchers with each purchase, which can be redeemed for the two games. Both Ghostwire Tokyo and DOOM Eternal support real-time ray tracing, and NVIDIA DLSS performance enhancement.
17 Comments on NVIDIA Gives Away Ghostwire Tokyo and DOOM Eternal in Latest Bundle
Anyone parting with a grand or more to buy a soon to be replaced GPU must be seriously out of the loop and/or soft in the head. If all it takes to lure them in is 2 games, 1 of which is old af and can be found 75% off at any given sale, and the other despite only being a few months old has already surpassed half-off ...
My take is lot of unfinished builds or i9's with 1030's being complete and a complete distrust for miner cards.
Fwiw I have no bitter side taste, launch day 3080 at msrp is quite a good after-taste really, but I realise that wasn't the reality for mant customers.
Even though not too long ago (just a couple of years really) the gaming segment was their primary market. Additionally, the 'maker' also posted regularly about how bad it all was, how little they could do, and how much they tried helping us with nonsense like LHR cards. Gimped products to help consumers. And how many sheep fell for that one?
There is a shared responsibility here. Maker and market. And the market is us, let's be real. As long as we are greedy motherfuckers, we will be taken advantage of. Who's really on top of that pyramid...
Both buyer and seller jumped for short term gain at the expense of long term stability. Rest assured these big waves of shit availability and pricing harmed the gaming market.
It's a bit of a shit show all around, I can only hope that both Ada and RDNA3 aren't (massively) desirable for miners.
Scalpers though, they saw a market they could exploit and I 100% expect them back in full force, at least for the first days and weeks.
I'm sure what you said has some truth, but it's not the only truth.
Game bundles don't interest me because generally the games they offer are games have no interest in.
Take for example the games offered here:
The new Doom games are boring....they're like playing Serious Sam or Painkiller - run around non-stop and constantly shoot.
Ghostwire Tokyo - never heard of it and the game has been out for 4 or 5 months. Either this shows how much out of touch I am with new games coming out or that the game just never sparked my interest and I forgot it was even coming out.
On the one hand: was able to get a free upgrade of new PSU and RTX 3090
On the right hand: I got nothing else for all the money spent that wasn't mine....no freebies, no game coupons, no discounts, not even a poster
I know I'm missing something here, but I can't quite put my finger on it....
You aren't getting jack **** for free. Where the hell is my sheep emoji? lol