Tuesday, August 23rd 2022

ASRock Arc A380 Challenger Listed on Newegg for $139
ASRock's Arc A380 "Alchemist" graphics card is now available for purchase on US retailer Newegg for USD $139.99. The card is sold and shipped by Newegg from the US-based warehouses, and isn't a marketplace listing that imports them from foreign retailers. The ASRock A380 Challenger is a close-to-reference card that runs the A380 at slightly overclocked speeds, draws power from a single 8-pin PCIe power connector, and uses a simple aluminium monoblock fan-heatsink to cool the GPU. Based on the Xe-HPG graphics architecture, the Arc A380 features 1,024 unified shaders, meets DirectX 12 Ultimate API specs (which includes ray tracing), and comes with readiness for the XeSS performance enhancement. The card has 6 GB of GDDR6 memory across a 96-bit memory bus.
18 Comments on ASRock Arc A380 Challenger Listed on Newegg for $139
Will Consider Intel GPU after 3 or 5 Gen of Driver Optimizations & Hardware iterations.
But I'd argue a good power control IC+stages and BIOS would handle spikes better than just adding a higher-rated connector hoping the rest of the board just takes it like a champ.
Seems pretty clear since they ended the oc warranty program
You toast it and no warranty
Now how does Intel know you oc'ed it to death ?
Never add to much information to give that away and just say it died on startup one morning :laugh:
Collectors item
Could be hung on wall of shame :D
Next to my ek monoblocks
If the options are similar in USA like in Europe, it has essentially 2 alternative options:
Either pay $10 more for a similar brand/model RX6400 4GB
or pay $10 less for a similar brand/model RX 550 4GB
Nvidia has nothing below $150 with these criteria.