Thursday, August 4th 2022
Intel Arc Board Partners are Reportedly Stopping Production, Encountering Quality Issues
According to sources close to Igor Wallossek from Igor's lab, Intel's upcoming Arc Alchemist discrete graphics card lineup is in trouble. As the anonymous sources state, certain add-in board (AIB) partners are having difficulty adopting the third GPU manufacturer into their offerings. As we learn, AIBs are sitting on a pile of NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. This pile is decreasing in price daily and losing value, so it needs to be moved quickly. Secondly, Intel is reportedly suggesting AIBs ship cards to OEMs and system integrators to start the market spread of the new Arc dGPUs. This business model is inherently lower margin compared to selling GPUs directly to consumers.
Last but not least, it is reported that at least one major AIB is stopping the production of custom Arc GPUs due to quality concerns. What this means is yet to be uncovered, and we have to wait and see which AIB (or AIBs) is stepping out of the game. All of this suggests that the new GPU lineup is on the verge of extinction, even before it has launched. However, we are sure that the market will adapt and make a case for the third GPU maker. Of course, these predictions should be taken with a grain of salt, and we await more information to confirm those issues.
Igor's Lab
Last but not least, it is reported that at least one major AIB is stopping the production of custom Arc GPUs due to quality concerns. What this means is yet to be uncovered, and we have to wait and see which AIB (or AIBs) is stepping out of the game. All of this suggests that the new GPU lineup is on the verge of extinction, even before it has launched. However, we are sure that the market will adapt and make a case for the third GPU maker. Of course, these predictions should be taken with a grain of salt, and we await more information to confirm those issues.
133 Comments on Intel Arc Board Partners are Reportedly Stopping Production, Encountering Quality Issues
Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
As for the quality of that prep, well.
I might have to buy a grey import one before they're gone for good at this rate.
Just to mess about with etc.
Quoting your own post IN THE SAME POST ... that's next level.
What did Raja design at AMD?
What's the little while dot on top of a pile of chicken shit?
It's chicken shit too.
At the same time intel were just lazy and were pouring money to OEM and retails just so that the latter don't sell or recommend AMD.
Oh, well I'm canceling everything possible not needed right now to save money so I can still eat good and raise my family. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE ELSE!
It's still rock solid, plus it's earned itself twice and done thousands of F@h work units.
Shit, Vega was his best work!!.
Crashing prices and slower then expected Ramp of Demand have led to severe overstock
Combine all of that with Rumors swirling about Production and silicon level defects The AIBs want nothing todo with arc
I was really hoping the the rumors of train wreak and mismanagement where just scuttlebut but its looking more and more like Intel Royally Screwed The Pooch and there entire product stack is now DOA