Thursday, August 25th 2022

Denuvo Introduces Industry First Nintendo Switch DRM Protection

Denuvo by Irdeto, is pleased to unveil a revolutionary technology to protect games launching on Nintendo Switch from piracy. The announcement comes as the video gaming industry is gathered for this year's Gamescom, currently taking place in Cologne, Germany. Nintendo consoles have long suffered from piracy issues and the Switch is no different. Even if a game is protected against piracy on its PC version, the released version on Switch can be emulated from day one and played on PC, therefore bypassing the strong protections offered on the PC version. This can happen with any of the numerous games available on Switch.

By preventing piracy on Switch while blocking unauthorized emulations on PC, studios are able to increase their revenue during the game launch window, which is the most important period in regard to monetization. The Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection will ensure that anyone wishing to play the game has to buy a legitimate copy.
As with all other Denuvo solutions, the technology integrates seamlessly into the build toolchain with no impact on the gaming experience. It then allows for the insertion of checks into the code, which blocks gameplay on emulators.

"We at Denuvo understand that piracy negatively affects the gaming industry and are working with the industry parties to ensure they have the latest protection technologies available for them. Our team is excited to provide a solution that helps the developers and publishers to help fight the issue of Nintendo Switch piracy," said Reinhard Blaukovitsch, Managing Director at Denuvo by Irdeto.

Even though it is hard to pinpoint the exact number of players who emulate Switch games on PC, it is easy to find online forums dedicated to emulation and piracy. The most popular groups have more than one million followers each. Recent research conducted by Irdeto in collaboration with Omdia found that 84% of game developers are continuously concerned about tampering and piracy. The study also found that 93% of those using anti-cheat and anti-tamper solutions are satisfied with the protection and value brought by game protection technologies.
Source: Denuvo
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51 Comments on Denuvo Introduces Industry First Nintendo Switch DRM Protection

mechtechI wonder what the actual drm cost is vs guestimated piracy losses???

If actual piracy could be actually measured, it would be funny if the drm cost more than it saved.
see below.
TheDeeGeeIt probably does cost more, and on top of that it slaps paying customers in the face with a performance hit.
It was talked about a while ago, but I remember it was said that Denovo is a flat rate. Piracy is calculated in so many different ways it will make your head spin, it varies from publisher to publisher, but you can guarantee a highly embellished amount of piracy. Most piracy stats are in $$$$ not in units, they cannot count how many actual units were distributed so as i said, its a guess.
AsRockgot to love patents huh, why you think other company'(s) want you to buy seedless fruit
Its MY bowl of cherries!
Posted on Reply
sam_86314Though to be perfectly honest, I almost find it more morally correct to financially support people who make patches rather than lining the pockets of some shitty game publisher who swears that DRM stops piracy (it doesn't).
The bad implications aside, if no one does this, we run the serious risk of in a couple of years we have a serious amount of games that no one will ever be able to play again. All it takes is for Denuvo or a publisher to go down and they don't release the original exe without DRM, or they simply don't care to. We are totally dependent on their servers and goodwill to play these games we own.

And Nintendo itself is notoriously guilty of making games unplayable forever.

edit for grammar
Posted on Reply
DeathtoGnomesGOG only carries games without DRM.
That's not really true though. No Denuvo on GOG though.
Note: The majority of my games are on GOG.
DeathtoGnomesWelcome to the #FkDenuvo club. :D
This curator is vital for any members as it highlights games that have it, had it removed, or if Denuvo-less versions are available on other stores.
Posted on Reply
A common mistake is counting each pirated copy as a lost sale. Simply not true for a variety of reasons. The main reason is assuming that if gamers can't pirate a copy then they would have to buy it but so many can't afford to buy it anyway so that's not lost sales. Some pirate games because they want to try the game first before spending $60 (soon to be $70 on it) and some pirate games if they have Denuvo simply because they hate Denuvo.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
Wow, emulator blockers.

What level of scummery will they resort to next
Posted on Reply
AM4isGODI play switch games on an EMU, not sure how it will work on that.
You're the target then.

This is not actually about the Switch or even Nintendo themselves. Third party developers are upset because if they release on Switch the Switch ROM will be dumped and pirated and then played for free via emulation on the PC, costing the developer sales on the PC.

The goal will be hardware updates on the switch and then DRM in the games. This won't stop everything, but it will cause enough delays and pain that some people will buy the game through Steam rather than pirate it.

It's not really Nintendo itself. Nintendo is actually a hardware company. They make tons of money through the Switch, the minis, etc. So the emulation doesn't hurt them all that bad. What would kill them instantly though is releasing their IPs on say the PC. The day Zelda shows up PC it kills their hardware and then the company goes under and then Zelda is gone forever. Which is why everyone asking for this to happen is either beyond stupid or just wants Nintendo to die.
MusselsWow, emulator blockers.

What level of scummery will they resort to next
It wasn't really them driving it. It was companies that release on Switch and the PC driving it. PC gamers are fucking those companies over, Nintendo is a hardware company. It's been a known issue for a long time that releasing on Switch creates an emulated situation which eats into your Steam sales. That's not a problem for Nintendo, since they aren't stupid enough to destroy their company by putting stuff on the PC.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORYou're the target then.

This is not actually about the Switch or even Nintendo themselves. Third party developers are upset because if they release on Switch the Switch ROM will be dumped and pirated and then played for free via emulation on the PC, costing the developer sales on the PC.

The goal will be hardware updates on the switch and then DRM in the games. This won't stop everything, but it will cause enough delays and pain that some people will buy the game through Steam rather than pirate it.

It's not really Nintendo itself. Nintendo is actually a hardware company. They make tons of money through the Switch, the minis, etc. So the emulation doesn't hurt them all that bad. What would kill them instantly though is releasing their IPs on say the PC. The day Zelda shows up PC it kills their hardware and then the company goes under and then Zelda is gone forever. Which is why everyone asking for this to happen is either beyond stupid or just wants Nintendo to die.

It wasn't really them driving it. It was companies that release on Switch and the PC driving it. PC gamers are fucking those companies over, Nintendo is a hardware company. It's been a known issue for a long time that releasing on Switch creates an emulated situation which eats into your Steam sales. That's not a problem for Nintendo, since they aren't stupid enough to destroy their company by putting stuff on the PC.
I do have an actual switch, and have spent a lot of money on games from the store. People can think what they like. I have been called a pirate before, then showed all the games on my steam account, usually shuts them up.
64KA common mistake is counting each pirated copy as a lost sale. Simply not true for a variety of reasons. The main reason is assuming that if gamers can't pirate a copy then they would have to buy it but so many can't afford to buy it anyway so that's not lost sales. Some pirate games because they want to try the game first before spending $60 (soon to be $70 on it) and some pirate games if they have Denuvo simply because they hate Denuvo.
On steam especially, i will not buy a £60 game without trying it first. A lot of games on my steam account are ones I have tried first, then bought on the steam store. As for my Switch EMU, why not, sometimes i don't want to play on the switch, so i play them on my PC monitor with a Xbox one S pad. I have probably spent about £4-600 just on switch games alone from the ninty store, does not give me the right to play my backups, but I will not stop doing it, and will not stop buying the games either.
Posted on Reply
ShihabI think people are unfairly bashing Nintendo here (them being ip trolls is fair game tho). This sounds more like an third party thing than a platform-provided solution. The press release avoids mentioning Nintendo as a party to this, and I would be surprised if any console maker let a third party into what could probably be their most guarded secrets and let them market it independently.

And who thought a software solution to a problem that hardware failed at is a smart way to go? AND market it to developers who already budget every last kilobyte and clock cycle?
It is not unfair at all, their platform does not remotely have the extra oomph to power this POS software that only hurts users.
Posted on Reply
PatriotIt is not unfair at all, their platform does not remotely have the extra oomph to power this POS software that only hurts users.
"Unfair" in that Nintendo (probably) isn't behind this tech. No more than Microsoft or Valve are blame for the original Denuvo anti-tamper ruining performance on RE Village, etc.
Posted on Reply
As with all other Denuvo solutions, the technology integrates seamlessly into the build toolchain with no impact on the gaming experience.
This is complete bullshit.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORYou're the target then.

This is not actually about the Switch or even Nintendo themselves. Third party developers are upset because if they release on Switch the Switch ROM will be dumped and pirated and then played for free via emulation on the PC, costing the developer sales on the PC.

The goal will be hardware updates on the switch and then DRM in the games. This won't stop everything, but it will cause enough delays and pain that some people will buy the game through Steam rather than pirate it.

It's not really Nintendo itself. Nintendo is actually a hardware company. They make tons of money through the Switch, the minis, etc. So the emulation doesn't hurt them all that bad. What would kill them instantly though is releasing their IPs on say the PC. The day Zelda shows up PC it kills their hardware and then the company goes under and then Zelda is gone forever. Which is why everyone asking for this to happen is either beyond stupid or just wants Nintendo to die.

It wasn't really them driving it. It was companies that release on Switch and the PC driving it. PC gamers are fucking those companies over, Nintendo is a hardware company. It's been a known issue for a long time that releasing on Switch creates an emulated situation which eats into your Steam sales. That's not a problem for Nintendo, since they aren't stupid enough to destroy their company by putting stuff on the PC.
Ugh. Your post seems to say that all PC gamers are pirates. Releasing Zelda on PC would be stupid and destroy Nintendo? Come on. You've got to be trolling, right?
Posted on Reply
AM4isGODI have been called a pirate before,
Children that are jealous say this often.
AM4isGODOn steam especially, i will not buy a £60 game without trying it first. A lot of games on my steam account are ones I have tried first, then bought on the steam store.
anything over $40 that I want will be watched on Twitch first, and look up reviews 2nd. Better games will have Demos to play, a trend thats been in decay for a while.
hatUgh. Your post seems to say that all PC gamers are pirates. Releasing Zelda on PC would be stupid and destroy Nintendo? Come on. You've got to be trolling, right?
Eeek not this rumor again! I remember this was in the news back in....
Posted on Reply
hatUgh. Your post seems to say that all PC gamers are pirates. Releasing Zelda on PC would be stupid and destroy Nintendo? Come on. You've got to be trolling, right?
Not all pc gamers are pirates. But the catch is that Nintendo makes it's money from hardware as well. They aren't Sony or MS where they sell the hardware at a loss and the scoop up in software later. Nintendo makes money off their hardware and their own IPs first and foremost. They do not need to fuck themselves sideways on their hardware business by releasing on PC yet arrogant dipshits constantly scream they should tank their main hardware business and release on PC because PC MASTER RACE HEIL PC MEIN PC over and over and over. It's just stupid and idiotic and played out by now.

Nintendo works and lives because they can sell hardware at a profit, end of story. Even Sony and xbox fans are swift enough to get this it is only the MEIN PC camp that constantly stamps their footsies and throws tantrums that a company doesn't destroy it self to humor their favorite platform. This is the attitude of a crack baby who just hit age six.

We also do know that piracy, cheating, and all sorts of other crap is vastly more common on the PC than any other platform. All this anti piracy, anti cheat, and other crap only exists because of PC gaming because it's simply not an issue on consoles really. So that PC gamers fucked another thing up, yet again, as always, set your watch to it, and then scream and throw tantrums and start to suggest the solution is to blow up a company rather than straighten their own crap it is so utterly laughable it's like watching a four year old shit themselves to prove a point.

It's OK, we have a pacifier for you, go suck on it.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
@SOAREVERSOR well, yes, it's clearly all the fault of PC users. Obviously.

Who paid you to write this drivel?
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORNot all pc gamers are pirates. But the catch is that Nintendo makes it's money from hardware as well. They aren't Sony or MS where they sell the hardware at a loss and the scoop up in software later. Nintendo makes money off their hardware and their own IPs first and foremost. They do not need to fuck themselves sideways on their hardware business by releasing on PC yet arrogant dipshits constantly scream they should tank their main hardware business and release on PC because PC MASTER RACE HEIL PC MEIN PC over and over and over. It's just stupid and idiotic and played out by now.

Nintendo works and lives because they can sell hardware at a profit, end of story. Even Sony and xbox fans are swift enough to get this it is only the MEIN PC camp that constantly stamps their footsies and throws tantrums that a company doesn't destroy it self to humor their favorite platform. This is the attitude of a crack baby who just hit age six.

We also do know that piracy, cheating, and all sorts of other crap is vastly more common on the PC than any other platform. All this anti piracy, anti cheat, and other crap only exists because of PC gaming because it's simply not an issue on consoles really. So that PC gamers fucked another thing up, yet again, as always, set your watch to it, and then scream and throw tantrums and start to suggest the solution is to blow up a company rather than straighten their own crap it is so utterly laughable it's like watching a four year old shit themselves to prove a point.

It's OK, we have a pacifier for you, go suck on it.
Right. Console fanboys don't exist, piracy doesn't happen on consoles, cheating doesn't happen on consoles, and poor Nintendo just doesn't know what to do with the angry mob of evil PC gamers laying siege to their headquarters until they release Mario and Zelda on PC, so they can obviously use cheats on their pirated copies, forcing Nintendo to hire some very shady electrical "contractors" just so they can keep their lights on with stolen electricity because they can no longer afford to pay their bills because everyone pirated Zelda and Mario and nobody is buying it on Switch, and then the entire building explodes due to the shady stolen electricity, actually killing everyone who ever worked at Nintendo, thus killing the franchise. All because the PC gamers collectively pirated the games and apparently shat themselves in victory while watching the building crumble.

Posted on Reply
When the Switch is already suffering from the weak SOC, adding DRM that eats up more resources is just plain silly. It is well known by now that Denuvo creates more problem than solve problems (always temporary). Anyone putting their faith in anything man made, thinking that it is safe and secure, is just lying to themselves.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
DRM like this will just make the consoles die a faster death

Look at how the PS2 still lives on due to the modding community, keeping the old abandoned games alive - and sales of what should be dead hardware going, with controllers and such
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
MusselsDRM like this will just make the consoles die a faster death

Look at how the PS2 still lives on due to the modding community, keeping the old abandoned games alive - and sales of what should be dead hardware going, with controllers and such
Indeed, DRM is never about expanding a market, but constraining it for short term profit and even that doesn't always work.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORNot all pc gamers are pirates. Butt, *gibberish* ... >
Not all...pirates are gamers. Pirates that do 'game things' are usually out for profit, nothing else. Hackers that try to crack code just for the sake of doing it. When they do they either freely share or sell. So saying any gamers are pirates at all is thin. We buy games so why cant we do our own ports to other platforms for personal use? The line in the sand is sharing it with friends and torrenting them. This percentage is rather very small.

Sure the EULA say we cant be we all know EULAs are heavily ignored when it comes to personal use. IMHO, EULAs are all in bad faith, especially privacy ones.
Posted on Reply
Shihab"Unfair" in that Nintendo (probably) isn't behind this tech. No more than Microsoft or Valve are blame for the original Denuvo anti-tamper ruining performance on RE Village, etc.
Nintendo heavily restricts their ecosystem and has to approve your game, 100% at fault, as is steam to a lesser degree for any Denuvo title. Unfortunately as much as I may not liike Microsoft, they would only be liable for things on their store, not OS. You have more options on PC to avoid Denuvo variants, with consoles... its up to the manufacturer. Nintendo in this case is clearly not testing the performance of their games.
Posted on Reply
PatriotNintendo in this case is clearly not testing the performance of their games.
Aren't we jumping the gun here? There are no games yet released with these anti-emulation checks for Nintendo - or anyone - to "test the performance" of them. Besides, saying that this tech would definitely and significantly affect performance is just conjecture at this point.
No, how Denuvo works on PC is no indication whatsoever. Different software, different hardware, and -most importantly- different scope.
PatriotNintendo heavily restricts their ecosystem and has to approve your game
All platform maintainers have restrictions and require approval, but this has little to do with performance, more with not effing up/crashing/bricking the platform. Performance has always been the responsibility of the developer. A platform maintainer would, at most, pull out a poorly-performing game post-release (a la Cyberpunk 2077), and that's a rare -and afaik recent- phenomenon.
Of course, talking about who should ensure the game performs well is moot at this point. At least until we know the actual performance-costs of the tech.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
BorisDGWow that cancer on Nintendo also... imagine not able to use your physical games at some point.
In a way they already do this... Lots of Nintendo games can no longer be purchased directly from Nintendo both in physical or digital forms. This leaves honest people at the whims of scalpers on ebay or brick and mortar second hand shops who will no doubt raise the prices of these "commodities" while Nintendo goes around a files a lawsuit against every website that hosts any of their roms for people to freely download

Nintendo: "We dont want you to pirate our games, Piracy very baed"

Also Nintendo: "We dont want to sell you THOSE games"

Everyone else with the remaining physical or digital copies of unobtainable Nintendo games: "Its free real estate!"

I think there was an original Zelda game for the SNES in original packaging that sold for something like $6million. Ah.... It was something more like $870,000

Gotta love the big corporations that love to create artificial shortages of their goods while leaving you no means to obtain their wares either by legitimate or illegitimate channels.

Its almost like Nintendo have skin in the second hand market game. Some of their executives probably own a lot of old unobtainable Nintendo games and they dont want to devalue what they have by doing limited production runs or selling digital copies of old forgotten games

Not being able to obtain or buy a game via legit or illegit means is the best form of DRM there is.
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseLots of Nintendo games can no longer be purchased directly from Nintendo both in physical or digital forms.
Lots? The only one which comes to my mind is Super Mario 3D All-Stars.
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